02 • Consequences
"Her behaviour was unacceptable! I demand actions be taken against her." The mother snapped at the principal.
Yuna, Takayuki, Yuna's father, Takayuki's mother and the principal were all sitting in the office. Yuna winced. I fucked up big time. She mentally cursed herself as she stared down at the floor. She looked up to see Takayuki holding his cheek. It swollen up, but he had an ice pack to help soothe the pain.
"She should be expelled for hurting my son. Do what if he was teasing her? It was just a joke anyway.A family like her's shouldn't even be in this school." She snarled with a hint of distaste in her mouth. She was clearing talking about Yuna's father, who was in his work clothes. They were splattered with dry paint along with his boots. Yuna felt her cheeks heat up.
"With all due respect ma'am, Yuna got in here because of her excellent grades. She's one of the top students in the school, so she had ever right to be here." Yuna's father stated. He looked over at at Yuna. His face was white and there were bags under his eyes. "What she did was irresponsible. I apologize." He gave her a bow. Yuna quickly followed.
"I'm sorry for hurting your son. It won't happen again. I'll stay away from him. I'm so sorry,." Yuna apologized. She kept her head down, afraid to look up. Her eyes started to tear up. Stupid stupid stupid!
The mother was silent for a moment. She went over to Takayuki and stroked his hair. She gently touched his cheek. "How's your cheek doing?" She asked.
"I'm fine. She had a strong punch, which surprised me. It doesn't hurt anymore..." His voice trailed off and he stared at Yuna. She was glaring at him.
"Yuna and Takayuki should exit the room. We're going to discuss the consequences for Yuna's irresponsible actions," He said.
Yuna sat on the bench in front of the office. She stared at floor. She heard people pass by, some were whispering. She couldn't care less. Her eyes filled up with tears, and she felt them stream down her face. She didn't bother to wipe them. Yuna felt someone shake her shoulder.
"Hey...Yuna. Are you alright? I'm..sorry," A familiar voice said. She looked up to see Takayuki and chuckled to herself. He continued. "As much as I hate you. I feel bad. You shouldn't be kicked out,"
"Save your bullshit for someone who's going to buy it. If you were really sorry you would've told your mom to stop," Yuna snarled. She wiped the tears that were streaming down her face.
They sat in silence. Eventually, the three adults came out of the office. Yuna's father had a grim look on his face. Her heart raced. Does that mean I'm getting kicked out? She ran up to him.
"Pack your things up in your locker," He said.
Her eyes started to water. "Wait! I'm expelled? I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid!" Yuna said as she hit herself in frustration.
Takayuki sat there in shock and bit his lip. He didn't bother to object or stand up for her. Like he's sorry. Yuna thought to herself as she looked over at him to see his reaction.
"She isn't expelled. She's moving to E Class," The principal said, walking up. "For her to improve her behaviour, she'll be sent there. She'll receive the best help. I can assure you with that," The principal said to her father.
Yuna stood there frozen. No words came out of her mouth. She was shocked. E Class? E Class.
She was being sent to a class full of delinquents and kids who don't care about their futures.
She's now supposed to be one of them.
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