Start of Legends
Character: Ember Xavier, Axel Lensherr, Axelia Lensherr, Charles Xavier
Seven year old Ember Xavier was quite a different girl. She was a mutant. Charles Xavier's daughter. She was always trying to do something great like her father had done. She never got the chance until one fateful day......
It was a cool Summer morning. We find young Ember sitting on the couch in the Xavier Mansion. She watched the news as she ate her breakfast.
Hmm... The young girl thought to herself, Maybe Daddy has new mutants coming today? She wondered.
I do actually. Her father told her.
Ember jumped, Daddy! Don't scare me like that! But who's coming? She asks.
Two children of an old friend of mine. Charles replied, And they're your age.
My age!? Ember got exited. She never had any friends, maybe she could befriend them!!
Yes. Your age. Charles chuckled, Do you wish to meet them?
Yes! Ember replied quickly.
Charles chuckled and picked Ember up. He placed her in his lap and rolled to the door.
What are there names? Ember asked.
Axelia and Axel. Charles replied. He opened the door revealing two seven year olds. One boy and one girl. The boy had raven black hair and ocean blue eyes while the girl had long, silver hair with icey blue eyes. The boy had a perfect tan and the girl had rather pale skin.
Ember looked up at her father, Is that them?
Charles nodded and smiled. He kissed the top of Ember's head before setting her down next to the two. I'll leave you three to hang out. He smiled at them before he rolled out.
Ember turned to the two, "Hi! I'm Ember!" She greeted.
The silver haired girl grinned, "I'm Axelia. And this is my brother, Axel." She told Ember
Ember grinned widely.
Two hours later we find the three sitting around the pool.
Ember was sitting in a lawn chair, reading a book.
Axel snuck up behind Ember and plucked the book out of her hands. He then pulled her up and shoved her in the water.
"Hey!" Ember yelped, whining at him.
Axel smirked and looked at the book, "Great Expectations by Charles Dickens? Huh?" He asked.
"Yep." Ember nodded. She grabbed him by the ankle and pulled him in the pool. Her copy of Great Expectations almost went with him, but luckily Ember saved it with her telekinesis and carefully set it on the picnicking table.
"CANNON BALL!!" Axelia yelled and jumped off of the diving bored. She then hit the water with her best cannon ball position.
Ember and Axel laughed. Axelia swam over to the two and splashed them. Axel laughed and splashed both Axelia and Ember. And before you knew it, the three were having a splash fight.
"Hey, guys?" Axelia asked. They were now on at the picnic table and enjoying fresh PB&J sandwiches.
"Hm?" Axel replied.
"We should create a team!!" Axelia exclaimed out of the blue.
Axel looked at Ember who was nodding and grinning.
"What will we call the team?" Axel asked.
"Axis?" Axelia suggested.
"Why Axis?" Ember wondered.
"Y'know, because the earth spins around on its axis and relies on it and revolves around it." Axelia shrugged.
"That's a good name and all, but..." Ember trailed off.
"Yea." Axel agreed, "What about Strikeforce?" He recommended.
"Strikeforce ... I like it!" Axelia grinned.
"It appears we're all in agreement." Ember chuckled. "Though I must ask, where did you get the name?" She asked Axel.
"Its the name of some fighting style type thingy." Axel shrugged.
Ember grinned and nodded.
And that was the day Ember Xavier became great.
Hiya! So? Did I do a good job on Charles or did I totally screw it up? Also, any Hetalia fans catch the reference?
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