when the ads end, viewers are
met with a familiar scene
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; welcome everyone to street casted's first official live performance!
ah it seems it's time to return to
what you've been waiting for
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you must be curious to see if your favorite trainee is in fact on stage today~
while said in a cheerful tone, many in the
audience caught the reality of her words
especially the rose fan in the audience
who's dramatically worried face was
focused on by the camera
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hm... [looks around acting innocent] why was that cheer quieter than the last?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; did i say something wrong? [tilts head]
misun could be an actor at this point...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [brushes it off] i can't seem to get a clear answer, so i'll move on instead!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [grins] let's jump right in with our first winning performance!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please welcome team *** performing sugar rush ride!
the stage goes dark, and everyone is
left waiting in anticipation while
the group gets in position
which team did misun just call?
do you have any final guesses?
skipping introductions, when the lights
flash back on, the group immediately
begins their performance
but wait-! don't you want to know
how they picked their name?
the night before the evaluations!
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; what do you mean i'm not supposed to move like that?
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; isn't this the move?
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; but you're not doing it correctly
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; it's a smooth movement [demonstrates]
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; that's what i did [repeats a clearly less smooth movement]
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [stares]
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [giggles] you're like a robot with feelings jungjin
while hoyeon, sooyun, and kyuhyun
try helping jungjin, sevyn busts
through the door
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; everyone, we need to talk
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; i knew it! you want to break up!
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; huh??? no.
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; i found out we need a team name before the evaluations tomorrow
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; why? i thought they just wanted it by the time we performed?
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; i guess they were tired of us
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; everyone else seems to have a name
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; then do we address the board again?
ah yes the area of space on
the mirror where they wrote
name ideas the first day
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [raises hand] i still support the POLYSACCHARIDES idea
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [pats his shoulder] we know...
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [pouts] but we could all be a different monosaccharides
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; like sevyn as glucose, hoyeon as ribose, and more
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; yeah, it was a cute idea, but remember when we had hoyeon and jungjin try to pronounce it...
war flashbacks
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [looking at the board] have we just had ******* **** written on this board the whole time?
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; oops [slowly gets up] forgot to erase that one...
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; but [thinking] i don't think the DOPAM!NE idea is bad
because you suggested it or...?
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; sugar rush : dopamine rush
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; you know?
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [mumbles] it's no polysaccharides, but okay...
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [smiles] i like it! but does it past the test?
well, considering it became
your name, i guess so
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
after the ending shots of their
performance, the lights went out
again before returning when
the group stood center stage
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [walks back on-stage clapping] nicely done!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; now it's time for you to publicly introduce yourselves for the first time!
this stage is the first time any street
casted trainee has been able to
introduce themselves to an audience,
because those who performed on stage
last time recorded their intros separately
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; your new addiction, hello we are
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; it's sevyn:57 your [does a wing motion] heavenly leader~!
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; hello! it's mo hoyeon?
MIN SOOYUN [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; oh look it's a fox! wait- no! that's me, sooyun! [does cheek hearts]
HEO JUNGJIN [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; bippity boppity! looks like your wish came true because jungjin is here!
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; it's amazing i didn't fall, hello, it's kyuhyun!
[ going forward you'll realize these
were the first ones written and during
a completely different mind space ]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles] i've been told you had something you wanted to say to the losing team?
the producers just like instigating-
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; [moment of realization] oh yeah
SEVYN LEE [ 3 ☆ DOPAM!NE ] ; just that [smirks] nothing can beat the temptation of a DOPAM!NE rush!
the coolness of the statement gains
proper reactions from the audience, but
suddenly there's also gasps and cheers
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; the difference between us is like heaven and hell
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [smirks] we'll give them a rush of heaven and you'll give them a ride to hell
kairo, followed by the rest of his group,
walk on stage in full performance attire
but the losing teams aren't meant
to perform, what's going on?
the day after the evaluations
when the results were revealed !
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [looking down] i'm sorry...
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; i picked all of you, but i'm the one that ended up dragging you down...
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [frowns] if it's anyone's fault, it's mine
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; seungjun what are you saying? if anything i'm the next one down on the list
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [slumped] why are you all blaming yourself...?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; what are you losers doing feeling sorry for yourself?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; you act like this is the end of the line! we still have a video to film for our fans
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; don't show them you've given up!
exactly daewon, but a
video isn't exactly it...
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; hello team ELYSIAN
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [dude his whole soul jumped]
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; what in the world? [looks around] am i starting to hear things?
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [points] there's an tablet.
low and behold, behind them sits
a tablet playing a video of yeonjun
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; i assume you've already heard the disappointing news
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; but thankfully, i get to give you something that may cheer you up~
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; i like my chicken extra crispy, yeonjun!
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; what now?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [hits jaehyuk's shoulder] he can't hear you
let the video continue please...
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; a second chance.
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; in approximately 1 hour, you will send a member to complete a challenge for you.
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; if they manage to complete the challenge, your group will be allowed to perform on stage.
CHOI YEONJUN [ the guest mentor ] ; [winks] good luck!
the video shuts off and
leaves the group in shock
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; this is new...
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; yeah... but we have to take the chance right?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; then who do we send?
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; i could go!
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [ignores him] as a jack of all trades...
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; the prince should battle it out for his kingdom
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [blinks] you want to go?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; was i not obvious enough?
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; no, it was more than enough...
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [softly] shouldn't we send our leader though?
the group turns their head
in sync to look at kairo
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; as expected the prince is no match for the king
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; are you roleplaying?
despite questioning whatever acting
daewon was going through, they
ended up sending kairo
and although, the challenge should
be shown here by the producer's
request, the editors are a tad upset
and instead have rebelled by cancelling
the dramatics considering the challenge
wasn't something to be lost. so instead,
said scene has been moved to be shown
with the losing kitsch group.
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; so, despite losing the battle
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you've been given the chance to perform on stage
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; in case it's your last opportunity
without the heart of the producers,
a total of 4 trainees (throughout the
groups) would've faced elimination
without ever having stepped on stage
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [smiles] i must say, the producers are being nice today
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let's hope their efforts aren't in vain
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and maybe ELYSIAN can change the tides?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; speaking of, it's your turn for your introductions
before team ELYSIAN spoke,
team DOPAM!NE left the stage
with one final goodbye
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; our performance will give you a taste of paradise. hello, we are
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; is gravity working, because i swear you just fell from heaven. hey, i'm kairo!
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; fly high! your lovely seungjun is taking you to paradise!
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; i'm your paradise nabi, yijae!
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; only find my looks in paradise~ hello, i'm jaehyuk!
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; i'm your prince, daewon, and this is your heaven~
let's see their performance!
[both srr and kitsch teams picked
the same stage videos, so i randomly
chose a stage for the losing teams]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; while our sugar rush teams had clear winners
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our next two teams, didn't have the luxury
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; rather they experienced even more cutthroat competition
the day after the evaluations, both
kitsch teams were brought
into the same room
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [baffled] you're telling us to break our own tie?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; isn't that your job?
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; shh ann, let's just write our team's name first
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; we can hear you!
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; you'd have to pull it out of our cold dead hands before we'd let you win like that
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [nods] arrangements can be made.
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [scared] what?
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; can we not kill each other?
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; [frantically waves her hands] there will be no killing
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; agreed, we'll just take the win and be on our way
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; [side eye] no you won't
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [rolls eyes] then how do you suggest we figure it out?
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; hm... [taps chin] rock paper scissors?
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; but that's booooorrrriiiinnnngggg
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; yeah!
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [chimes in] what if we play uno?
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; you have uno?
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; yes... should i go get it?
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; yes!
while seongmin was sent to get
his cards, the rest were left waiting
and some seemed impatient
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; aren't we taking too long to choose a winner?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; i don't think so? wouldn't they have expected it to take some time?
considering you guys sent
seongmin to his room, which
isn't a short distance... yes?
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; we could use a different method?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; like what?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; what about arm wrestling?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; between our leaders? [looks at said two]
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [surprised] us?! [points]
rose what are you setting up?
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; after last mission...?
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [confused] what happened last mission?
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; kei made her cry
jeonghoon just knows everything huh
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [glances] you did???
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; let's not get into it [shakes hands] we're good now!
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; and! let's do it!
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; the arm wrestling thing!
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; are you sure?
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; are you scared?
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [offended] for you maybe
and this is how sooyoung and kei
ended up about to arm wrestle
when the door opened
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; i'm back! [holding uno cards triumphantly]
everyone looks at seongmin
as he takes in the scene
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [exasperated] don't tell me i have to stop a fight again!
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; we're not fighti-
as sooyoung was distracted, kei
brought her arm down to one side
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; [mouth left open]
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; hey! that's not fair!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; don't be a sore loser [sticks out tongue]
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; then be a fair winner...
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [laughs] sorry I just wanted see these reactions~
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; let's play uno!
and that's how a 6-player game of
uno began (they deemed 10 too many)
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [her turn] ann, do you have any reds?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; this isn't go fish, pick up.
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; okay [grins with direct eye contact] i'll go fish~
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [frowns] can someone reverse? i need to plus 4 someone
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; aw, [pouts] don't do it ann!
after ann herself plays a
card, kian has her back
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; here you go [plays a red reverse]
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; well thank you [glimmer of evil]
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; kian! how could you! we're on the same team!
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; huh? [blinks] she asked
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [groans as she has to pick up cards]
as the game got further in...
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; uno! [plays a plus 4] green!
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; what?! noooooo
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [grins and places another plus 4 down] uno! and yellow!
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [pain] nooooo [reluctantly picks up 8 cards]
the turns continue through kian
and ann as neither have
interesting cards, but audrey
begins to tank herself as she
starts picking up cards
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; ah ha! [plays a yellow plus 2]
audrey's sacrifice (she now has 17
cards in her hand) has forced
rose to pick up 2 cards
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; [plays the last card of the game] i win!
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; this seems like it should be illegal [frowns]
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; you didn't put it in the rules, so it really isn't
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; i know...
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; but what about a second game?
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; accept defeat, we should go back to practicing...
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; practicing for what, huh?
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; you still get to film a dance practice video [trying to help her be positive]
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [deadpans] i will bite you.
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; [gasps] no biting, let's go team
sooyoung ushers team style out
of the room and team pariah is
about to leave as well before they're
stopped by the staff and are shown
a video similar to that of team elysian.
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; only one member?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; are they going to make them perform by themselves...?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; and if they do well enough, they'll let everyone perform?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [sighs] does this mean we have to send kei
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [offended] take back that sigh
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; nah
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; take it back-
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; halt!
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; in any case, we should send kei anyway because he's our leader
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; aw, can't i go~
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; we can send kei
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; hey!
and this is how we got here, kairo
and kei standing in a room alone
all we need is sevyn and this
would be the original 5 stars
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; what do you think they're making us do?
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; we thought we'd have to perform well enough alone for our group to perform
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [mouth left open in shock]
don't worry...
STAFF ; now that the camera is working properly, i'll explain your challenge
what do you mean the camera's
just now working properly???
well, the staff is referring to the
live footage now being on a total
of 5 devices, which were letting
all the groups watch from
their practice room.
KANG JAEHYUK [ 3 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; we get to watch it?!
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; why are kairo and kei on screen?
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [somewhere else fr] two dudes hanging in a room 5 feet apart because they're not gay~
i don't know about that, but okay?
STAFF ; to start, you will each choose a headband to wear and perform aegyo for the camera
STAFF ; if our producer agrees that your aegyo is enough, your team will be allowed to perform on stage
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; you're letting them perform on stage? then why did you make us stressed?
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; it's a survival show. for drama, clearly.
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; is this meant to embarrass them...?
i don't know if they feel
embarrassed right now
kairo and kei glance at each
other in silent agreement
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; [nods] okay, kei first
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; what now?
kei clearly thought kairo was
going first, but nonetheless, kei
moved to the front and grabbed
puppy ears before beginning his turn
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; aegyo? more like my sleep paralysis demon
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; [laughs] it's not that bad
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; i don't know, i feel like we lost
following a cue, kairo immediately
moved after, choosing bunny ears
for his performance
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; do you think he's sending a kiss to the producer, walkers, or soobin?
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; soobin. wait, who are the walkers?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; the viewers because they walk down the street
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ELYSIAN ] ; ...i thought they were called citizens..?
i'm starting to see why the editors
skipped it earlier, this was all
the segment consisted of-
stopping the behind the
scenes' footage, the stage
reappears on screen
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please welcome the winning kitsch team, STYLE to the stage!
just like the winning srr team,
STYLE immediately began their stage
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
after team style's ending fairy shots,
the team moves into a straight line
for their group introduction
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [pauses her clapping] oh~ would you look at that?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this team appears to be eager to greet you all...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [mischievous grin] but should i let them?
kian's face is caught showing
sudden fear while sooyoung's pouts
at these faces, the majority
of the crowd shouts 'yes'
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; okay okay, i heard you jeez...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; take it away, STYLE~
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; We never go out of style! Hello we're
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 3 ☆ STYLE ] ; i am sooyoung, the group's elegant sweater with stylish vocals!
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; hello it's the groups one of a kind handbag, seo ryeon!
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; a cutie with charisma, i'm audrey, the group's flashy pair of sunglasses!
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; gotta call universal, I'm about to be a star pair of earrings! hello, lovely guys and gals! It's your BAE, jeonghoon at your service!
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ STYLE ] ; it's your favorite dancing shoes, kian hwang, here to steal the show!
as the cheers die down,
misun goes to talk again
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hm, it seems like you have a lot of f-
but misun is suddenly caught off
by a rock instrumental of kitsch
playing as familiar figures
walk on stage
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; We may both be team KITSCH,
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; but we're definitely not the one with the poor quality.
( kitsch - art, objects, or design
considered to be in poor taste
because of excessive garishness
or sentimentality, but sometimes
appreciated in an ironic
or knowing way )
the audience roars at the
entrance and fighting words
but unlike the srr battle,
there seems to be no words
from the other side...?
TEAM STYLE ; [simultaneously doing the rosalia chew the moment they see the other team]
while still giving the attitude
(because they're dedicated),
team style exits the stage
and team pariah begins
their introductions
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; We weren't the chosen ones, but we'll be the ones who become legends. Hello, we are
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; hello, i'm your legend in the making, kawahara kei
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; roses are red, violets are blue, don't mess with me because i'm a legend that knows kung fu. hello, i am rose.
MOON SEONGMIN [ 3 ☆ PARIAH ] ; as the legend moon seongmin, my commissions are closed unless you're a cute boy
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; i'm cute so what else do you need? I'm the charismatic legend, suho!
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ PARIAH ] ; the legendary rockstar ann at your service!
after setting up on lingering cheers,
team PARIAH's stage begins
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; last but not least, we have our final performance of the night!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please welcome the team that beat both losing teams, HALLUCINATION!
but before that! how did
they take all this news?
STAFF ; congrats, HALLUCINATION, you have gained the opportunity to perform!
yujun melts like an ice
cream cone at this news
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [sigh of relief] and here i was thinking you were coming in here to tell me to go home
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; if you want to leave, the door's right there
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; you're the one being dramatic
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [grins] AM I DREAMING?! pinch me yerim!
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [pinches her]
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; ow, you actually did?
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [brings her back on track] are you dreaming?
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; oh yeah-! i'm not! we actually beat the losers!
that sounds harsh nayeon...
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; i guess you can say it's not a hallucination~
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; please stop, you guys are giving me a headache [rubbing her temples]
the group immediately
sends their apologies
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; now, let's get back to practice before they regret letting us on stage
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [jumps up and salutes] yes ma'am!
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; and at a low volume as well
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; [salutes as well and speaks at a whisper] yes ma'am.
additionally, after the aegyo challenge,
an aegyo contest somehow emerged
in their practice room
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; aurae~ aren't i cuter than them?
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; no, i'm cuter!
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; i only allow my brother to do stuff like this.
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; yerim~ i'm cuter right?
unlike the other two winning teams,
HALLUCINATION gave their introductions
before the start of their performance
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; We are not an illusion, we're
SEOL YERIM [ 3 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; i'm the yerim hallucination, here to protect you against all odds!
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; a blooming beauty, i'm the nayeon hallucination!
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; what's that? thats you going crazy-cray for hallucination aurae!
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ HALLUCINATION ] ; i'm going to read your mind and fulfill your expectations, i'm the yujun hallucination!
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
after team hallucination's stage,
they left misun to stand there alone
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; with that as our ending performance, i'm sad to say that the mix & max stage has come to an end [exaggerated frown]
CROWD ; aw....
SOME RANDOM FAN ; encore?!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [laughs] sorry to disappoint, but there will be no encores
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; rather, i have a very important task i need you to accomplish now
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; would you like to hear it?
the crowd shouts yes
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [nods] if our performances didn't wipe your memories, you may recall a set of boards outside this room
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; so, as you leave, you'll be able to place a star on your winning group to cast your vote! along with your center of choice!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; please vote carefully~ we thank you for your support!
after the video lingers on the stage,
capturing misun walking off, fast
forward scenes of the fans in attendance
placing stars of boards play through
includes "onsite" voting, trainee
voting, and mission 4 preparation
> the form may only be submitted once
> you can vote for your own group
or trainee at any point of the form
> the form will close on april 11th
> tagging is allowed!
[ LINK ]
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