The next day we all met up at the SKZ house, getting into two cars and driving off to the training area.
As we made our way inside we were splitted into teams, to train combat. Chan and Jisung teamed up, Jeongin and Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin, Seungmin and Evan, Minho and Woojin, and Julie and I. We were teamed up based on skills and experience.
One group made their way into the circle at once, fighting until one of them tapped out. Felix and Changbin were first. Surprisingly enough Changbin won because of his temper. Next up were Jeongin and Hyunjin. They both looked so unexperienced as neither of them really knew what to do. They ended up tied, as they both managed to get knocked out at the same time. Noone knows if it was themselves who knocked them out or their oponent.
Minho won his fight against Woojin, due to his speed. He moved around really quickly and managed to get in a lot of punches, eventually making Woojin tap out. Chan and Jisung's fight were a little more exiting as they actually knew how to fight. It ended up tied, as we had to stop them before they actually killed eachother.
As Julie and I stepped into the circle, I was shaking like crazy. I had never fought in my life. She was definitely gonna win.
Julie was the first one to throw a punch. I awerted her fist as I replied to it by kneeling her in the stomach. I kept my focus on her as I sircled around her. She got to herself and glared at me surprised. Once again she threw a punch at me. I dodget it by ducking. I felt her try to punch me again, and quickly moved my body a little to the left.
I ended up drawing a sircle in the air with my right hand stretched out. My body followed close after. Julie followed my actions by punching the air multiple times. I dogdes every punch due to my movement. I never knew my reflexes were this good.
As I had gotten to the top of the circle with my head Julie threw a punch towards my face. I grabbed her fist with my hand, twisting it hard. Julie turned around quickly as she yelped in pain. I held her twisted hand on her back as I threw my other hand around her neck, strangling her.
After a few seconds Julie tapped out by tapping my forearm twice with her free hand. I let her go, causing her to fall onto her knees, gasping for air.
I looked up and met the surprised looks of my gangmates. Seungmin were smiling proudly as Evan looked at his girlfriend worriedly.
As soon as Julie got to her feet she looked over at Evan, telling him she was on. A smile spread scross Evan's face as he spoke quietly to Seungmin.
"Is it just me or was that incredibly hot?"
Seungmin chuckled lightly as he answered.
"That was so hot"
The others laughed slightly at Evan and Seungmin's words. As the two made their way into the circle Seungmin pulled me in for a quick kiss before entering the circle. He pulled our and winked at me, causing me to blush a little. I turned to look at Julie, seeing Evan do the same to her.
The two opponents started circling each other, waiting for the other one to act. I was kind of worried for Seungmin as I had seen Evan fight before, and knew how great he was.
Seungmin was the first one to act as he jumped up into the air, throwing his leg at Evan's head. Evan dogded the kik, as he tried punching Seungmin. Seungmin grabbed his hand, twisting it just like I did with Julie's. As Evan had turned around due to Seungmin's grip, Seungmin pushed his back, making Evan hit his forehead on the cold floor.
I turned to look at Julie, seeing her look at Evan worriedly. I looked back at the boys, seeing Evan shoot up from the floor, and throw his fist towards Seungmin's face. Soon after Seungmin had escaped the punch, Evan's other fist hit Seungmin in the face, hard.
Seungmin turned around for a bit, moving his hand to his face. Soon after he turned around, showing us the cut in his lip.
Seungmin glared at Evan angrily, before pushing Evan in the stomach. Evan groaned silently in pain, while bending forwards. Seungmin took this as his que to elbow the poor boy in the back, making in collapse onto the floor.
Evan stayed on the floor, growling. Julie ran over to him, looking at his injuries. Seungmin looked down at the two as his eyes widened.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry Evan, I really didn't mean to-"
"No, Seungmin it's ok. He kind of deserved it."
Julie cut of Seungmin as she gestured to his lip while speaking. They both chuckled quietly, as I made my way over to Seungmin, cupping his face.
I took a look at his wound, seeing how it wasn't as deep as I had thought. I carefully touched the skin around the wound, being careful not to hurt him. As I was studying him, he slowly reached out his hands, placing them onto my waist.
He pulled me in to close the gap between our bodies as he slowly placed his lips onto mine. I pushed him off me, not wanting to hurt him.
"Your wound, doesn't it hu-"
Seungmin cut me of by crashing his lips onto mine again. He pulled away after a minute, looking me in the eyes.
"I don't care. You're worth it"
A smile spread on my face as I started blushing like crazy. I quickly awerted my gaze down to the ground in front of me. Seungmin giggled lightly at my action, as he pulled me in for a hug, kissing the top of my head.
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