Chapter 3
3rd POV
Dream layed alone in his dorm room on his bed, back against it, he had the biggest smile on his face going over his day with George and his response.
"Me too..would you like to go on a date sometime?" Dream bit his lip, regretting everything he said just knowing he'll say no.
"As long as I'm paying." George giggled, all of Dreams worries slowly went away.
"Oh no you are not I invited you out so I'll take the bill. Classic etiquette." Dream chuckled and George sighed dramatically.
(did i spell that right? D:)
"You need a ride back to the dorms?" Dream offered the smaller one and he nodded.
"Yes please." He giggled.
Dream couldn't stop smiling and giggling remembering it, it felt so unreal that he was going on a date with him tomorrow!! At 7 pm sharp, they both planned it in the car back to the dorm, Dream slightly felt bad that Karl and Sapnap needed an uber, but Sapnap insisted it was okay because he did get to see George and it went well or at least that's what Dream assumed. He stared up at his ceiling, butterflies still in his stomach. It was strange he was so in love with a boy he just met, but its like they had memories together before that Dream couldn't quite grasp sometimes when hes thinking about the memories he faintly hears Georges laugh and him yelling 'No no no don't get me', not that it helps in any way Dream can't remember the boy. So long ago, another lifetime perhaps.
Dream was about to doze off, but his phone rang, it was Sapnap and Karl facetiming him, the group was called "Karlnap + Dream 😏😏". He sighed and answered hesitant, because if he didn't he could play it off as he was sleeping even if it was noon. "What?" Dream asked, annoyance in his tone.
"Wow...thats so mean." Karl gasped and started fake sobbing. Dramatic, Dream scoffed.
"DREAM!!! You made my love CRY? You have a death wish buddy?" Sapnap asked and he faked punching the screen, Dream blew a raspberry at the boys face he got angrier. Karl was now in a fit of giggles you could see his smile and his cheeks red.
"Oh come on now, what will you do? Punch me? Go ahead I did football in highschool and went to the gym on Saturdays for 3 hours all highschool so yes please go ahead try me." Dream chuckled, rolling his emerald eyes.
"Don't fight over little ol' me guys." Karl faked a baby voice and giggled again, he put his pointer fingers together with his thumb up and sleeve covering half of his hand.
"Only because Karl said no or I'd kick your ass." Sapnap said, even though they all knew Sapnap was most likely intimidated. Sapnap smiled and dropped his phone walking away from it, then he walked back with a bag of popcorn. "So Dreamy poo~ tell us about your boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend yet at least."
"Oh??" Karl laughed, he now propped his phone on his nightstand so it showed him leaning against his wall with his legs out and he was holding a duck plushie that Sapnap won him at a fair a few months ago, its name was Francis.
"TELL US THE FUCKING TEA!!" Sapnap screeched, Karl laughed and covered his mouth with his hand, he was wearing black nail polish.
"Well I saw him at the party and we danced and then I took him to the park-" Dream was going over last night and Sapnap had to interrupt.
"Did you guys have sex? Oh my god Dream did you at least use a condom? Safe sex please for the-" Sapnap was rambling and Dream had to cut him off, Karl was just listening kicking his feet since they hanged off the bed.
"We didn't have sex Sapnap, I asked him on a date and he said yes. So tomorrow at 7 pm I'll meet him there." Dream beamed thinking about the date and the boy.
"You're in loveee~" Karl sang and laughed.
"Gross." Sapnap said, faked gagging.
"What you don't love me?" Karl gasped dramatically and acted offended, placing a hand over his heart acting like it hurt him.
"That's different." Sapnap rolled his eyes.
Sapnap and Karl insisted they helped Dream get ready for the date, Quackity was there aswell he apparently had too be. Karl was going through Dream's closet becauae according to Sapnap and Quackity he had the best fashion sense, Sapnap was playing on Dreams setup occasionally agreeing or disagreeing with Karls choices, each decision caused Karl to sigh. Quackity was giving advice to Dream, the other two would chip in random unhelpful pieces, but Quackitys information was helpful to say the least. "I don't get why Quackity is helping he doesn't know guys."
"Sapnap, bud I swing both ways." Quackity placed a hand on Sapnaps shoulder and patted him then leaned back over to Dream who was laying on his bed trying his best to process information. "So Dream now to be serious, be yourself thats the whole reason he went over to you to begin with right?" Quackity patted Dreams arm while talking, Dream nodded.
"Yup." He sighed. "I just don't wanna fuck up."
"You won't it'll go well I believe in you buddy I just know you'll do great. You think you got this date by luck?" Quackity laughed.
"Yes." Dream looked at Quackity and he threw his arms up.
"No! He saw something in you that made him say yes, he likes you, because I know I wouldn't go on a date with a disaster." Quackity chuckled to himself.
"Maybe he wants to make fun of me." Dream looked at everyone in the room.
"NOPE!" Karl yelled and Sapnap nodded.
"Very true Karl." Sapnap added.
"See." Quackity gestured to everyone. Dream groaned and covered his face with his hands.
"This date will be perfect now Karl what have you chosen?" Quackity reassured Dream then turned to Karl.
"Uhm he has dogwater clothes." Karl crossed his arms looking at Dream. Quackity and Sapnap laughed causing Karl to laugh and Dream to sigh, his phone dinged 3 times.
"Oooh someones popular." Sapnap snickered, Dream threw a pillow at him and grabbed his phone checking it reading the messages, it was George, his heart sank and he felt a lump form in his throat, it wasn't the message you'd want when you were about to go on a date.
gogy omg noo what happened? idk mommy hehe
WC : 1111
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