Tornstar and his sister
So, I'm in a few roleplays and one of my OCS that I created in under 5 seconds just to join the RP is Tornstar!
For a little background info, unless you know of him already, Tornstar is the leader of a clan of winged cats. They co-exist with fish-like cats and magical plant power cats.
Tornstar was corrupted by the Dark Forest, his goal to burn down the forest and poison the fish in the lake with the ashes. This all goes a little downhill when Tornstar almost drops a kit in a lake and threatens ForestClan openly during the gathering.
Clanmates become suspicious and a warrior in CloudClan with a forbidden SplashClan mate leaves with her hybrid kits in fear of Tornstar. He begins to worry he's become a bit too intimidating and feels like he'll fail the mission.
After murdering the medicine cat in cold blood, not to mention with loads of witnesses, and blaming it on the nearest cat, Tornstar gets a bit too emersed in the act and tells about how said blamed cat might have killed his sister.
The cat in the right is Stormypaw, his sister whom he loved dearly. She disappeared one day and, as Tornstar began to sob by a brook, he had a thought about how it might've been the Dark Forest's doing.
In this ongoing roleplay, his loyalty to the Dark Forest is slipping, the only thing stopping him from being a great leader once again is the fact that he knows nobody will believe or even accept him. And he knows there's no going back.
ANYWAYS, if you were wondering what the heck I was banging on about, don't worry. I'm putting this here because I might forget later on and need the info for some unknown reason.
(Also people have asked me before about what I'm using to create these images. It's not a picrew, it's an app! I have no clue if it's on Apple, but I'll put a link in the comments if someone really wants to know)
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