Roman's p.o.v
Hey guys, this is the first glimpse into roman's perspective. Let's see what happens...
Almost toppling over in exhaustion, I trudged off the football field. I was really wanted to quit football, but the team needed me. I was their best quarter back. I walked into the locker room and took of my sweaty uniform, and put on normal clothes. I hurried out of the stinky locker room after doing the best I could to ignore the multiple requests I got from people I didn't even know where part of the team to sit with them at lunch the following day. I walked out to my car, got in, and started the engine. Before leaving the parking area, I turned up the new hit song. I rolled down the window a bit when the rest of team was leaving, so they would think I was to preoccupied to talk to them...which I was. I was preoccupied doing so much, just so people would think I'm cool. When the team left to go to a party, or to go clubbing, or something, I turned down the volume. Then I shut off the volume completely. What a bad song, I thought to myself. I desperately wanted to listen to some Disney music, but I was scared someone might see me, and realize how uncool I am. I looked around and saw nobody. So, I put on my favorite playlist I started humming to the tune as I pulled out of the parking lot, rolling up my windows.
Little did I know someone was watching.
I'm always for feedback, but please don't be too harsh. I appreciate anything you guys do, if it's reading, commenting, or voting, it is greatly appreciated. Hope you have a nice whatever time it is. Bye!
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