The Concert
The day of the concert has finally arrived. It starts at eight in the evening.
We get up in the morning as usual. We have breakfast, but only a small sandwich, nothing heavy, so as not to burden our stomachs.
In the morning, we rest and play a little to relax.
Then Minho makes some chicken breast salad for lunch.
The car comes at two in the afternoon and takes us to the concert venue.
We check the microphones and the headphones. We also adjust the sound.
When it's finally right and there's not a single distorted sound left, it's already four o'clock.
After that, we will rehearse the songs, at which point I will bring Lynette on stage as well, let her get used to it, although she does not yet know that she will also perform with us tonight.
We rehearse until six, then we go backstage and start getting ready.
The stylists do our make-up, adjust our hair, and we get our performance clothes.
When I finish, I put Lini back in my seat, and she looks at me in surprise.
The make-up girl does her understated make-up with a tiny bit of glitter. Then she gets a funky haircut, and finally they bring her clothes, which are similar to ours.
She still doesn't understand what's happening, so we sit down next to her and I tell her the surprise. She's looking at us to see if we're kidding. When she realizes we mean it, she hugs us all one by one and we all get one of those kisses she loves to give.
People are already gathering in the auditorium, the bombs are flashing up and down. Pictures, posters in their hands. The STAYs have also been busily preparing for the concert.
And we will do everything to make them happy.
Let's start.
We go under the stage to the elevator, which will take us out. Place Lynette in the middle so she doesn't fall down. And MIROH is coming.
At first, the STAYs are surprised to see the 9th member, but when the music starts, they too dissolve.
After the song, Bangchan greets the fans, then introduces Lynette to the audience, tells her story in a few words, and adds that tomorrow they can listen to her whole story on a Youtube Live.
After the handler comes the BACK DOOR.
I know that this is one of Lini's favorites, and even now she dances with her mouth up to her ears, she never makes a mistake, she doesn't get nervous, she just lives the music.
We won't stop, the show continues with THUNDEROUS.
Here the audience is already raging, and I can hear Lynette's name being chanted along with ours.
GOD'S MENU is coming. Another favorite of Lynette's.
The Princess's happiness knows no bounds. She really enjoys it, waves to the audience, blows kisses, bows. She was born for the stage.
Here comes our final track, MANIAC.
We did it! The sight of a successful concert and a happy audience always cheers me up. We bow and wave and leave the stage.
In the backstage, Lini runs towards me and cheerfully jumps on my neck.
- I think she liked it on stage! Jisung laughs.
- You were very good! - Chan tells her, which I quickly translate for her on the mobile phone.
- She handled the pace incredibly well! - added Minho, which is a big word of him.
- One word is more than a hundred, we are proud of you! - Félix hugs her, then everyone joins her for a group hug.
This is how the manager finds us.
- You were very good, you worked well! Congratulations!
Get ready now, because the audience meeting is about to begin.
Lynette is also coming, everyone wants to meet her, she stole into the hearts of STAYs. Which, by the way, I'm not surprised about, because she's a fairy girl - he winks at her - Let's go! So that she doesn't get scared, Hyunjin, put her on your lap, she needs help with her language anyway.
Now let's go, let's go to hand out signatures! - he concludes the briefing.
Fanmeetings are good parties because you can meet the STAYs face to face. They confirm in me why I do it all.
But unfortunately there are also sasaengs who are malicious maniacs.
But there are security guards with us, and because of Lini, I also pay more attention to make sure no one wants to harm her.
But luckily, everyone loves her. She is considered cute and very talented. She waves happily, scribbles her name on papers, takes photos with those who ask, and cuts cute heads.
A master of compromise, I say.
We finish around midnight, Lynette is already asleep in my lap, leaning on my chest. We finally go home, I take her out to the bus, and I get in, holding her in my lap the whole time.
When we get there, I take her in and go straight up to the room with her.
I lay her down, take off her shoes and socks, and wrap her up. I'm going to take a quick bath and get into bed next to her.
Too bad she's only been with us for a week. It's like we've always known each other. And she's leaving tomorrow. This makes me a little sad.
Earlier, before the concert.
Hyunjin puts me in her chair again, I also get a little make-up, combed, and I have to change my clothes. I don't understand, but I'm drifting with the tide.
We sit down with the guys in a circle and they start to explain to me that I will also go on stage with them, this is a kind of surprise for me, I can perform with them. At first I'm surprised, I think they're joking, but no, they're serious.
I have to hug and kiss them, they are so cute! I am so happy! But I'm also nervous, I hope I don't disappoint them and the other STAYs.
But I don't have much time to get excited, because we start, Hyunjin takes my hand, we go under the stage, we stand on the thing that takes us up. I'll ask the others later what it is.
We're leaving, Jin and Lix are holding me from both sides, don't fall down. A few moments later, we are standing in front of the audience.
I have no chance to be nervous about the crowd, because MIROH is starting. And I'll give it my all.
At the end of the song, Bangchan speaks to the fans. I also hear my name, according to them, they are talking about me too.
Then we continue the performance. I dance like never before, completely lost in the music. I don't even see the audience, I just enjoy dancing with the guys, like in rehearsal.
It seems like the eight numbers are over in an instant. We go down to where we got dressed, I get down last, when I see Hyunjin I run up and jump on his neck.
Chan says I was good and it makes me very happy and a bit proud of myself.
Then there is the audience meeting, we sit down in a row, they put me on Jinnie's lap. Many, many STAYs come to talk and ask for signatures, some even ask me, which is quite strange. I wave at them, I also cut funny and cute heads for the photos when they ask.
But it takes a very long time. Unable to stay awake, I lean against Hyunjin and fall asleep.
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