Y'all ready for more fluff then you're heart can handle! I am! I had to plan this out before writing too. WHAT ARE ALL THESE GOOD FEELINGS!!!
TW: Surgeries, Hospitals, being sick, fear of death/fear of someone dieing(No one dies and everyone ends up fine I promise)
Emile walked into the kitchen and Remy came up and ruffled his already messy bed head before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey babe. Whacha want for breakfast? I'm making the boys pancakes." Remy said going over to the pan with Patton watching him. "I'll just take some pancakes too. Thanks Coffee Bean." Emile said sitting next to Logan. Emile frowned at Remus who, uncharacteristically, had his head laying down on the table staying quiet. He rubbed Remus's back before asking "Hey Re you ok?"
"I am fine Emile. My stomach just hurts." Remus said turning his head to look at Emile. Emile's frown grew and he put his hand against Remus's head. "You're pretty warm." Remy came over with Patton placing down plates of pancakes. "Maybe he caught whatever Patton had?" he questioned. "Maybe. How about we just take it easy today and see how you feel late ok kiddo." Emile said still rubbing his back. Remus just grunted and turned back into his arms. The rest of the boys started to eat their pancakes and Logan ate a couple of bites. Emile and Remy sent the kids off to get ready and changed when they heard a the door bell ring. "I'll get it" Emile called to Remy. Emile walked over to the door and opened it. "Do you how do"
"THOMAS!" Emile shouted before Thomas picked him up in a large hug. Remy walked into the hall and saw Thomas setting Emile down. "'Sup gurl" Remy said taking a sit from his coffee cup. "Hey Remy!" Thomas said before opening his arms for a hug. Remy laughed and walked into his arms for a Thomas hug TM. "So how's my favorite brother-in-law" Thomas asked putting him down. "B*tch I'm your only brother-in-law"
"Eh. You're still my favorite."
"No cursing. So Thomas what are you doing here?" Emile said looking at the bag still in the door way
"What do you mean? We agreed that I would come today for Christmas. Did you forget? Thats my job baby bro" Thomas said with a laugh. Emile smacked his forehead now remembering inviting his older brother to Christmas at their new house. "Oh my gosh! How could I forget!?"
"Hey Emile... Who's that?" Virgil walked into the hallway and stoped when he saw Thomas standing in the hall. Thomas gasped seeing Virgil.
"YOU GUYS FINALLY ADOPTED!! AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME" He shouted before running up to Virgil and pulling him into a hug. Virgil tensed up "Ah! Don't hug me I'm scared." He said before Thomas let him go. Emile laughed as Remy pulled the door closed and picked up Thomas's bag putting it in the living room. "Thomas this is Virgil, Virgil this is my older brother Thomas." Emile said still chuckling. "We haven't really adopted them though. They're more just staying with us. Hey Remy can you get the rest of the boys?" Emile asked. Remy just gave Emile some finger guns and walked off to get the rest of the boys
Thomas gasped and turned to Emile "You have more then one new kid!"
"Thomas they're not our kids we're just taking care of them and they live with us." Emile said walking over to Virgil who was still standing awkwardly in the hall.
"Emile thats what being a parent is" Thomas said looking Emile in the eye. Emile stuttered looking for something to say when Remy came back with their hoard of children. Thomas freaked out seeing all of the kids and Remy quickly introduced them all. They all moved to the living room. The boys and Emile took the couch and Thomas and Remy took the chairs. They all started talking and explained how they ended up together. Roman then looked up and asked "Where's Thomas supposed to sleep?"
"Oh shoot I didn't think about that." Emile said
"We could just not share 2 beds." Janus said
"Huh? Oh! I mean I guess that could work." Remy said
"I feel bad for kicking you guys out of you're rooms" Thomas said frowning "I could just find a hotel near by."
"I wouldn't do that" Logan interjected "The hotels in this area are not the safest. Also they are not our rooms we switch wich rooms we sleep in every night too. It would not be any trouble"
"If you guys are sure you're fine with it..." Thomas trailed off. Remus groaned a bit currling in on himself pressing into Emiles side. Emile wrapped his arm around Remus and squeezed his shoulder. "You ok kiddo?"
"Mmm. My stomach just hurts a lot." Remus said squeezing his eyes shut. Everyone looked at Remus worriedly. Remy walked up to the bathroom in his bedroom and grabbed a thermometer coming down stairs. "Come on kid how about you take a nap." Remy said holding out a hand. Remus tentatively took his hand and walked into the bedroom Remy still holding his hand.
"Hey kiddos how about we watch another Disney movie." Emile said Thomas, Roman, and Virgil instantly perked up getting excited at the movie. Emile giggled at their excitement, he could never get over how cute the boys were, and started playing Aladin which the boys had never seen before.
**Time skip brought to you by my dyslexia(Did I spell that right?)**
"BOYS TIME FOR DINNER!" Emile called down the hall. Thomas smirked at Emile while helping Remy set the table. "What?" Emile asked
"Nothing you just sound like an amazing dad." Thomas said. Emile playfully shoved Thomas as the boys walked into the kitchen. Thomas went and sat down at the table and the boys awkwardly shuffled over sitting down. Roman and Logan helped Emile put down the food and sat down next to Remus. They all(Except for Remus) ate their dinner.
"Hey Re how you feeling" Emile asked. Remus just groaned and Emile shot Remy a nervous look. "Remus how bad does you're stomach hurt?" he asked "I dunno... 8 or something.... It really hurts" Remus said. Emile shot up "Thats it. We're taking him to the hospital if it's this bad" He said grabbing his coat and Remy nodded in agreement going to grab his keys and put on his shoes. "Kids get you're shoes on. Thomas do you think you can drive the rest of the boys I can't fit everyone in my car."
"Yah sure" Thomas said Emile walked over and helped Remus get his shoes on before picking him up and walking out to the car. Remy got into the front seat with Virgil in the passenger while Emile got in the back with Remus on his lap. The rest of the boys went into Emile's car with Thomas and they went to the hospital. They went to the ER and checked Remus in.
IDK what would really happen now. My family has had to take my brother to the hospital a couple of time but his were injuries and I don't really remember what happened when we were checking him in. So I guess this is a time skip too.
The doctor walked ever too where everyone was with Remus. "It looks like his appendix. He needs to go into surgery now." The doctor said. The boys looked nervous but let the doctor take Remus and went to sit down in the waiting room with Thomas, Remy, and Emile. After about 10 minutes Remy stood up "I'll be in the car if you need me" was all he said before walking to the car.
Remy walked to the car and sat in the back seat putting his head in his hands. Oh god why was he so scared. Remus wasn't even his son, well sorta but... He didn't know. Why was he so scared he knew Remus would most likely be fine. Remy leaded forward and grabbed the half empty cup of Starbucks that was in the cup holder in the front seat. He jumped when he heard a knock on the car window. He looked up to see Janus looking though and opened the door. He took off his sunglasses wiping his eyes not wanting Janus to see him cry. "Hey kid. What you need babe?"
"You ok?" Janus asked closing the door behind him as he sat down
"I feel like I should be asking you that." Remy said with a chuckle "You're alone?"
"huh. Oh yah. Patton's helping Virgil calm down and Logans helping Roman out so I just wanted to make sure you were ok." Janus said with a shrug. Remy pulled Janus into a side hug and took a sip from his coffee cup. Remy felt Janus slightly shaking.
"Jan. Remus will be fine." Remy said looking Janus in the eye
"I know it's just... I'm still not used to this. I've just kinda always viewed hospitals as a place where you go when..." Janus couldn't finish his sentence. Remy pulled him into a hug again. "I know they can be scary. But Remus will be fine. I promise you" he said into his hair.
"Yah." Janus mumbled wiping his eye. The two stayed there for a few minutes before Remys took a breath "Come on kid we should go back inside with everyone else. We don't want them to get worried." Janus just nodded before opening the door and walking back into the waiting room. He sat down next to Virgil who was tapping his foot with nerves.
A little while later the doctor came back and told them that they could go in and see Remus now. The large group made their way to a small room where Remus was laying in. Emile walked over and rubbed his shoulder. "Hey kiddo. How are you feeling?" Remus gave Emile a tired smile "Yah my stomach doesn't hurt any more. And that was awesome I got to be cut open!" Remus shouted the last part and Emile gently hushed him. "It's late Re. We don't want to wake up anyone else." Remus grunted and yawned rubbing his eyes. Emile chuckled at him ruffling his hair. "How about you get some rest buddy. You've had a long day." Remy said from the end of the bed. The boys all nodded and Emile stood up. "Wait you're not leaving me here right?" Remus asked grabbing his hand. Emile turned around and faced Remus "It's ok Remus I was just going to ask the nurse if we could have some more chairs so we can sleep here." Remus just nodded and grabbed Janus(Who was on the other side of him) hand.
Emile came back with enough chairs for everyone to sleep in and smiled when he saw Remus and Janus already asleep in the bed and Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil already sleep in the chairs. He placed down the chairs for Remy and Thomas and they all settled in. Remy quickly fell asleep and Thomas turned to Emile "You know Em. You two really make good dads"
"We're not their dad's Thomas."
"Thats a lie. Even if its not legal or anything you really are the closest thing they've got. You two are their dads and I can tell they really love you." Thomas said with a smile before closing his eyes.
Emile smiled at him then looked at the boys all sleeping together.
"I wouldn't mind being their dad. Not one bit."
Hey how'd you like it? Emile and Remy just admit it already you are the boys dad and they are your sons.
Have a good day and live to see another
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