Requested by Anonymous
It'd been an exceptionally stressful week for Jin. The beginning of the week started with his mom calling him to let him know that his brother had been in a car accident, Jin had to take a break from work to go down and visit. Thankfully his brother was okay and only needed a small leg surgery. As soon as he got back his schedule was jam packed with a ton of photoshoots and video shoots he had to make up due to being absent. To add to that stress, word got out that Jin had taken a small break to visit his brother and anti's online were now trash talking Jin saying he's a slacker and coming up with a ton of false rumors about why he'd actually taken a few days off. Some people were saying he probably just ditched the members to go on a mini vacation because he was lazy.
Needless to say, it'd been a rough week for the hyung of BTS. The members always tried their best to cheer him up but the stress Jin was currently under made their efforts unsuccessful. He had been extremely irritable and not himself for the week. He just wanted to get the jobs he needed to do done and then go home and not be bothered. Usually at home he'd hang out with everyone or play games but this week he'd just been retreating to his room to go right to bed. The members missed the free time with their hyung, but knew he needed the extra rest. Jungkook was really missing Jin the most. He always had fun messing with his hyung or hanging out but every time he'd tried to lately he got the same response from Jin, "Maybe some other time." The youngest still had five other members to hang out with, but knowing Jin didn't want to spend time together made it a lot harder.
On Friday night after work, the members were excited for the weekend. Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Hobi had volunteered to go out and do the grocery shopping for the week. Jin and Yoongi simply didn't want to go anywhere, and Jungkook kept complaining about how he had done most of the shopping by himself last time and didn't want to go. The members told him he could stay home.
They all came up with a shopping list and the four headed out. Now the dorm only had Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook left. Jin and Yoongi were both in the kitchen, the oldest decided to find some time to clean up the kitchen a bit now that most of his dongsaengs were out. He figured maybe cleaning would also help keep his mind off things. Jungkook tried to take this downtime to finally get some quality time in with his hyung.
While Jin cleaned around the kitchen, Yoongi was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter reading a magazine. Jungkook strolled over to Jin and asked if they could do something together.
"Maybe another time, Jungkook-ah. Can't you see I'm busy?" Jin replied in a snappy tone while wiping counters. Yoongi furrowed his brow, he felt bad for Jungkook. He knew how much the maknae missed his hyung, they all missed him.
"You've been saying maybe another time all week hyung! When will it actually be a good time to do something together?" Jungkook asked with a pouty face .
"I've had shit to do. So when I'm not busy," Jin replied without even looking at Jungkook. There was clear annoyance and anger in Jin's voice.
"Well you can stop being busy for now. It's Friday night! Stop cleaning the kitchen! We could go out to the movies or out for a walk or something. Oh I think there is a fair in town we could go t-"
"Jungkook!" Jin snapped as he finally turned to his maknae, "I've been go, go,go all damn week! I don't want to go out, I don't want to go to a stupid movie, or a stupid fair. I just want to finish this and do nothing! Do you understand that?!"
Yoongi put his magazine down and glared at Jin, "Why are you being like that to him? Is it a crime for him to miss you and want to do something with you?"
"He's been annoying me all week!" Jin argued back to Yoongi.
Jungkook stood there silently, not quite knowing what to say. He felt hurt with what Jin was saying. He didn't realize his presence lately had been annoying his hyung.
"I just miss you hyung.." Jungkook finally said.
"If you miss me so damn much and really want to hang out then help me clean the damn kitchen instead of just standing there being useless!"
Jungkook felt anger shoot through his own body, "But I don't want to clean the kitchen. I cleaned half this dorm this week and did almost all the grocery shopping myself last time! You're the one whose been useless ever since you got home from visiting your brother!"
Before Jin could reply, Yoongi spoke up again, "Both of you stop it." His voice was extremely monotone. It always fascinated Jungkook how Yoongi could remain, or seem to remain, so calm even when he was annoyed or mad.
Jin completely ignored Yoongi and stepped closer to Jungkook, throwing the towel he was holding in the air, "ME?! Useless?! I've been working my ass off all week to make up for the shit I've missed while I was away! Who are you to tell me I'm useless?!"
"But when you get home you don't do anything! I don't know why you don't want to hang out with any of us ! All you do is go in your room and lay there! It's not like you're too busy then to go out and do something!" Jungkook screamed back. Yoongi watched the two fight from his spot at the counter. He was annoyed, it was a childish fight, "I think both of you just need to go take some kind of break or something. This is stupid."
"This doesn't concern you Yoongi!" Jin screamed at the rapper. Yoongi narrowed his eyes at his hyung, "Considering I'm sitting right here, it kind of does."
Jin ignored his remark, turning back to Jungkook. His face turned bright red as he started screaming at Jungkook about how he was the most annoying maknae he'd ever had and how he just wanted to be left alone. Jungkook stood there silently. He bit his bottom lip in an attempt to not cry. Yoongi couldn't contain his annoyance anymore, Jin's treatment towards Jungkook was making him angry now. Yoongi stood up from his stool, "Jin stop it! Being annoyed is one thing but look at him! You're making him upset because now you're just being an asshole!"
"Good!" Screamed Jin. He took the soap bottle off the counter and slammed it into the sink in his fit of rage, "And I'll continue to be an asshole until everyone learns to leave me the fuck alone already!"
Jungkook took a step away from his hyung, he'd never seen him so angry before, it was making his own anger worse because he also knew he didn't deserve it.
"If you want to be alone so damn bad why don't you just leave then?! You've wanted nothing to do with us lately anyways! If we're all such a damn burden nobody is making you stay anywhere near us!" Jungkook screamed at his hyung, "Maybe that would make you happy!"
"You know what would make me happy?! You shutting the fuck up already!" Jin screamed.
"JUNGKOOK! JIN! Both of you STOP!" Yoongi screamed but his effort went unnoticed. He was getting nervous. He was used to seeing Jungkook argue and get pouty when he was upset, this was nothing new when it came to his maknae. But Jin. Jin was starting to scare him. Jin absolutely loved Jungkook, he'd never scolded him or yelled at him like this before, ever. Yoongi knew Jin's anger was getting the best of him, he just didn't know how to stop it.
"Why don't YOU shut the fuck up!" Jungkook screamed back. Tears finally released from his eyes. He wasn't one to argue with Jin like this but he didn't know what else to do. He was really hurt by what his hyung was saying.
Jin walked right up to Jungkook and got in his face, "Excuse me? I know you didn't just talk to your hyung like that."
Yoongi made his way around the counter and next to Jin, "Hyung, hey, just calm down yeah? You two don't even mean what you're saying. Just get away from eachother for now until you both calm down."
The two completely ignored Yoongi. "I'll talk to you however I want if you're going to be an asshole. How come you can tell me to shut the fuck up but I can't say it back to you?!" Jungkook cried.
"Because I'm your elder!" Jin screamed back, "You respect me!"
"You don't deserve any respect, JIN!"
"Go ahead and disrespect me one more goddamn time and see what happens maknae!" Jin shouted. Yoongi tried pulling Jin back away from Jungkook, "You really need to relax hyung. Please. You're freaking me out now." Jin shooed him off.
"Yeah and what the hell are you going to do about it if I don't, JIN?" Jungkook screamed.
"No! Jin don't!" Yoongi tried to stop Jin in time but he couldn't. Jin's arm flew up and before anyone knew it his hand was slamming down right onto Jungkook's mouth with a hard smack. Jin had hit him so hard and out of nowhere that Jungkook stumbled backwards and fell, hitting the back of his head against the kitchen wall. He let out a loud whimper when he had hit his head and clutched it in his hands, revealing that he had blood coming out of his mouth too. The smack and fall had made him accidentally bite into his lip causing it to bleed. It was instantly starting to swell a bit and bruise up from where he was bleeding.
Yoongi and Jin both stood there frozen. The only sounds were the sounds of Jungkooks whimpers and the sounds of both Jin's and Yoongi's hearts shattering. Jungkook was crouched on the floor crying with his head in his hands, hitting the wall had hurt. Jin started to walk towards him filled with instant regret, "Oh my God...Jungkook..I'm sorry..I didn't mean to-"
"Get the hell away from me! Just leave me alone!" Jungkook screamed as he scattered to his feet and ran down the hallway, closing and locking his bedroom door behind him. They could both hear Jungkook start completely sobbing in his room. Jin turned to Yoongi with tears, Yoongi's eyes were also wet.
"I...Yoongi I...I didn't mean to hit him...I...I.." Jin was speechless. Yoongi looked at him in silence. He appeared to be in some sort of shock. Jin couldn't handle it anymore and before Yoongi even spoke a word Jin ran away crying, disappearing into his own room.
Yoongi stood there completely still trying to process what the hell he had just witnessed. Jin had never, over their 10 years of being in a band and living together, hit Jungkook. He had never hit any of them. Sure they'd wrestle and play around but nobody in the group would ever dare lay a hand on someone else out of anger. And they sure as hell would never lay a hand on the maknae. Yoongi was absolutely mortified over what Jin had just done. He wiped the tears he felt roll down his cheeks, his heart breaking over and over again hearing the sobs coming from Jungkook's room. His first instinct was to go make sure he was okay. He walked over to the freezer and grabbed two ice packs and some paper towels. He made his way to Jungkook's room and knocked on the door, the only response he got was more crying.
"Jungkook-ah?" Yoongi wiggled the door handle, "It's Yoongi. Can you let me in please?" He waited a second but still got nothing. He pulled out a paperclip he just happened to have in his pocket and lock picked Jungkook's doorknob, something he'd learned to do as a teenager. All the members found it a bit annoying.
He closed Jungkook's door behind him and made his way over to his bed, where the maknae was planted face down into his pillow continuing to cry. He sat down next to him and began to gently rub his back.
"Are you okay? Are your head and lip alright?" Yoongi asked.
"It hurts," Jungkook said as he finally lifted his head from his pillow. It was soaked with snot and tears and his lip had bled on it a bit. Thankfully it wasn't a deep cut and he wouldn't need stitches, but his lip was pretty swollen. Yoongi offered one of the ice packs to Jungkook and he put it against his lip. Yoongi held the other one on the back of Jungkook's head for him as the younger turned his face towards his hyung and rested it back on his tear soaked pillow. Yoongi took the paper towel and wiped Jungkook's face with it. The poor boys tears wouldn't stop.
Yoongi let out a deep sigh, "You know he never meant to hurt you."
Jungkook took a deep breath to try and find his voice, "Could h..have fooled"
he cried.
Yoongi wasn't an expert at the whole comfort thing. He didn't quite know what to say to make Jungkook feel better. He'd never been in this situation. He wondered what the hell you were supposed to say to a boy whose hyung who he loves just told him he was the most annoying thing ever and then smacks him in the face. He had no idea. He started rubbing Jungkook's back with his free hand, "We know Jin. I know he didn't mean to do it. He's just been really stressed out and he lost his temper. He didn't mean anything he said to you. You know he loves you. Don't let one mistake make you think he doesn't love you."
"He...he said I'm the most annoying maknae ever. I don't think he loves me hyung.." Jungkook used the paper towel to wipe more of his tears and some of the blood off his lip.
"He didn't mean that."
"You don't know that! He could have! I'm pretty sure you don't hit the people you love!"
Yoongi knew this was going to be a tough one.
"Aish.." Yoongi started, "He shouldn't have hit you. But he knows that. He's crying now too because he feels really bad.."
Jungkook didn't care that Jin felt bad. He knew Jin couldn't possibly feel any worse than he himself did right now. The feeling of Yoongi rubbing his back and the exhaustion of fighting was making him tired. He didn't have much to say to Yoongi anyways so he let his eyes start rolling to the back of his head as his eyelids got droopy.
"Jungkook?" Yoongi shook him back awake.
"I'm going to go talk to Jin. Will you be alright?" Yoongi asked as he took the ice pack his maknae had been holding to his lip. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped and the swelling had gone down a little. It was mostly just a small bruise and a small cut now.
Yoongi got no reply from his maknae. He had passed out pretty fast. He always passed out quickly when someone rubbed his back. Yoongi took the paper towel and dried off the rest of the tears lingering on the youngests face. He stayed and rubbed his back for a little while longer to make sure he was out cold before leaving the room.
When he left, he immediately made his way to Jin's room. His hyungs door was surprisingly unlocked. He gave a small knock and went in. Jin was laying on his bed staring at the ceiling with tear filled blood shot eyes. Yoongi made his way over to Jin's bed and sat next to him. Jin finally turned to him, "Is he alright?"
"Physically, yes. I know you're my hyung and it's not my place to scold you but Jin...what the fuck was that!? What the hell were you thinking!?"
"I wasn't thinking."
"Yeah, clearly!"
"Does he hate me?" The thought alone made Jin cry even more. He regretted every bad and mean thing he'd said. He knew of course he hadn't meant any of it, but Jungkook didn't know that.
"I don't know, but he thinks you hate him. Or that you at least don't love him. Why the hell would you smack him? Why wouldn't you just listen to me when I told you to calm down and get away from eachother? You're the hyung, he's the maknae. He only would have backed off if you did first. You're supposed to set the example. And hitting the kid isn't exactly a good damn example."
Jin began crying even harder. He knew if he had just listened to Yoongi from the beginning he wouldn't have gotten himself into this mess. He never meant to hurt Jungkook and it was destroying him from the inside out that he put his damn hands on him. He'd always been so over protective of the youngest, if anyone else put their hands on him like that Jin would have had their heads on a platter. He couldn't believe or comprehend he'd just done the very thing to Jungkook that he was supposed to protect him from. And the mean things he'd said. He was so incredibly sorry. He also realized he now also had to worry about the rest of the members reactions. They'd be home soon and obviously there were no secrets in the dorm. Even if Jungkook might not want anyone to know, Jin knew he'd need to confess.
Jin stood up from his bed in a panic, " I need to go apologize to him."
"Not now hyung, he's sleeping. And I'm sorry but I think you two still shouldn't be near eachother right now."
"No you don't understand! I hurt him! Yoongi I hurt him!" Jin started to hyperventilate as he began sobbing, "I didn't mean to! I need to tell him I'm sorry! Right now! He fell asleep thinking I don't love him?! He fell asleep hurting because of me!" Jin began to have trouble breathing and Yoongi went over and pulled him into a hug, "Alright, hey, breathe. You can handle it when he wakes up, okay?"
"I do love him!!" Jin cried, "I didn't mean to hit him! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Yoongi hugged Jin tighter and the older sobbed into his shoulder. It struck him how badly he wanted to go be with Jungkook. He had been so busy and irritable this week he hadn't quite realized just how much he actually did miss spending time with him. Now knowing Jungkook might never want to talk to him again made his heart feel heavy. He realized if he had just spent time with his maknae like he'd been asking all week, he probably would have been in a great mood by now anyways. He always had so much fun with Jungkook. He regretted being so neglectful. He knew Jungkook in no way ever deserved to be treated so badly. All he had wanted was his hyungs time.
"I know you didn't mean to," Yoongi rubbed his hyungs back.
"I'm a failure of a hyung."
"No you're not."
"All he wanted was to hang out and what do I give him? A smack across the face. And I don't think he's annoying! I don't Yoongi!"
"Jin, these are words for him. Not me." Yoongi knew he wasn't the one Jin was supposed to be apologizing to.
"Then let me go wake him up! Yoongi I have to!" Jin pleaded. He knew Yoongi was being protective of the youngest, but he was absolutely desperate to make amends as soon as possible.
Yoongi let Jin out of the hug and could see the sorrow written all over his face, "Fine. But if you feel one OUNCE of anger towards him you get the hell out of his room. You understand me?"
"Yes, yes. I'll never get mad at him again as long as I live I can promise you that!!" Jin ran past Yoongi out of his room and made his way into his maknae's. When he walked in, Jungkook was fast asleep. He turned the bedside lamp on. Jin could see where he'd been crying into his pillow and he saw the drops of blood on it too. He looked at Jungkook's lip and his heart shattered all over again seeing him hurt. He took a seat on the floor next to Jungkook's head and began running his fingers through his maknae's hair as he began to cry all over again.
"Jungkook?" Jin whispered in an attempt to wake him up. It didn't work so he tried to gently shake him awake, "Jungkookie?"
Jungkook shifted in his bed and opened one eye, he tensed up when he realized it was Jin but he didn't say anything.
Jin noticed his maknae get tense, " No no no , please. I'm not going to hurt you. Ever again. I'm so so sorry." Before Jungkook had the chance to say anything Jin pulled him into a tight hug and completely lost it. He kept his arms tightly around his maknae as he sobbed. His tears were falling all over Jungkook. "I never meant to hit you or hurt you!! I never meant what I said! You're not the most annoying maknae, you're the greatest maknae ever!! Seriously the greatest maknae ever!!! And I do love you so so much Jungkook-ah! Hyung has had a terrible week and I never meant to take it out on you. I should have never done that to you. I'm so sorry for ignoring you and then doing nothing but be a jerk. Please forgive me. Please. I'm so sorry I hit you. I'm so sorry. Hyung is so" Jin couldn't breathe because he was crying so hard. Without saying anything, Jungkook finally reciprocated and wrapped his arms tightly around his hyung and they held eachother for a long, long time as they both cried.
"You still love me?" was the first question out of Jungkook's mouth.
"Yes! I never stopped! Of course I love you!! I know I haven't acted like it lately but I promise I do! I love all of you!"
Yoongi had been eavesdropping from the hallway and smiled when he heard Jin say that. Finally the two seemed to be on the right track.
"Please forgive hyung," Jin pleaded, "I'm so sorry."
"Please promise to never hit me again," Jungkook pouted.
"Oh no never ever again I can promise you that!"
"Then you're forgiven."
Jin let out a deep sigh of relief and felt some weight come off his shoulders. He still felt terrible though. He told Jungkook to scooch over and cuddled up in his bed with him, asking if his head and lip were alright.
"Can I get you anything? Water? More ice?" Jin asked.
"I'm okay. Just tired," Jungkook had gotten a bit groggy again and as soon as Jin started rubbing his back he was out like a light for the second time. Jin rubbed his maknae's back until he too had fallen asleep with his maknae wrapped up in his arms.
Yoongi left for the kitchen when he was sure they had reconciled. The others came barreling through the door with groceries. Jimin and Taehyung were pouting over Hobi not letting them get candy.
"How were things here? You guys do anything fun?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi helped them all put groceries away and figured the members would find out anyways, so he told them what happened. They were extremely angry when they heard that Jin hit Jungkook, but Yoongi was quick to ease their anger when he let them know the two had already talked and gotten past it, and how badly Jin had beaten himself up over what he'd done. Yoongi also let them know Jungkook was fine and that the two were cuddled up sleeping.
Everyone was glad to know that even after everything, the hyung and maknae of BTS would be fine.
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