"Chase! Chase it's ok! Calm down. Please. Shhh." I hear someone say in a firm but reassuring way.
I look around in my state of panic, lights are flashing red, people are running around, and I... I can't see clearly. I don't understand. Someone crouches in front of me placing their hand on my knee.
"Chase, it's me Leo. You need to calm down." I look into his eyes. It is him. I calm slightly still not able to think.
"Let's get him to a private room." I hear the first person say behind me. He walks in front of me and grabs my arm. "Come on Chase, let's go somewhere quiet." He says gently. He puts my arm over his shoulder and guides me to stand up.
Leo does the same and they walk me down the hall. The alarm has stopped, the flashing light too but I'm still shaking. 'What is happening to me?' I sit down on the bed in the quiet room and look down at my hands.
"Go down the hall, our kitchen is on the right. Find something to calm him." I hear someone say but it sounds like he's in another room.
'Is that... Kaz? Right? It would be Kaz, the guy who's helping me.' I think to myself, trying to make sense of why I feel like this.
I jump as his face suddenly comes into my vision. "Chase? Are you okay?" He asks waving his hand in front of my face.
"I... I don't know. I don't know. Why don't I know? I... I... You have my smarts... Right? I... Don't like not knowing." I breathe heavily, not looking at him but more through him. My hands fidget anxiously.
"Hey, hey, hey! It's ok. You're safe. Everything's fine." He says softly. I don't respond, still shaking. He lifts my face and forces me to look at him. "I need you to relax, okay? Can you do that for me? Just look into my eyes and breathe. Ready?"
I blink, heat rushing to my cheeks and more of my thoughts leave my head. I gulp and nod, still hyperventilating.
"Good. In, one, two, three, four, out, one, two, three, four." He says smiling softly still holding my face.
I try to breathe along with his counting but a crash from outside restarts my panic. "No, no, no, no!" I say jumping away from him, grabbing my head and squeezing my eyes shut.
"This isn't working. Uh..." He mumbles to himself. He squeezes his hands into a fist before sighing. "I'm sorry." He says quickly before grabbing my face with both hands, pulling my face towards his.
Our lips meet and I pause. Everything pauses as my eyes snap open. My breath is hitched and my brain has stopped. My hands slowly lower as he pulls back. I watch as he assesses my reaction, blinking before my shakey breath returns. Not shakey because I'm scared but more to catch up on missing oxygen, my panic is still there but I'm calmer.
I just watch him as he starts to worry. "I'm... I'm sorry, I just needed to shock you and I couldn't think so anything while you were panicking. I guess I could have slapped you but I'm a doctor, I'm meant to heal people not injure them."
I blink watching him a few more times before my brain catches up. My face bursts with heat as I hide it in my hands, bringing my knees up.
"Oh, no. Being embarrassed will raise your heart rate again. Come on, look I'm the one who should be embarrassed. I'm the one that kissed you. I have all your intelligence and that's all I could think about." He pauses but I don't look up. "And it's still all I can think to calm you down." He mumbles.
He thinks for a moment, I breathe as calmly as I can. I feel his hand grab mine and pull it away from my face. He looks deep into my eyes with worry and a softness that makes me want to just stare into his almost golden-brown eyes.
He smiles softly, moving my other hand away. "It's ok. Just breathe." He reaches out and rubs my cheek for a moment.
Once my breathing has calmed he pulls back. He rubs his neck and turns away. "Uh, I'm gonna go see what's taking Leo so long." He says before rushing out of the room.
I look around the room and smile softly.
Why? I don't know.
- Time skip because things happen the same way as in the episode. We cut back to just after they swap intelligence. -
"Hey, Kaz could I talk to you? Uh, privately?" I ask grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the group.
"Uh, yeah, sure." He says as we walk down the hall and into an empty room. "What's up? Worried about if you still have the virus? Because it should be all gone now." He says looking at me confused.
"No, I know that. I wanted to talk about, you know, you kissing me. With my intelligence, you would have been able to think of plenty of things to calm me down. And yet you kissed me. Which means that you were thinking of it already, you entertained the thought and followed through. So why was it the only thing on your mind?" I explain crossing my arms and trying to hide a smirk.
"Uh... Well..." He looks away with a slight blush across his face. He opens and closes his mouth a few times trying to find something to say. "Um, panic. I was trying to calm you down and so I was panicking because you could have blown up. Panic clouds judgment. Right?"
"Uh-huh. Right." I say sarcastically. "You're a superhero doctor. I feel like you should be able to... Not panic under stress. Especially when you're trying to stop a patient from doing the same."
"I'm also only a teenager. I still go to school." He rebuts.
"How did you even get this job?" I ask before quickly returning to the conversation. "Don't change the subject. You kissed me. It wasn't the most logical thing to do, considering it only worked for a moment before my heart rate skyrocketed again. So why did you do it?" I ask seriously.
"Look I'm sorry. It was dumb and unprofessional. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable." He says slightly aggravated.
"I didn't say it made me uncomfortable. I just want to know if you go around kissing all your patients."
"Well most of them are adults, so no." He says sarcastically.
"Kaz! You're avoiding my question."
"I. Don't. Know. Okay? I just did." He shrugs and looks at the floor. "Can we just forget it even happened?"
"And what if I don't want to forget?" I tease.
His head snaps up. "What?!"
I shrug. "Well, why would I? It wasn't bad. Shocking? Sure. But I don't want to forget."
"But it was just a rushed kiss to stop you from panicking. That's embarrassing, please don't have that as your memory of me." He says sadly, his face red.
"Maybe I could forget the bad one if it was to be replaced with a better memory. I mean we'll probably never see each other again, so why not make the most of it?" I say stepping closer.
"What? What do you mean?" He scrunches his face, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You mean like... Redo the kiss?" He asks quietly.
"Well, I could just leave now if you want." I joke.
"N-no! I need a redo. My impression of you is that you're cool and smart with powers and your impression of me is that I'm a dumb normal human who was somehow stupid with your super intelligence." He says quickly.
"Well then let's change that." I grab his shirt pulling him closer.
"Y-yeah." Kaz says breathily looking up into my eyes.
I lean down slightly and connected our lips softly, closing my eyes. My hand move to his neck, letting go of his shirt and pull him closer. He slowly starts to kiss back his hands snaking around my waist as he takes a step back pulling me with him until his back is pressed against the door.
Our simple kiss quickly turns into a steamy make-out session. Our lips moving in sync sloppily. We go until we run out of oxygen. Pulling apart, gasping for air. We watch each other panting.
"We should... Uh, we should go back now. Before they think something." I say wiping my lips. I close my eyes for a second to catch my breath and smile to myself.
"Right! Yeah, let's... Go." He takes a breath. "Let's go."
I nod and follow him out back into the main room of Mighty Med. Bree turns to us and smiles. "Hey, there you are. We're getting ready to go. Hop in." She says pointing at the rickshaw parked in the middle of the hospital floor.
I take a seat while she goes over to talk to Skylar and then Oliver. Kaz watches them as Bree gets grossed out for some reason. Bree walks back over to the rickshaw where Leo and I are sitting as we watch Adam break the automatic doors. He then climbs into the rickshaw and Bree runs us home.
We all go our separate ways to relax but Bree stops me when Leo and Adam have left. "So, you gonna tell me what you and Kaz were "talking" about? Seemed quite intense based on the red across both of your faces." She teases.
"Shut up." I groan.
She laughs. "Aw too bad you'll probably never see him again."
"And what about you and Oliver?" I retort.
"Ew, no. That's over, way over. Gross." She fake gags and walks off.
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