chapter 19 (part 1)
TRIGGER WARNING: Does mention attempted rape, drug use, and mentions of suicide. Read at your own risk, and stay safe my loves💓
"Babe are you sure you want to go through with this?"
"It's not like I have a choice at this point." Jimin sighed, leaning his head against the window. He watched as cars flew by, surprised that Jungkook hasn't been pulled over by any police cars for going well over the speed limit.
"You know..." Jungkook couldn't find the right pairing of words to comfort his boyfriend at the moment, so he decided that silence was the best answer. It was tense in the car, as Jimin would give him occasional side glances, still wondering in the back of his mind on what he wanted to say. He saw Jungkook's grip on the wheel becoming tighter, as they got closer to the heart of Seoul, and to his job.
"Jimin...can I ask you an honest question?" Giving him yet another side glance, Jimin made a soft sound, letting him know he was acknowledging him.
"Do you think Taehyung knew about what she was doing the entire time?" Now turning his head towards Jungkook, he sighed, knowing he was far more worried for him than he was for himself. "I mean, this can cost you your job, future job-"
"Jungkook?" He paused, looking at him for a brief second since they were now at a stoplight.
"Shut up. The lights green."
Stepping on the gas pedal, he drove down the street and into the side parking lot of the strip club. A squad car was parked two cars away from them, only adding to the growing tension.
"I really never wanted to be a stripper you was my only way of supporting the tiny bit of family I had left." He looked over at the club, still admiring the bright lights and lewd advertisements that he once hated when he first applied to the job. "It gave me a good income, and now I don't even if I'm gonna be able to pay for college, or my house."
Parking the car, he sat there, listening to Jimin ramble off, then saw tears forming in his eyes.
"Jimin..." He motioned him to sit on his lap, which he obliged to, then had two arms wrap around him.
"Don't even worry about any of that. If anything, you're staying with me, or Hoseok...but I prefer if it was me." He smiled, wiping his lover's eyes and cupping his face.
"You know I wouldn't let you suffer by yourself. We may not have been dating long, but I'm sure if this is what love feels like, I'm not letting you go. Whatever happens today, whether it's good or bad, I'm going to be there no matter what."
Jimin's phone buzzed, and 'Boss' appeared on the notifications screen.
Boss: 'Where the hell are you? 10 minutes Jimin.'
His heart sank, but felt a pair of lips on his own, making him smile from the unexpected peck.
"I'll be outside waiting for you." Stepping out the car, he walked Jimin step into the club, anxiously waiting for him to come out soon.
As if on cue, he noticed another car pull up, and Taehyung, along with another man in a suit with a briefcase step out, and walk into the strip club.
'Maybe I underestimated him a little too much.'
Stepping into the club, he knew it didn't open until about 7pm . It was dead, since nobody usually showed up until 5 to start setting up. Jackson almost never showed up until the time the employees work, so for this to happen, Jimin knew he was beyond livid for coming at 3:30.
As he grew closer to the room, a faint conversation came into earshot, with the voices being both familiar and unfamiliar. Opening the door, Jackson sat at his desk, hands folded, with a few small bags of what looked like powder right in front of him. One officer had his head down, waiting for the right time to say anything that needed to be said.
"Do you wanna explain this?" Jackson's voice was low, but dripping with venom. Jimin immediately felt his anxiety shoot throughout his body, knowing he didn't have anything to do with whatever was going on.
"Jackson I really don't have anything to do with this-"
"Then why the hell was your name brought up? They were found in a worker's bag."
He knew exactly who he was implying on, but didn't want to make himself seem guilty. Jackson took Jimin's silence to continue on figuring out the case, before the officer had to say anything. He knew damn well Jimin was terrified, and truthfully, under his hard exterior, he was as well.
"Do you realize that you're not only screwing yourself over by not saying the truth, but this entire situation can get even messier than it is now?"
Before the blond haired male could say anything more, a knock was heard from the outside of the office. Jackson nodded, signaling the officer to let whoever was knocking in, and soon, a man with a briefcase walked in, bowing to both him, and the officer.
"Hello, I'm here on behalf of Park Jimin." He sat down in the seat right next to Jimin, who was currently looking down and picking at a hangnail on his right thumb. The officer looked at him, then back at Jackson, wondering what the next move should be.
"Well, hello sir. May we go on with the questions?" The attorney nodded, and Jackson's eyes shifted back towards Jimin. The officer in the room decided to finally take control, and take one of the bags that was filled with the powdery substance.
"Do you remember anything that day?" Jimin then explained how he had to do overtime that day, since he needed the money to pay off his rent. Not changing his expression, he then looked at the attorney, waiting for him to speak.
"From the evidence I have, one of his colleagues had sent me this audio. I hope this will be found very helpful." He then pulled out his phone, and played the audio, which shocked everyone in the room with the dialogue that was happening between Sumi and...
"Sumi, you know I could go to jail for this? I don't want to do it, I'm friends with Jimin and you need to get over your obsession with Jungkook."
"Aren't you supposed to be my fucking friend Jennie? Aren't you supposed to have my back, you know how much I want him and I need to show him that I'm the one for him. You know I don't care who gets in my way, I get whatever I want."
"So what? I may be your friend, but that doesn't mean I'll destroy a person's life because I'm your friend. Putting drugs in someone's bag and saying you got date raped isn't cool, that's insanity. Honestly I should call the police on you."
There was a brief pause, before Jennie's voice was heard once again.
The attorney then paused the clip, and decided to continue on with speaking.
"Jimin supposedly was out of the building when this happened. One of his friends who was questioned separately actually recalled saying goodbye to Jimin, which was before the bags were found. But with the audio, this kinda proves that Jimin had absolutely nothing to do with this."
The officer slowly nodded, then looked at the papers, and back at his attorney.
"The audio should explain enough. Who was the voice who said no? The officer then looked towards Jimin, who now visibly showed that he was definitely scared.
"She my friend...Jennie. She comes here sometimes when I need stuff like food..." He couldn't even look the officer in the eye, he just wanted to get out as soon as possible. At least he had off from work today.
"Well, we'll get back to you on this. But Jimin...can I ask you a question?" He nodded, still looking at the ground.
"That Sumi you know anything about her?"
Jimin felt his heart drop. 'Yes, she's crazy. Manipulative.' But could he really say that? She hurt those around me. The people I love...' But he couldn't bring himself to say those sentences in his head. The most he could mutter out was the generic 'yes' and maybe a small generic sentence on how he went to school with her.
But why couldn't he get those sentences out? They say telling the truth will solve everything. Just comply, and it'll be alright, you're covered now. But what about those around you? Those who mean the most to him? Jungkook will most likely get hell for it, and the last thing Jimin ever wanted was for his first stable relationship to deteriorate because of a situation that wasn't his fault.
So he gave the bare minimum. After the police officer and attorney questioned them a little bit more, they eventually left. Jackson looked at Jimin, and ordered him to face him.
"Jimin look at me." Jimin, now taking his eyes off the ground and made contact with Jackson, he saw the now oddly calm expression he had on his face.
"If anyone knows you're scared more than anyone, it's me. And I also know that you definitely knew more than what you said."
Jimin never saw Jackson as a second father, a brother, a friend...just a boss. For him to be talking so casually to him all of a sudden, it was almost suspicious that he was now almost nonchalant about it.
"Be honest with me Jimin. How much do you know about Sumi?" Jimin still didn't say much to Jackson, but then with a simple sentence, he almost gave himself away.
" that means you know about Joy?"
As if almost on cue, Taehyung walked in, giving off a faint smile and patting Jimin on the back and motioning for him to come out of the room. He looked at Jackson, who nodded, and then stood up and walked out of the room.
"How did everything go?" Taehyung, attempting to make some form of small talk with him, which didn't go well when Jimin gave his very simple one worded answers.
They walked towards Jungkook's car, and saw him playing a game and...what seemed like now rage quitting as he chucked his phone onto the backseat and slamming the car horn. Jimin couldn't help but smile and tap on the window, which startles his boyfriend. He went wide-eyed, praying that they didn't see that explosive scene that was far from necessary.
Rolling down the window, Jimin opened the car by reaching his hand in, and sliding into the passenger seat, while Taehyung decided to stay outside.
"How did it go?" Jungkook first made eye contact with Taehyung, then quickly shifted over to Jimin. He stayed silent as he got in the car, and they both waved to Taehyung before driving off.
Still having his question unanswered, Jungkook was about to speak up again, but was cut off by a question he definitely didn't expect.
"Jungkook? Who is Joy?" The dark haired male almost stopped the car in the middle of the highway when he heard his ex girlfriends name come out of his mouth. His jaw clenched, trying his best to think of a topic changer to avoid reopening a wound he just wanted to fade.
Joy. His Joy. He was haunted by that name in so many ways he just couldn't explain, especially after finding out the truth years later.
"My...ex-girlfriend." He swallowed thickly, but out of pure curiosity, Jimin decided to question more, not knowing the effect it was really having on his lover.
"Did she mean something to you-"
"Babe do you want Burger King?" Shocked by the abrupt cut off, Jimin decided to save it for later, or when he was ready. He muttered a soft yes, looking at Jungkook's firm grip on the wheel. The rest of the car ride was Jimin explaining the overall gist of what happened in the club with the officer and the attorney.
When they got back to Hoseok's apartment, Jungkook locked the car door and slumped in the seat. Confused, Jimin turned to Jungkook with a raised eyebrow.
"She was my ex- well now dead ex-girlfriend. It was way before you came along Jimin. I promise...but." He then swallowed again, trying to find the right words to make sure the blonde doesn't take it the wrong way.
"She meant a lot to me...she was my first love." Jimin couldn't help but feel a little bit stung by that sentence, but he also understood his pain in a weird way.
"She killed herself because of a rumor...and I'm probably the reason that set off her breaking point. I didn't even think twice before snapping at her... I just assumed." He felt himself choking up, then took a deep breath, and continued.
"Why- Why are you doing this?" Joy said through sobs as she laid on the floor, clothes torn and had one of her classmates laying on top of her. Taehyung stood there, deadpanned as he held his phone camera near them, with his sister by his side. He felt guilty, wanting to stop his sister, but deep down he knew it would go absolutely nowhere.
"Because I deserve Jungkook and you don't. Haven't you heard of the term stay away from what's not yours?"
"BUT HE WAS NEVER YOURS!" Joy screamed as he tried to wriggle free, but the boy was much stronger. He was between her legs, pretending to act surprised as she clearly showed distress on her face.
To her dismay, the camera didn't catch her facial expressions, only making her look more guilty. Joy was hysterical at this point, not knowing if she was going to make it off the top floor or not.
As Taehyung sent the pictures to his best friend at the time, he felt a weight sitting in his stomach. He knew this was wrong, but this was over everything...right? He looked over at Yugyeom, who really wanted no part of it. He just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
As the classmate got off her, he went back to his class as if nothing happened. The three girls and Sumi decided to go to the bathroom before finishing Joy off, but before they could even come back, a red faced, coconut haired boy slammed the door open with pure rage.
"Joy, what the fuck is this?" Joy couldn't even speak. She was terrified of Jungkook when he became angry, and after being nearly raped...the fear took over her voice.
"Kookie-" She stood up, slightly wobbling while her soon to be ex gave her a dark chuckle.
"What? You can't even stand up properly after he was done with you? Did I ever mean anything to you? Was I even good enough for you?"
Each sentence only ripped Joy's heart into tinier and tinier pieces as he continued to degrade her with question. He then spotted the necklace that he gave her for their one year anniversary, and exploded.
"You go to fuck a guy, be a goddamn slut for any dick that's thrown at you, just to make me look stupid while doing it Are you that much of a sadist, seeing me like this?" He then walked closer to her, and snatched the necklace right off her neck.
"We're fucking done. I hope you're happy." Joy watched her boyfriend walk off, without saying a word. Sumi walked back in the room, while Taehyung went to go calm Jungkook down, which left her all alone to fend for herself.
Sumi saw this advantage, and beat her until she bled. The three girls held her down while Sumi ruthlessly punched and kicked at her, enjoying the wails and screams that remained unanswered.
"He deserved better." With that, Sumi left with her friends, leaving Joy to cry by herself, now contemplating her life.
As each following day passed, she became more of an outcast to her peers. Jungkook refused to even look at her, while Taehyung just had to play along. He knew it was wrong...he knew it was so wrong. Yugyeom stopped hanging out with them that week, but was too afraid to talk to Joy himself. He watched as Sumi would constantly torment her, and eventually, ended up being Jungkook's girlfriend.
Three days after the incident, Joy happened to be going to the bathroom to make sure her new bruises weren't visible. The last thing she needed was for officials to get into this. Sumi had power, so it definitely wouldn't end well. However, when she turned the corner, she saw a shiny object in his head.
The necklace that he ripped off her neck. He was giving it to her.
"I know this is really sudden but... I trust you with this. You deserve it after being there for me." Sumi fake gasped as she jumped with excitement, putting on the necklace and kissing Jungkook on the cheek.
Joy walked across the school to use the bathroom, but instead of just going, she threw up all the contents of her stomach.
Another three days pass by, and she received yet another beating by Sumi and her friends. Joy was done. Was she happy? She finally had Jungkook. She won the fight. Why was she still tormenting her? She lost her friends, nobody even dared to be within 10 feet of her.
And Joy had enough.
This is literally 12 pages guys, and I don't want you reading forever so I decided to split this into two parts. The second part will have a trigger warning, because it does have a suicide scene, but guys...shit hits the FAN REAL QUICK
Also, an update on my last A/N? I'm doing a lot better than before. My mental health has become more stable so I can start writing again. I'm actually coming out with a new story after this book ends, so check that out when you're ready! 💜
Also, my tater tots, because this story has hit 20.9K...I wanted to so something special for you. 🎉
IT'S A Q/A! So if you want to ask me questions pertaining to this book, or just about life, drop it in the comment section!
=💖 Love Yourself, Love Myself 💖=
~🌸 Ally 🌸~
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