Chapter 6: The Monster vs. The Werewolf
(Jonathan & Nancy call out for each other while Y/N has his hands full, dealing with the monster.)
Werewolf: [strained growling]
(He's currently holding its mouth open to prevent it from biting him.)
(He kicks it off him & sits up to see Nancy running away.)
(Y/N's thoughts): I'll find her later. Now, where'd that thing--
(The monster bites down over Y/N's chest.)
Werewolf: [yells]
(Its teeth sinks deeper into his chest with each of Y/N's attempts to pull it off him.)
Werewolf: [painfully growls]
(He raises his arms beside him &...)
(Stabs them into the ribs of the monster.)
Monster: [squeals]
(This causes the monster to release Y/N. He attempts to bite the monster but it dodges &...)
(Slashes across Y/N's back.)
Werewolf: [yelps]
(He drops to the ground.)
Werewolf: [panting]
(Y/N's thoughts): Ugh. Where...where is it going...?
(He watches the monster walks away from him.)
(Y/N's thoughts): It...
Werewolf: [coughs blood]
(Y/N's thoughts): Must be going after Nancy...gotta...gotta get--
(He closes his eyes as we cut to Jonathan who's kneeling in front of the entrance at the tree & Nancy hiding behind a tree with the monster on her tail.)
Jonathan: [in distance] Nancy! Follow my voice!
Monster: [growls]
(The monster is walking up to the tree she's behind but before it reaches the tree...)
(Y/N charges at the monster & bite its neck.)
Monster: [painfully roars]
Werewolf: [muffled growling]
(Y/N, with the monster still in his jaws, throws it through a tree.)
Werewolf: [panting, sniffs]
(He slowly walks up to the tree Nancy's behind & pops his head over. The two make eye contact.)
Nancy: [screams]
(He looks over her to see an entrance open up in a tree behind her. He picks up & takes her to the entrance.)
Nancy: Put me down!
(Y/N's thoughts): In a second.
(Cut to Nancy's hand reaching out through the entrance.)
Jonathan: [gasps]
Nancy: Jonathan!
Jonathan: Nancy!
(He pulls her out. She's holding onto him as if her life depends on it.)
Jonathan: [panting] I got you.
(He watches something else comes out of the entrance. It being a bloody, cut up Y/N.)
Jonathan: *stares*
Werewolf: *stares back* [winces]
(Seeing that Nancy is safe with Jonathan, Y/N runs off into the darkness. Cut to Steve driving his car with Tommy & Carol.)
Carol: I just don't understand why we're coming out here. She obviously doesn't wanna talk to you.
Steve: That's...that's not it.
Carol: Oh, really? Because no girl would ever blow off King Steve.
Steve: She was acting weird. I mean, something was wrong.
Carol: So what? [scoffs] Like, you're worried about her?
Steve: What?
Carol: Aw, you are. Too bad (Y/N) isn't here to see this. Aw, Steve has a heart.
Steve: Would you just--Stop.
Tommy: Oh, Stevey's in love.
Steve: Would you just shut up?
Carol: Who knew?
Steve: Shut up!
Tommy: [chuckling] Jeez.
Carol: Damn. Sorry.
Tommy: [chuckles]
(Steve parks near Nancy's house.)
Tommy: [sighs] So this is it, huh? Princess' castle.
Steve: I'll just be a minute.
(Steve exits his car & crawls his way up to Nancy's window & sees...)
(Nancy & Jonathan sleep next to each other. The following morning, we see Jonathan waking up as Nancy is turning pages in a book.)
Jonathan: Oh...Hey.
Nancy: Hey.
Jonathan: [grunts] Couldn't sleep?
(She shakes her head.)
Nancy: Every time I close my eyes, I just...keep seeing that...thing.
Jonathan: Which thing?
Nancy: Well, both. But primarily the one without a face.
Jonathan: This may sound weird but the thing that followed you out of looked like a--
Nancy: Werewolf.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nancy: Wherever I was, that place...I think that it lives there. It was feeding there. Feeding on that deer. That means that if...[inhales deeply] if Will and Barbara...
Jonathan: Hey. My mom said she talked to Will. If he's alive, there's a chance Barbara is, too. Maybe even this Werewolf took them.
Nancy: I'm not sure about that. It...picked me up and took me to the exit. It even stood over us was making sure I was okay? I don't know. But that could mean she's that place. We have to find it again.
Jonathan: You wanna go back out there.
Nancy: Maybe we don't have to. When I saw it, it was feeding on that deer. Meaning it's...a predator, right?
Jonathan: Right.
Nancy: And the werewolf is a predator too. When I was there, so was it. Fighting that monster. It looked like a territorial dispute. And it seems they both hunt at night...
(Nancy points to a picture of some lions in a book.)
Nancy: Like a...lion or a coyote. But they don't hunt in packs like them. The werewolf on the other hand...
Jonathan: Could be a lone wolf.
Nancy: Exactly, for the time being. The monster's always alone, a bear. And remember at Steve's, when Barb cut herself? And then, last night, the deer...
Jonathan: It was bleeding, too...
Nancy: One sec...
(She gets another book, pointing to a picture of a shark.)
Nancy: Sharks can detect blood in one part per million. That's one drop of blood in a million, and they can smell it from a quarter mile away.
Jonathan: So you're saying it can detect blood?
Nancy: [softly] It's just a theory.
Jonathan: We could test it. But if it works...
Nancy: At least we know it's coming.
(Nancy's mom turns the locked handle startling them & causes them to hold hands briefly.)
Jonathan: Your mom doesn't knock?
Nancy: [chuckles]
Jonathan: Do you think we'll see the werewolf again?
Nancy: If we're in its territory then maybe.
Jonathan: Do you have any idea who it is?
Nancy: It could be anyone. Someone from school? I just don't know.
(Cut to Y/N, still as a werewolf, limping his way up towards his front door.)
Werewolf: [softly panting]
(Y/N's thoughts): really did a number on me.
(He slowly opens his front door, closes it, & limps into the living room whilst changing back into a person.)
(Y/N): [winces] Took me all night but I'm finally home.
(He looks himself over to see some cuts & bite marks along his upper body.)
(Y/N): Don't know how long this will take to heal. [groans] I can only imagine what the cuts on my back look like. I won' going out for a while. Probably bleed through my clothes. Can I make it to my room? Probably not. The couch? Yeah, the cou--
(He falls forward on the floor. Cut to Jonathan & Nancy getting supplies at an Army surplus store which includes a bear trap.)
(As they're putting the stuff they bought in the trunk of Jonathan's car, another car drives past them & tells Nancy they can't wait for her movie. She puts it together & runs to the local movie theater, followed by Jonathan, & sees...)
(Cut to Nancy confronting Steve who's with Tommy, Carol, & Nicole. She slaps Steve.)
Nancy: What the hell is wrong with you?
Steve: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can't believe I was actually worried about you. [scoffs]
Nancy: What are you talking about?
Carol: I wouldn't lie if I were you.
(Jonathan walks up to her.)
Carol: You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?
Tommy: Speak of the devil.
Nancy: You came by last night.
Carol: Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?
Nancy: Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that.
Steve: What, you just let him in your room
Tommy: Or for another pervy photo session? [laughs]
Nancy: You were just--
Steve: You were just what? Finish that sentence. Finish the sentence.
Nancy: [breathes heavily]
Steve: In the back of my mind, I thought you were cheating on me with (Y/N). Shows what I know. [scoffs] Go to hell, Nancy.
Jonathan: Come on, Nancy, let's just leave.
(Steve eggs on Jonathan about himself, his family, & his brother until...)
(The two fight shortly before Jonathan drops Steve, gets on top of him, & starts punching him in the face repeatedly. Tommy pulls Jonathan off of him as the police arrive & arrest Jonathan.)
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