Jongho is 4 months old here.
Seonghwa has just gotten home from work, removing his tennis shoes at the door and sighing heavily, "Home sweet home."
"Here's your child," his mom says suddenly, rounding the corner and handing a wide awake Jongho to him.
"Did he take a nap at all?" Seonghwa asks, Jongho laying his head on his mommy's shoulder as Seonghwa kisses the top of his fuzzy head.
"Oh yeah he did, he took about a two hour nap," his mom chuckles, "I've got dinner to make, laundry to fold, and dishes to wash, he's yours the rest of the night."
Seonghwa rolls his eyes as she leaves, he sighs and looks down at Jongho, "Well baby boy, should we go see what Hongjoongie is up to?"
"He's working until nine at the store! I already called and seen if he could watch Jongho while I did house chores!"
"You what!?" Seonghwa enters the kitchen to see her getting dinner started, "Mom, you can't just call my boyfriend and expect him to watch my son while I'm at work! I'm sorry you have to watch him while I work but would you rather I stay home and take care of my child then somehow pull money out of my butt to pay for his needs?!"
"I want you to take care of your child yes, that means I want you to watch him and pay for his needs," she shrugs, "Figure it out, he's your child not mine. I already told you I'm not raising your kid for you. You laid down and made them, therefore you take care of them."
Seonghwa's jaw drops and he scoffs, "Well, until I can find a baby sitter that will watch my kid and not call someone else to watch him, I would appreciate it if you did. I can't afford a place right now so until I get more money saved up this is how it's going to have to be."
She sighs, going back to cooking and not responding to Seonghwa's rant. He rolls his eyes, "Thanks for watching him, sorry my kid is such a bother," he mumbles, grabbing his keys and his son's car seat by the door and heading out.
"Where are you going?" She calls.
"Out!" He yells back, slamming the door shut and ignoring her. He stops about halfway to the car and sighs, "Diaper bag."
Before he can turn back around, his phone rings and he sets the car seat down before grabbing his phone just in time, "Hello?"
"What's up Buttercup!?" Liv's voice rings out, "I'm on my way to get you I'm wanting some ice cream!"
"Sounds good to me," he mumbles, "I need to get out of the house my mom is pissing me off."
"What now," she asks, concerned like the true friend she is, "Is it about Jongho?"
"Yeah, I'll tell you when you get here. I gotta run inside and grab his diaper bag."
"I have his spare one you gave me last weekend when you and Hongjoong went out on that date! I'm almost there just hop on in my ride and we'll drive and gossip."
He giggles, adjusting Jongho on his hip and the four month old suckles on his pacifier loudly, "I'll see you in a bit."
"You mean to tell me, she wants you to raise your kid. Make money for him, care for him, watch him when you're home. But at the same time she doesn't want to babysit him while you're working to provide for him?" Liv frowns, "Do I need to have a talk with her and knock her straight?"
"No," he sighs, slurping the last of his milkshake before kissing Jongho's head, "I just don't get it. I'm try my absolute best to provide for Jongho and to be the best mommy I can be for him and to nobody it's apparently not good enough," his voice cracks and he takes a deep breath so he won't break down.
Liv smiles, patting his hand and holding it, "It's okay, you know if you ever need anything me and San are always willing to help."
"I know but I don't want people to think that they have to take care of my kid when he is clearly my responsibility," he sighs, "What do you think I should do?"
Liv purses her lips, "Personally I think you should move in with me and San. San works third shift at the cafe, and I work first shift from four in the morning to two in the afternoon."
"I can't afford rent," Seonghwa sighs, "At least not yet."
"Keep working at that restaurant with your brother and you won't ever be able to afford much. Making less than minimum wage and only surviving on tips? You need to apply at that doctors office in town. It's like right next to the hospital where I work! I can take you to work every day and I'm pretty sure it's a children's office."
"Yeah but there's a chance I won't get in since I literally graduated four months ago-"
"Shush! Apply there and shush!" She chuckles, "Don't worry about it. If you get in great! If you don't, there's tons of other doctors offices you can apply to or work at a hospital or nursing home!"
"It's not pediatrics though," Seonghwa pouts.
Liv sighs, holding her arms out for Jongho and Seonghwa doesn't hesitate to hand him over. The baby grins at his aunt, Liv kissing his chubby cheek, "You're going to keep me from slapping mommy, okay?"
Jongho grins again, showing his tiny gummy smile while Seonghwa rolls his eyes, "Haha, funny."
"I'm serious, grow a pair of steel balls and apply for places or you're going to be stuck working at that restaurant and living paycheck to paycheck," Liv points her finger at him, "If you won't do it for you, do it for Jongho."
Seonghwa nods, looking at his precious baby boy and smiles, "I'll do it for you my little man."
"So, besides your mom being difficult, what else happened in the life of Seonghwa?" Liv asks, dipping her finger in whipped cream and gently touching Jongho's tongue with it. Jongho latches on to her finger, sucking and gumming down on it, "Ow, I think he's hungry."
"Here," Seonghwa hands her his bottle from the diaper bag, it was just formula and he will probably regret giving that to him later, "Well, last week you'll never believe who I saw."
"I'm gonna say Big Matthew?" She hums, releasing her finger from Jongho's vice grip and giving him his bottle.
"Nope, the one and the only Henry."
"Henry.... HENRY!?" She screeches, Seonghwa shushing her after everyone was staring at them now.
"Yep, he I guess wants something to do with his kid, and at the same time wants us to start seeing each other again."
Liv takes in a deep breath, adjusting Jongho before looking at her best friend, "Next time you see him, you give me a call and I'll be right over. That man still needs a butt whooping from me."
"Be my guest," Seonghwa mumbles, "the fucker tried touching my kid."
"Oh hell no, he touches my nephew I don't care where you're at, you call my ass and I'm flying like a bat out of hell to attack his ass," Liv snaps, kissing Jongho's temple, "And that's final."
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