"Are you excited baby?" Seonghwa smiles, "We get to find out if you're having a sister or a brother!"
"I want a brother!" Jongho nods, looking at his mommy with puffed out cheeks, "I get brother?"
"Well, we will find out," Seonghwa laughs nervously, "What if mommy was having a girl?"
"Hmmmmm," Jongho hums, frowning as he looks at Seonghwa's belly, then purses his lips, "A girl is otay."
"Yeah, I still wan' a brother."
Seonghwa chuckles, kissing Jongho's cheek as he sees Hongjoong finally coming down the stairs. He smiles, "There you are, I was wondering what was taking so long."
"Just had to brush my teeth," Hongjoong smiles, taking Jongho in his arms and when he puts the boy on his hip, he holds out another arm for Seonghwa who pulls himself up out of the couch.
He puffs out his cheeks once he's stood and rubs his belly, "I forgot how awful it is to not be able to get out of furniture."
Hongjoong chuckles, kissing his husband's cheek before leading his family to his car. He passes by the driver's side, not even realizing he left something in the cup holders until he hears an angry cough directed at Hongjoong to look at Seonghwa. The man looks up, his heart beats quickly as he sees Seonghwa holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, "What are these?"
"Those aren't mine," Hongjoong is quick to cover his tracks, knowing this is going to bite him in the ass later.
"Oh really? Then who's are they?" Seonghwa snaps, "I swear to god Hongjoong if you are smoking again-"
"Babe," He buckles Jongho in his car seat before coming over to him. He places his hands on his lover's hips and looks him in the eyes, "they're Mike's. I swear."
Seonghwa clenches his jaw, tilting his chin up, "Why are Mike's cigarettes in YOUR car?"
"Because I drove him to lunch the other day," Hongjoong is quick to cover up again, and Seonghwa narrows his eyes.
He opens the pack and dumps them on the ground, stomping and scraping them against the sidewalk to destroy the nicotine sticks. Hongjoong flinches and Seonghwa hands him the empty box, "Tell Mike to quit leaving his shit in your car."
The drive to the hospital was quiet, except for Jongho occasionally asking questions or talking. Eventually though, he falls asleep and wasn't very happy when they woke him up to bring him inside with them. They checked in and waited, Seonghwa still doesn't say a word to Hongjoong as they get called back. He is weighed, they measure his belly, and do a basic check up before the nurse leaves to go bring in the OBGYN.
When she enters, she gives the family a big smile, "Are we ready to see the baby!"
"Yes we are!" Seonghwa laughs, leaning back against the table and adjusting his clothes like the technician had asked. She asks him the basics and goes through the whole routine of squirting the jelly on his belly, then placed the Doppler wand on top of the jelly. She turns the machine on, and instantly starts looking for the baby.
She stops right at a back image of the baby, and giggles, "Well that was easy! I didn't even have to hunt for a hint like I do with most babies!"
"Don't tell us!" Seonghwa stops her, holding a hand out, "Write it down on the ultrasound photo. We're going to do a gender reveal this weekend."
She chuckles, printing off copies and checking the heartbeat, "I'll be sure to write it on the sonogram."
"Okay everyone!!" Seonghwa calls out softly, no one listening as they chatter. He and Hongjoong stood off to the side right next to a white large canvas, a basket of balloons right between them filled with paint that is either pink or blue.
Seonghwa covered certain parts with tape to leave it white, forming letters for the baby's room they plan to use for nursery decoration. He had also blocked off a small part at the bottom with the baby's name, thank god Liv helped him with this because he really wanted it to be a surprise for all three of them. As much as it kills him not to know what he's having, he's excited and the anticipation builds as he waits for this moment.
"Can I have everyone's attention please?" Hongjoong calls, this time getting more attention but there were still a few people chattering.
"Hey!!" Wooyoung screams, everyone jumps and he points to the couple, "They're revealing the baby's gender!"
Seonghwa's laugh rings out and Hongjoong can't help but laugh too. When everyone's full attention was on them, Hongjoong spoke once more, "So when you all entered the party, you were told to pick a side, pink or blue and we asked you all to wear something that made you choose your side. We also offered clothes pins that were painted your color."
"We tallied up the counts, and so far I have far more blues than I do pinks," Seonghwa winks, "Let's just see what this baby is huh?!"
Everyone cheers and readies their phones for videos and pictures, Seonghwa and Hongjoong make Jongho go first, the boy picking up a black balloon filled with paint. He was wearing a nice blue shirt, telling his mommy specifically that "I want a brother." Hongjoong and Seonghwa both wore pink, Seonghwa having a strong sixth sense that's what he's having and Hongjoong is honestly hoping for a girl.
Jongho runs to the canvas, throwing his balloon back in his hand and it lands in the grass. Thankfully it didn't pop, but when Hongjoong went to throw his, Jongho picks his up and squeezes too hard. The balloon pops and red paint covers Jongho's hand. He frowns, "Mommy this isn't blue."
Seonghwa arches his eyebrow and looks at Liv, who smirks and holds her own cute baby belly, "Keep throwing! There's three balloons at the bottom that is are gold and it has the gender color!"
Then, they all three grab balloons left and right, throwing them at the canvas. Some they miss and they land in the grass. If they didn't bust in the grass, Hongjoong would retrieve them. They had fun, Jongho squeals as he makes a mess and Seonghwa tries not to imagine the mess he would have to clean after. Then Seonghwa got an idea and threw one at Hongjoong. Green paint splatters all over him, and he throws his arms up in the air, "Really!?"
Seonghwa laughs, in return, getting purple paint smeared down his belly on his pink shirt. They only had red, green, yellow, purple, and orange paint. No blues or pinks yet. Their canvas was starting to look like a beautiful rainbow splatter painting until finally, they get to the three gold balloons at the bottom and each grab one gently. Jongho doesn't wait, he runs towards the canvas and smacks the balloon right on the painting.
And pink paint flies everywhere on him, the canvas, and the ground below him.
Everyone screams and Jongho claps his hands before smacking another pink handprint on the canvas. Seonghwa tears up, covering his mouth in shock and Hongjoong comes over to him, kissing him before leading him over to the canvas. Jongho turns and places his hands on his mommy's belly, "Mommy pink!"
"I know baby," Seonghwa laughs, tears falling down as he smacks his balloon on the canvas and makes a large pink handprint on it as well. Hongjoong smiles, kissing Seonghwa once more and adding his balloon and pink handprint to the canvas. Everyone congratulated them and cheers, excited that they are welcoming a baby girl to this crazy family of theirs.
"What's her name?" Liv calls, catching everyone's attention again and Seonghwa smiles.
"Her name is going to be Kim Jooeun."
Aaaaaaaaaand its a girl!!!! And Hongjoong is lying 🤭🤭 how long can I keep this drama up? Stay tuned.
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