chapter 16
'Not this bullshit again.'
Jungkook's eyes widened at the words that came out of his best friends mouth. He knew damn well Taehyung has had blood on his hands before, and he isn't afraid to resort back to that state at any time. Being a major CEO's son meant he had many people to cover up past incidents where he was very close to killing people, but when ti came to his sister, all bets were off.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me. His sister is delusional as hell, but honestly Jungkook you've got a lot going for you right now."
"Yeah, no shit Yugyeom. But what do I do?" Dealing with tons of stress was never his forte, and it definitely didn't help in this situation.
"I mean you fessed up to him already, and he didn't believe you. It's just a matter of protecting Jimin from not only Taehyung, but from his yandere reject that he claims as his sister." Checking his phone, he saw Taehyung had actually texted him close to an hour ago. He didn't expect the text to be something cheerful whatsoever, but the text he sent definitely made him question his intentions.
Alien 👽: 'I know you left, but can I just meet up with you after class? I have a few questions.'
Alien 👽: 'I can't face Jungkook at the moment. I need some time to rationalize my thoughts to understand what's going on.'
The fact Taehyung sounded desperate just by using words slightly scared him, but this may be a chance to finally get an understanding of where his friend's hatred of Jimin may stem from. From the beginning, when Jimin transferred to the school-
Wait, should he even mention that? It was too soon of an assumption, but still, the incomplete thought could be a potential answer. Yugyeom was a very observant person, and had a tendency of always noticing the little things when it came to interactions between friends. But once Jimin came..everything just shifted for the worst.
'I guess. What do you really want to know?'
Not even a minute later, a notification was on his iPhone screen, waiting to be opened.
Alien 👽: 'Everything.'
What could that even mean? Jungkook tapped his shoulder, startling the slightly taller male out of his trance. He looked at him slightly annoyed, then checked the time.
"It's late. Bambam, Jungkook? You coming?" He sounded a lot mopier now that he was roped into this ring of drama. Bambam sensed the new tone, but decided to stay quiet and not pick at the open wound his friend caused. A soft 'mm' came from Jungkook, and walked off, leaving Hoseok watching him go.
"It's sad how oblivious he is to this..." The redhead sighed, then closed the door, hoping to get some type of sleep to really process what's going on.
The next morning, Yugyeom woke up overwhelmed with mixed emotions. He didn't know what could possibly happen within these few hours, whether it ended up turning into a screaming match, or just having the air be thick with tension, it needed to be said.
But, was it really his place to be the one to say it?
The perfect time to be trapped in one's thoughts is the shower, where the hot water hit Yugyeom's slender back and relaxed his muscles, despite overthinking. His heart was heavy, it was true that he did know a lot more than what most would think, but of all people, Taehyung was the last person he'd even want to say anything to.
"He's so lucky I'm too nice for his shit sometimes." Nearly tripping on the bar of soap he didn't see, he groaned to himself, knowing that in a few hours, it definitely would end well whatsoever. Although he was physically relaxed, his mind was running wild. He heard the ringtone of his phone going off in his bedroom and stepped out the shower, trying to dry himself off as much as possible before picking up the phone.
Without looking at who was really calling.
"I'm outside your dorm room. Is anyone in there?" The deep voice startled him, as he definitely didn't expect him to come at almost 9 in the morning.
"I thought you say after class." he wrapped. towel around his waist and on his head, trying to keep the phone stable between his ear and his shoulder as he went to go find a simple outfit.
"Yeah, my 8am class. It canceled, so I'm here."
Yugyeom just threw on some boxers and opened the door, to reveal a very stressed out Taehyung. Despite putting on a red bandana to try and make his hair look decent, his eyes clearly showed that he didn't sleep all night. The bags under his eyes gave it all away, and he was in a gray zip-up hoodie with pajama pants on. He honestly looked like a beautiful zombie, but it definitely scared the daylights out of Yugyeom when he saw his appearance.
"Tae, did you sleep all?" He dragged his feet across the floor, walking in and collapsing on his bed.
"Just barely. I just heard some stuff'll be honest with me, right?"
Yugyeom sat down on the bed, and stared at the slightly older male in a fetal position, hugging a pillow.
"Yeah, why?"
"Back in high school, when Jungkook was dating Joy...what really happened Yugyeom?"
Thrown off by his question, he slowly remembered the lie he told Taehyung his senior year, not because he wanted too, but due to the blackmail his sister put him up with. Yugyeom was still afraid of telling him the truth, but, usually, when his friend asks a question out of the blue like that, he knows something.
"Tae that was almost 5 years ago, don't you remember what I told you?" Taehyung turned to him with a glare, which made his heart drop to his stomach.
"It was almost 5 years ago...but 5 years later, Joy would've still been alive."
Yugyeom sighed, looking at his distressed friend who still held the same glare as before.
"I'm going to ask you one more time, Yugyeom. You'll be honest with me...right?" He sat up from his position, now facing the younger boy dying under the stress.
"When Jimin and I were fighting upstairs, Jungkook played some audio to me by accident...who sent that?"
Yugyeom knew he couldn't get out of this pressure, even if he did tell the truth. He pulled out his phone and scrolled up to Jungkook's conversation to when he sent the audio, and the small conversation they had after it was sent. Taehyung looked at the screen, and pressed the play button, just to hear the same thing he did before.
"So the things everyone said about my sister...they were true huh."
He could see his friend's face turn almost deranged, which only made him more fearful of what he may be thinking.
"Then the shit Jimin told me..."
Taehyung felt his head finally clicking, and he felt beyond stupid for being so blind to it.
'Your bitch of a sister threatened to harm me in some way, shape, or form if I didn't pity fuck her because of her obsession with Jungkook.'
He stood up, and walked towards the mirror, and ran his hand through his tangled hair.
"Why didn't you just tell me..." He rubbed his eyes, trying extremely hard to hold back the tears that were threatening to slip through.
Yugyeom walked up to his friend, and rubbed his back, reassuring that despite being fearful for his own sake, he'd still be there for him.
"Family is a sensitive topic to talk about Tae, and we didn't want you thinking that we were trying to intervene with anything."
Tears started to flow from Taehyung's eyes, but managed to choke out two sentences that even Yugyeom was slightly startled by.
"You know, I always felt bad for tormenting Jimin, but I could never forgive what he did to my sister...but is it even true anymore?"
For almost a month, this chapter is so shitty and it's actually bothering me to the absolute maximum.
(get ready for a raaaantttt)
Anyway, since I had the opportunity to see BTS live at Citi Field, and in Pit...I'm just going to put out there that all the members are so damn beautiful.
However, I don't feel like I really had the best time. Some people truly need to learn self-control and common sense. It shouldn't take for you to get hit in the head with an Army bomb, or to be shoved multiple times for you to back up because you're in someone's personal space. People were passing out left and right, I could barely breathe, for fucks sake, I could barely lift my arm up...
Army, do better. We all wanted to see them up close, and we all paid the same amount of money to see them. I get it, you can be excited, but that doesn't mean jump on someone or risk your own safety just because your oPpArS aRe RiGhT iN fRoNt Of YoU oMo SaRaNgHaYEeHaW 🤪
Also, for the girl who told me to back up when I was quite literally squished between her goddamn elbow attempting to push me back, and six other people's bodies...fuck you. You CLEARLY saw that I couldn't fucking breathe, and you still look at me and say with your whole chest to back up. 🖕🏾
I'm really happy the boys got to achieve this milestone though. The energy was insane, which I loved, but honestly, seeing the boys up close, and it being my first BTS concert meant a lot.
Also, if you saw a girl with a purple afro going off...that was me. I'm usually never like that, but I was honestly just pissed off at how careless people can act.
And to the blue-haired girl with bows in her hair who gave her spot up to let me breathe and get a little bit closer...thank you so much, love. Same to the Army who gave me water. You're both angels, thank you !! 👼
=💖Love Yourself, Love Myself 💖=
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