four faces are displayed on screen
two that will stay and two that will leave
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who do you think will make it?
a dramatic rhetorical question
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; aurae?
wait, i guess not
JEONG AURAE [ 1 ☆ diamond ] ; oh? [surprised as she gets handed a mic]
JEONG AURAE [ 1 ☆ diamond ] ; i think it'll be sooram and jeonghoon
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; your teammates? [nods] understandable
LEE HANEUL [ 1 ☆ ACE ] ; but auraeeee we were teammates before! [pouts]
JEONG AURAE [ 1 ☆ diamond ] ; ...
JEONG AURAE [ 1 ☆ diamond ] ; [chuckles] i guess i can't choose
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ha, i won't linger on this any longer
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let's see which trainee has 2410 EXP and is safe from elimination today
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this trainee has plenty of personal obsessions
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but their honesty has really caught the most attention
you already know this is a dramatic pause
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, bae jeonghoon!
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [chokes while taking a drink of water]
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; eh?!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; WOOO HOONIE
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [concerned] are you okay???
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; yes yes [coughs] i just didn't expect this
we know...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [dramatic tone] and then there was one
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; sooram... plz?
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; if haneul leaves, who am i supposed to prank sevyn with?
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [side eyes]
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; what are you doing kei?
kei, why are you speaking your thoughts?
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; it's going to be you, hoyeon
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; because, if anything, we are lucky
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; lucky indeed
MO HOYEON [ 1 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [shrugs]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; oh? [presses her in ear] you've already said their name!
all the names were said misun
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our last trainee is from a team that didn't get to perform on stage in this last mission
and then there were 2
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; oh...
SEOL YERIM [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; hm... i didn't expect to lose 2 of our members
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this trainee is also one often found zoning out in practice rooms
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; isn't that both of them?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; is it?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [chuckles] this is fun
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but shall i finally pull the band aid off?
there's a wave of agreement at that question
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ok ok
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our last safe trainee's clue partners up with another...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; as they seem to be known for their loser rizz..?
pause even though we know
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, mo hoyeon!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and with that announcement, we can transition directly over to our overall ranking announcement
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and who better than to start with than hoyeon?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; without dragging this, out of the seats behind me
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hoyeon sits in the 22nd seat
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; huh?
hoyeon ends up pushed
towards the stage be his fellow
4-leaf-clover members
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [dumbfounded] wait- 22nd?
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; i thought theirs would be the lowest EXP amount
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; but there's 2 other trainees between 1330 EXP and 1300 EXP???
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; not necessarily
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; we were all saved without our EXP
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; are you wondering how there're two safe trainees lower than hoyeon?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well, these two safe trainees are the exception to the 2300 EXP requirement
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; since they've already received a 2nd star through the mission
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and good thing they have, because they wouldn't have survived today without it
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [sitting away from everyone]
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; that's a harsh way to put it...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our trainee with the lowest EXP happens to also be our luckiest trainee
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; which is quite the coincidence considering their suit
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but, thanks to their fellow trainees, ji yujun takes our 24th seat today!
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; wELP
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; i didn't see that coming [laughs]
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; you're laughing?
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; is there something else i'm supposed to do?
act sad, you know, for the producers?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; continuing, our trainee following in 23rd didn't have the same experience
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; rather they were saved from their entire group getting a star instead
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; although we do have a common theme between the 2 still
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; who has something in common with yujun?
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; ...seungjun?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [confused] how?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; they are both quite outgoing...
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; i retract my guess
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the trainee in the 23rd seat is heo jungjin!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; now, all there is, is up
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i'll be announcing the trainees in ranks 15-21 next
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; as you are called, please come stand in a line next to me
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you'll be able to give words after everyone is called
this is produce in disguise guys ngl
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; what?! but we weren't able to
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [in a fake british accent] give words
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; that's because we're the losers :D
MO HOYEON [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [blinks]
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [stressed] NOOOOOO
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the trainee in the 21st seat shouldn't come as a surprise considering we already know their EXP...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; with 2410 EXP, bae jeonghoon takes the 21st seat!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; next is the 20th seat
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the EXP has increased by 228, yet this position still isn't the greatest
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; especially when it's not your first time on a survival show
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; seungjun? or kei?
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; are you randomly throwing in commentary?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; i'm helping the editors make it more dramatic
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our 20th trainee is hak seungjun!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; moving right along, the trainee in seat 19 would've just made the EXP cutoff if their team hadn't won the mission
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [gasps] it's one of us!
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; is it yijae? she had 2700, right?
KANG JAEHYUK [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; wouldn't the hint be different then?
KANG JAEHYUK [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; like more dramatic...?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; some might say they're some form of nepo baby...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [off script] what now?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who said i had any control over this???
wow this is obvious now...
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [dying of laughter as she hits jaehyuk]
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; what i don't get it? is jaehyuk a nepo baby?
starting scandals today i see
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [sighs] anyway, our 19th seat goes to kang jaehyuk
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; next up is the trainee in the 18th seat
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who is someone with 2700 EXP as well
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congrats to kwon yijae!
don't ask me where the
dramatic pause is idk
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; wow~ it's only a 34 point difference
the EXP of each trainee is being
shown on the screen as they're called
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our 17th trainee has shared the same fate as another already called
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but in slightly better conditions if it hadn't occurred
idk what to put here, so we
get a dramatic pause instead
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; in the 17th seat is shin kyuhyun!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; KYUKYU WOOOO
HEO JUNGJIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [gasps] my nickname's being stolen
how loud was suho that
jungjin heard him tf???
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our next two seats only experience a 6 point difference
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; starting with 2980 EXP, the trainee in the 16th seat is known to be optimistic...
dramatic pause <3
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's lee nayeon!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and in 15th with 2986 EXP is the show's ultimate mother...
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; do they mean leader wise...?
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; cause that'd leave 3 options
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; my sister isn't the "ultimate mother"
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; okay, 2 options then
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; seol yerim!
with the trainees called,
let's hear from a few
SEOL YERIM [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; i don't know when i earned this title
SEOL YERIM [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; seeing as i haven't talked to all of you here
SEOL YERIM [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; but, i'll embrace it, thank you
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [tearing up] thank you guys so much!
LEE NAYEON [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; i have a lot more in me, so i'll make sure to rise up!
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; there are so many impressive people here
HAK SEUNGJUN [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; but i hope i'll continue to stay on your minds, thank you
and with the first row of
seats completed, wouldn't you
say it's time for a little break?
STAFF ; we have another question for you
STAFF ; who would you let date your sibling?
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [makes eye contact with his daewon paddle]
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [chuckles] not him
don't let daewon hear this...
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [shows a new paddle] i'd say kyuhyun
daewon you've been rejected,
but if it helps, someone
else picked you
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; [holding daewon's paddle] wouldn't i want someone hot to date my imaginary sibling?
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; h*ll i'd date him
this isn't a dating show i swear
but this isn't the only
trainee shooting their shot
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; who my siblings date would never be something i can choose,
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; but i feel like hoyeon and sooyoung were both pretty fun to work with-
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; and [coughs] i feel kyuhyun should date someone related to my sibling
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [coughs] if you know what i mean...
sevyn, if you're going to
shoot your shot in an interview,
why don't you shoot it in person?
and you might want to do it fast..
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [holding kyuhyun's paddle] literally husband material
MOON SEONGMIN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; if it wasn't for a sibling i'd set him up with me fr
ok... let's get back to actual
answers for siblings-
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [glances at her paddle] hm...
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; i just thought that having kian as a brother-in-law would be pretty cool
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [smiles] suho is very sweet and funny!
sooyoung really just chose
the twins for her two answers
additionally, this isn't the
only time suho was picked
KANG JAEHYUK [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; if i had a younger sister, i wouldn't mind if she dated suho since he's so sweet
on the other hand, sooyun
was chosen for less dating
reasons and more...
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; i know my brother is like 10 or something, but hear me out,
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; sooyun would be such good friends with my lil bro~
aurae herself is experiencing
some setups, actual ones
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [holding aurae's paddle]
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; i think they'd get along because they're both down to earth
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; i think aurae is calix's type and aurae's fun so i wouldn't mind if they dated
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; i couldn't choose anyone for logan [shivers] that'd be too weird
oh yeah, rose's twin logan
it's understandable that she
couldn't choose anyone for him,
but for our show's twins, they
weren't short of answers
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [smiles while holding jeonghoon's paddle]
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; he's nice and he likes games and he's a teacher
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; good luck sis :D
i swear we're not matchmaking
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [holding rose's paddle] y'all are both foodies and cute!!!!
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; and also because i couldn't find anyone else younger than you...
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; BUT if you like some sort of noona saranghaeyo thing then Au—!
what is sooyun even saying right now
but back to sharing more answers
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; i chose audrey [smiles]
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [holding ann] i really love her personality
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; and find her very trusting
DO DAEWON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; [kairo's paddle] he just looks sweet
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; seungjun is an actual angel!
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; my sister..? she's lesbian but also older than me so...
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; i don't think i can make any decisions
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; haha, but maybe yerim?
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; i feel like they would get along, and also, she's kind of the only one who is old enough
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; but if i had younger siblings, maybe sevyn, seungjun, or sooyun?
and lastly
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [holding jungjin's paddle] he's a good story teller,
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; and my sister is a BOOK AUTHOR, what more can you ask for?!
with that answer, we conclude
this section with a tie...
( technically, this should include
seungjun and sooyun who also
had 2 votes each, but i don't
feel like making another edit- )
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; we will move onto our front row, ranks 6-14
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; with our 14th trainee we've hit 3000 EXP
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this trainee is another member of heartbeat
i like to pause
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations to moon seungmin!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and for our 13th place, we switched groups
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and this number is fitting when your name counts as 1 or 13
an ace if you're lost-
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; in our 13th seat, we have seo ryeon!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the next seat is 11...
misun... can you count?
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; 11? but what about 12???
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; a tie?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our next 2 trainees are tied, and they get to decide amongst themselves, who sits in 12 and who sits in 11
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this is a duo that happens to always be together
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; ann kim and kian hwang!
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; we have the same EXP?
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [sighs] i'm never escaping
KIAN HWANG [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [frowns]
ANN KIM [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; i'm kidding kian!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; moving on, our trainee in 10th is yet another member of heartbeat
KWON YIJAE [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; they're going to leave one of our members alone down there..?
KANG JAEHYUK [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; well... that's a good thing?
yeah, cause it's not like there will
be no hearts in the top 5... right?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this trainee is a sweet leader...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations min sooyun!
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; eh?! sooyun don't leave-
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; make it to the top, our center <3
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [chimes in] well... that's a hard thing to do
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; considering the trainee in 9th is also from heartbeat...
SHIN KYUHYUN [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; but... they got the benefit...
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [staring at misun] really?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; no [laughs]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i'm messing with you~
this wasn't in the script misun
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our 9th trainee happens to be from diamond
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; hm... but which diamond am i talking about?
diamond5 + diamond = 5 possible trainees
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; what's next? D1M0NDZ ?
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; did you just do pauses to include the numbers...?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the 9th trainee is do daewon!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; next in 8th, we have the only original 5 star that sits in the front row today
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; [starts pointing out the people it can be]
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; me, sevyn, kei?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congrats to kawahara kei!
sevyn and kairo top 5 confirmed?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; in 7th, is one of our resident sweethearts
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; awe that's cute
BAE JEONGHOON [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; but isn't there too many options..?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congrats, yoon sooyoung!
and with that there's one more
trainee left for the front row
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our next trainee marks the end before our top 5
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; it's the one in 6th place, and the one well known for their baking...
a pause gasp
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, park rose!
let's see what some of these
trainees have to say
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; ah, [looks around] should it be a goal to be in the top 5?
PARK ROSE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; if so, i'll continue working hard to make it there, fighting!
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [smiles] this is a really high place, thank you!
YOON SOOYOUNG [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; i want to make sure i deserve it, so please keep supporting me while i improve
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; hello
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; i don't really like rankings too much, but i'd say i'm happy to stand here
KAWAHARA KEI [ 2 ☆ ACE] ; [grins] thank you
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; audrey~ suho~ you made it up there [points]
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; so make me proud
MIN SOOYUN [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; until i make it up there myself :D
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; thank you for supporting me, i won't let you down
SEO RYEON [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; and thank you misun for finally finishing the announcement
yes, they've been standing
here for a little too long
go sit
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [dramatic voice] and then there were 5...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; but they're our top 5 trainees today!
well, we already know...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; starting with number 5,
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; this trainee isn't followed by chaos, rather they're the one that creates it
you know
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, min suho!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; HOw?! 5 seconds ago i was worried for my survival but now i'm 5th overall?! SHOULD I DO A CARTWHEEL?!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; no?! well then i'll give my appreciation with a kiss [sends an air kiss] mwah!
MIN SUHO [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; now, i don't know who's first right now, but you better be ready!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; what fighting words...
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; i would be scared... but i'm not competing so [shrugs]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; anyway, suho go take your seat so i can announce our next trainee
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our trainee in 4th place is known to be sexy
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and in your head all the time...?
ice ice baby
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, lee sevyn!
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [thinking] are you saying i'm so hot that i'm always on your mind? or is this a psychologist joke?
sevyn, don't think about it too hard...
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; either way, thank you and thank you everyone for your support, [serious] i really need this show to help clear my debt
SEVYN LEE [ 2 ☆ ACE ] ; [slow smile] i'm kidding~ we're not getting paid here
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; [hesitates before laughing]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; our top 5 is generating a certain energy today~
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; let's continue!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; the trainee in 3rd place is our last leader standing,
yellow cotton candy
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, jeong aurae!
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; ooo wah~ [shoots hearts] i appreciate the support~!
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; although, i am surprised to be this high without initially being safe today
JEONG AURAE [ 2 ☆ diamond ] ; but i guess that just shows the fire of the danger zone, hm?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and then there were two!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; we have audrey, the trainee that has received the most bonus EXP
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and kairo, our first place trainee from the initial rankings
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; who's our first place trainee?
who indeed? their faces
are alternating on the screen
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations, seo kairo!
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; the only place to stand at is the top isn't it?
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; i'm glad i've received such a dreamed after spot, but i also know my skills have yet to reach a place worthy of it
SEO KAIRO [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; BUT, as long as i have your support, i'll make sure to continue working hard to improve my skills! thank you! [smiles]
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and this means our second place trainee is audrey stewart!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; congratulations!
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [still in shock] wow...
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [in japanese] i actually can't believe it [breathes] are you sure they didn't miscount? i'm pretty sure i was 28th before
AUDREY STEWART [ 2 ☆ Heartbeat ] ; [switches to korean] actually actually? thank you everyone! i'll try more and do better [hand heart]
with that, all the trainees have
taken their seats and have delivered
a complete greeting to the viewers
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; are you guys glad it's over?
there's a wave of agreement
from the trainees as a lot
of them start stretching
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; well, i have one more piece of information for you
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; do you see your total EXP?
why are you asking that...?
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; take one last look at it because after today, your totals have been reset to zero
JI YUJUN [ 2 ☆ 4-leaf-clover ] ; oh..?!
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; you've all gained your second star, but that also means you now have to go after your 3rd
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; and as you all know, we have no time to waste
MISUN [ the recruiter ] ; so, get a good night sleep and i'll see you tomorrow~!
a/n - i got tired of writing this
two people into the front row,
but it's done! and to conclude
it i want to share some
random details...
the three trainees that got the
most amount of votes in the final
voting were suho (11), kairo (9),
and audrey (8). the EXP for votes
was done using a multiplier of 100.
(meaning suho got 1100
EXP from votes alone)
each center received 355 EXP
automatically while audrey, the
winning center, received a total of 800.
in the past mission, the bonus EXP
was focused onto the centers, which
is why every group, in general,
received extra EXP.
i also want to mention that extra
EXP from the end of chapters can
be completed after another chapter
has been posted, the EXP given is
just lowered. I also tend to give
EXP when forms are submitted ^^
which brings me to our next form!
> exp will be given for
completing the form!
> submit the form twice
if you have 2 trainees!
> other details are in the form
itself and feel free to reach
out if you have any questions!
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