Good Night
TW: Rems, cursing(Not too bad but not censored)
If I missed anything let me know please.
"Roman hurry up we don't want to get caught."
"Well Logan if you would help me maybe it would go faster! Why do I always have to be the one to do this?"
"Because you're the smallest and the fastest, and would you two be quiet someone from the bakery might hear you." Patton chastised the two of them and looked back around the corner, he was the look out. Roman was standing in the dumpster next to the bakery digging around while Logan stood next to it. Roman continued digging around when Patton spotted movement.
"Guys hide! Someones coming!" Patton hid behind the corner so he could see who the upcoming person was. Roman leaped out of the dumpster holding a bread roll and dragged Logan behind the dumpster.
"I'm not doing it Dee. I had to do it last time. Plus Remus is the worst look out."
"Fine but you better not get us caught, I feel like going to prison."
Patton looked out and saw the two boys arguing and another walking behind them playing with a banana peel. Patton recognized the taller of the two arguing boys. He carefully stepped out of his hiding spot surprising the boys. The one in purple looked ready to run.
"Hey! Don't worry I won't hurt you. You're Virgil right? We meet a week ago when Roman helped you out with Dave."
"I don't remember you. Your Patton if I recall. What are you doing here" Deceit said while Virgil shot him a look.
"What. I thought you said-"
"Dee likes speaking in lies for some reason. I think it's just to annoy me." Virgil butted in. He was used to having to explain his friends. Virgil looked as Patton called for Roman and Logan to come out and they emerged from their hiding spots.
"What are you all doing here? This is a known spot that Street Rats gather." Logan asked them brushing dirt off of his shirt.
"Well we needed food. Thats why you dorks are here." Remus said jumping into the dumpster and grabbing a stick of deodorant. Janus walked up to Remus and snatched it out of his hand before he could take a bite. "For the last time! You can eat deodorant. You'll get sick and we have the funds to take care of you."
Patton turned to Virgil who had gotten into his place as look out, Patton joined him as Roman and Logan started looking for more food. "Hey so where are you guys staying tonight?" Roman called out.
"Why would we tell-"
"An alley a block away from here. Next to the tech store!" Remus cut off Virgil. Virgil shot him a look, he didn't need everyone knowing where they were staying. It's too dangerous.
"Can we join you guys?" Patton asked pulling his cardigan of his shoulders, putting it on. "I mean it's starting to get cold and the winters easier when you have more people to keep you warm."
"Well we are not cold all night." Janus said after a few seconds of deliberation.
"You seriously can't be thinking about this! Sure more people more warmth, but also it makes it easier to get caught! Bigger groups are easier to catch." Virgil yelled
"That is true but we do know how to handle our selves and keep out of trouble with the police." Logan said.
"Plus I'm a pretty good fighter, the police haven't caught any of us since elementary school... AH HA!! Found the jackpot!" Roman said as he picked up a large trash bag to find a couple bread loafs underneath. Remus and Roman both grabbed the loafs and handed them to their friends so they could get out of the dumpster.
"We should get going. We don't want to push our luck and loose our bread." Roman said picking a orange peel off of his shoe.
"So can we come with you guys?" Patton asked just to be sure
"Yes. Now lets not get moving." Janus said as he lead the way with Remus quickly following behind him, Logan and Roman not far behind. Patton noticed Virgil lagging behind and walked next to him.
"You OK? You look kinda upset about this." Patton asked
"Look I just don't want to get caught. Everything is working out right now and I don't want to mess it up."
"I get it. It's hard when your normal gets thrown off. But this might not be a bad thing, who doesn't like new friends!"
Virgil just grunted at Patton sunny attitude. How could he be so happy? They soon arrived at the alley he and his friends had chosen to sleep in. Remus sat down and started the fire as he was the best with it. Logan put one loaf aside for tomorrow and divided the other loaf into equal pieces and handed it to everyone. Virgil sat bit into his bread when Roman sat next to him.
"Hey hot topic."
"Aww you think I'm hot." Virgil said back
"Oh whatever. Dave and his friends give you any more trouble after I saved your ass?" Roman said with a chuckle.
"They haven't been giving me trouble cause I know how to keep my head down princey."
"What did you call me?"
"Princey? Come one, you're wearing at stupid stash." Virgil gestured to the red stash Roman was wearing. Roman laughed and took another bite out of his bread. The wind suddenly picked up and all the boy's shivered in the cold.
"You know the nurse has some coats. We should go and get one tomorrow to keep warm." Logan said rubbing his hands against his arms.
"The nurse does that?" Virgil asked. He had had his sweatshirt for a few years and it was falling apart, the sleeve was almost completely ripped off and he needed a new one.
"Yah. It was a new thing the school put in place this year. Our middle school had tried to do something similar too but a bunch of Normals and Rich's would take them to mess with the Street Rats so they stoped it." Roman said "What middle school did you guys go to any way. There were only like 5 other Street Rats at our school so we would have known if you were there. We went to Sander West Middle School."
"We didn't go to Talyn Middle school. REMUS! Leave that raccoon alone!" Janus pointed a finger at Remus who was trying to corner a Raccoon in the corner.
"But he's so cute! Can we keep him?" Remus begged lunging and finally capturing the Raccoon. He held it up next to his face while it hissed and tried to escape.
"Remus don't put it down." Janus said with a stern face. Remus sighed and let the raccoon go, it ran away and hissed before disappearing behind the corner.
"Great we can go before musical rehearsal." Roman said.
"You do the musical! You dork!" Remus laughed
"Whats wrong with doing the musical?" Roman fired back
"Dork means whale penis! You get it! I called him a whale penis"
"Falsehood! Dork mean a man's penis not a whale's Remus." Deceit and Virgil looked over at Logan. Why and how did he know that. They had stopped being confused by Remus a while ago but it was strange coming from Logan.
"Whatever can we just sleep now?" Virgil asked pulling up his hood. The others nodded and the 6 of them got close together to keep warm over the night. Virgil was in the middle of the pile and was thankful for the warmth.
"Good night" Patton said as he closed his eye's and snuggled against Romans chest.
As everyone fell asleep he thought that maybe this wasn't too bad of an idea, making friends. He looked up at Dee who's head was on Remus's shoulder and smiled.
"Good night"
Hey I hope this was a good chapter. All of our boy's have meet now YAY!! I will probably be posting a bit more right now because I am on winter break and I have to make up for the week my family comes over for Christmas.
Happy holidays everyone!
Have a good day and stay alive to see another one!
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