"One... Two... Three..."
The man huffed and turned the music off, frustrated as he made another mistake.
"Hyunjin, calm down." The blond in the room said.
"It is the fourth damn time I messed up, Jeongin."
Hyunjin ran his hands through his hair frustrated.
"Has he called?"
"Don't start I.n."
The younger pursed his lips. Hyunjin had been like this since him and Felix broke up. Since the group broke up. Five years ago.
"He's in New York with Jisung and Minho. They're on tour." Jeongin said.
"Jeongin, stop. I don't care."
Jeongin sat up properly and put his phone away.
"Your background of your phone hasn't changed and you've gotten your phone replaced twice. You're hung up on him. Felix is your ex, who might I add you broke up with."
"I was there Jeongin. I know we broke up and I know I broke up with him, just fucking stop."
"When was the last time you were even in the same room with each other? Like alone." Jeongin asked.
Hyunjin clenched his jaw.
Three years, Felix and Hyunjin were together for three years before Hyunjin cheated and said some not nice things, then promptly broke up with Felix. Soon after it got very awkward in the group.
Jisung, Felix, and Minho would not even look in Hyunjin's direction at the dorms and in public it was difficult to fake being happy around the male or even fake skin ship.
At some point fans began to notice and when the time came to renew contracts they couldn't do it because it was to awkward.
Leading everyone to split off and do their own things.
Chan started an entertainment company while still being an idol and producer. Each of the guys signed to it. Changbin became a soloist.
Jeongin and Seungmin, still haven't broken up and are now a duo.
Minho, Jisung, and Felix, stayed together as a trio.
Finally, Hyunjin, he is a soloist.
"He should talk to him."
"About what? He cheated and called Lix several names." The brunet stated.
"It's been six years. Since they've actually talked. They broke up a year before the group did, they need to talk, Min." Jisung stated.
Minho sat up properly in their hotel bed.
"You of all people are the last person I would have thought to suggest Felix to talk to Hyunjin. Honestly, I thought Chan would suggest it first."
"Chan did and it ended with Hyunjin and Felix arguing."
"Correction, Chan locked them in a room." Minho stated.
"Jagi, he is still in love with him and it is hurting him, if they don't talk about it, neither of them will ever get over it. Also, Felix doesn't know what really happened that night." Jisung said.
"Hannie, we know what happened, he went out with chan and Changbin, got too fucking drunk and woke up in another person's bed." Minho stated.
Jisung pursed his lips.
"Hey, guys I just wanted to tell you I'm heading to the studio for a bit." Felix said from the other side of the hotel door.
"This late?" Minho questioned.
"Yeah, still wired. I'll text when I'm on my way back. Bye."
Minho turned his attention back to Jisung.
"What's wrong Hannie?"
"I don't think it's the whole story..."
"Jisung, even someone who is drunk knows when someone isn't their boyfriend. I know you want to think there is more to it but there really isn't." Minho stated.
Jisung bit his lip and nodded.
Is that really true though?
Quick thing! This is mainly an Instagram story, with some written parts.
I hope you enjoy this sequel that was/is unnecessary.
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