chapter 15
He wanted to say it. He wanted to say it so badly, and finally feel like he wasn't truly alone and had some other form of support other than Hoseok. He knew he couldn't be there all the time, but he just wanted to be cherished for his kind, yet broken heart.
Each scar had a story, half being from his broken household, but the others were just a mess of lies, betrayal, and just a mess he really didn't want to explain. Each one was trauma-filled, but others prefer something more, something a lot more conservative and trying to not see the truth untold, no matter how much the words want to slip out of his mouth. His brain restrained his heart from finally telling someone what he wanted to let go and move on from, but his gut always screamed at him, signaling that it just wouldn't end well.
"You never answered my question, Park."
His hand ran along the small of his back, feeling one of the many old scar tissues that littered his body. Jimin flinched away from him, trying to find the right words to not make him worry.
"It was...from a long time ago." He sighed out, praying that Jungkook wouldn't question any further than that. By surprise, he let out a small noise, signaling he got the hint and decided to leave the sensitive topic alone and switch the subject.
"The stars are pretty vibrant tonight."
"Jungkook, it's cloudy. Very cloudy."
He hated making small talk with anyone. It would always sound perfect in his head, but once the few words came out of his mouth, the scenario was so much different. Things like this were one of the weaknesses he had, but for Jimin, he really wanted to make this attempt.
'Just this once.'
Slowly snaking an arm around his shoulders, he felt Jimin slightly flinch under his sudden touch, and then towards him as if he almost electrocuted him. He couldn't help but smile at his reaction, but mirrored him as he felt a finger jolt as his side, and ended up with a smile plastered on his face. Jungkooks expression dropped, then removed the arm around his shoulder, which worried the other that he may have upset him in some way.
"Run." The sinister look on Jungkook's face was never a good sign, and it was confirmed when two hands went under Jimin's shirt, and large fingers tickled at his sides aggressively. He jumped back, laughing from being extremely ticklish and took the youngers advice of actually running, despite the fact Jungkook could very easily outrun him within seconds.
Running across the bridge, Jungkook managed to catch up to Jimin as expected, but threw him over his shoulder while running Instead of starting a conversation, Jungkook snaked an arm around Jimin's waist, then pulled him closer, which resulted in a soft poke at his side and a smiling Jimin. He slightly jerked away, and his expression dropped, worrying the smaller male that he may have done something potentially wrong.
That was until another devious smile made its way onto Jungkook's face.
Two hands attacked Jimin's rib cage as he aggressively tickled him, earning a very high-pitched laugh while he started to sprint away from the much taller adult. For once, he was somewhat happy that he took his advice the second time around, but completely forgot the fact that Jungkook can completely outrun him within seconds, and he didn't make it very far when he felt the weight of the world slip under his feet, and returned when two arms scooped him up from the ground. He was afraid to look up, not because of his already diminished pride being shot once again, but more for the fact that he knew Jungkook had a big ass grin plastered over his face.
And as he predicted, when he looked up, although he was not making eye contact with him, his bunny teeth shined with the moonlight reflecting off of them. He looked away, and saw he was traveling down a hill near a lake. Like a normal human being usually would do, Jimin expected the younger to set him down at the bottom of the hill so they could potentially stargaze.
But once again, gravity seemed to be his worst enemy as he felt himself being thrown into the lake, soaking all his clothes and his hair. Swimming up to the surface, he saw Jungkook on the ground trying to regain his composure from laughing too hard.
"You're an asswipe you know." He stepped out the lake, making Jungkook walk back up the hill to avoid whatever potential idea Jimin had in store. He looked pissed, he didn't need to be a genius to be able to read that on his face, but when he shoved him, and made him stumble backward and hit the ground, he couldn't help but be shocked. Deep down, he knew the stripper was always full of surprises, as it was simply just part of his persona. But when he straddled his torso, a blush made its way right across his face once again.
Jimin still looked livid, but of course, with Jungkook's bad habit, he couldn't help but admire how the water droplets on his skin would compliment how radiant he really is as a person. His skin was practically glowing in the moonlight, and the wet clothes almost perfectly outlined his toned body as it should. He heard a small laugh, and looked up at the incredibly beautiful male, curious as to what made him so giggly all of a sudden.
"You're never this quiet Jungkook. Something on your mind?"
Jimin put his small hand on the younger's face, increasing the already red tint flushed across his cheeks.
"I-It's nothing. Why you ask?"
"Because you also never stutter."
Slowly leaning down, he rested his head right against Jungkook's sculpted chest, listening to his heartbeat and finding his inner peace within him. He hasn't felt so relaxed in his life, and it was with a person he definitely would've never expected it to be. The feelings were roaming within the air, they made sure to make it obvious with the increasing tension thickening as the silence continued to grow.
"It's weird, out of all the people in the school I just had to fall for you." Jimin muttered, but Jungkook easily heard what he said and lifted his head up with his fingers, forcing Jimin to look at him.
" me too?"
The tables were flipped, as Jungkook was now smirking and Jimin couldn't even bare the fact that he had to make eye contact with the other at the moment. He pulled him closer towards his face, which he definitely didn't resist too at all. Jimin just seemed to lack to just grow a pair and man up to his feelings, despite the fact the other had already confessed numerous times. How was he gonna get out of his now?
"It's not easy to just admit when you aren't the most confident person out there..." He sighed and drew small, non-specific patterns on his chest.
"You didn't answer my-"
Before he could even get the last word out, he leaned up to Jungkook's soft pair of lips and locked his own with them. No lust was involved for once, just pure, true emotions that were long overdue of being let out. A weight was being lifted off both of their shoulders as they continued to kiss without a care in the world. Neither of the boys wanted to pull away, it was just a special moment that they wanted to last as long as it could. But when they did, it took the two a little while to come back to reality.
"Does that answer your question, Jeon?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes and smiled, and kissed his forehead.
"Yes, it does." They kissed again, but only for a short amount of time before they stood up, and walked back across the bridge, hand in hand. It was very peaceful as the two conversed in a fluffy conversation about how they were both too afraid to admit their feelings to one another, but soon the conversation took a turn. An unfavorable turn at the most.
" are you gonna break this to Taehyung?"
Jungkook completely forgot about the outburst his soon to be ex-friend had at the party. He sighed, wishing that this could just be simpler, and how he could just be happy without feeling so suffocated with his friend's unreasonable reasonings.
"I honestly don't know to tell you the truth Jimin. Taehyung is a very complex person."
Thankfully, Hoseok's apartment wasn't extremely far from the bridge, and they really wanted every moment to last as long as possible with the short amount of time they had together. As they reached the place, Jimin went up the stairs with Jungkook following right behind him, then stopped right in front of the door. He turned to face the younger and wrapped his arms around him, and looked right into his eyes.
"Thanks, well tonight I mean." Jimin hated his shy stutter, and he looked down, only for a thumb to lift his chin up, and a pair of lips lock with his once again for a few brief seconds.
"Stop being so self-conscious about yourself Jimin. You're perfect."
The two kissed one last time, but the moment was unexpectedly interrupted when Hoseok happened to open the door, and see the two on Cloud 9 with each other.
"I'm shocked his dick isn't halfway down your throat for once." The two jumped at Hoseok's raspy sleepy voice, and looked at him apologetically.
"Do you know how many times I called you? It's damn near 2 in the morning!"
Jimin slightly bowed towards his annoyed friend and stepped inside, but was greeted with two more visitors making their way out. Jungkook peeked through the doorway, and saw both BamBam and Yugyeom coming out of the apartment.
"You guys were here the whole time?" Yugyeom looked pissed, while BamBam drifted off into his own world.
"Yeah, and you outed me to Taehyung? I wanted no part of your friendship issues, but here I am trying to cover my ass once again just so I don't have to hear an earful of shit from him."
Jungkook gave his friend a look, and Yugyeom facepalmed.
"The fucking audio Jungkook. Are you that dense? Right after you left, he literally came downstairs and screamed at me for trying to save both you and Jimin."
The stress started to hit Jungkook, but it was eating alive at Jimin's sensitive heart. He ran inside to stop himself from having a panic attack, while the younger stayed outside, to listen to his friend chew him out for his mistakes...again. Yugyeom took a deep breath in the attempt to calm himself down.
"He's pissed in simple terms. He refuses to believe it unless he sees it, but that isn't even the worst of the shit that happened tonight."
'What the hell could possibly escalate from this?'
"Taehyung threatened that if Sumi ever said something about Jimin 'drugging' her again, he's going to kill him himself."
i̶'̶m̶ ̶d̶e̶f̶i̶n̶i̶t̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶o̶n̶g̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ ̶o̶ ̶o̶ ̶p̶ ̶s̶
wowowowo this is s u p e r unedited-
Y'all, you got my story to 4.1k without me updating in a whole ass month 🤧
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the support you given me. The tater squad really does hold a meaning in my heart, hence, why I (shockingly) didn't change my name. 🍟💜
But hey, my update game is highkey trash, but...ISSA CHAPTER. WIT DRAMA TOOOO 🍵
Also, I'm glad some of you have actually reached out to me on my snapchat (it's in my bio), or even in my PM's asking how my day is, or how I'm doing...
...or why my updating schedule is t r a s h 🗑️
But just know, if you add my Snapchat, you'll easily see why my schedule is usually fucked up. I'm doing better though 🤣
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to vote !! (IT'S ABOUT TO HIT 100 VOTTEEESSS SO D O I T 🌟)
=💖Love Yourself, Love Myself 💖=
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