Chapter 33: The Piggyback
(Late at night, we see the rest of the group in the RV.)
Nancy: Okay. I wanna run through it one more time. Phase One.
Robin: We meet Erica at the playground. She'll signal Max and Lucas when we're ready.
Nancy: Phase Two.
Steve: Max baits Vecna. He'll go after her, which'll put him in his trance.
Nancy: Phase Three?
Dustin: Me and Eddie draw the bats away.
Nancy: Four.
(Y/N): We head into Vecna's newly bat-free lair, and I rip the son of a bitch in half. Before or after the...?
Robin: Flambé.
(Y/N): Flambé. Yes. Before or after the flambé doesn't matter to me.
Nancy: Nobody moves on to the next phase until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?
All: Got it.
(They make their way back into Eddie's trailer where the rope to the Upside Down is still there.)
Dustin: Be careful.
Steve: Thanks, buddy. [inhales] Here goes nothing.
(Steve lands on his feet as he goes through the hole. He looks up at them with a smirk.)
Robin: [mutters sarcastically] What does he want us to do, applaud? Don't even think about it, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Why not? He landed on his feet like a cat.
(They all follow him through the hole with the weapons they brought. Nancy, Robin, & Y/N walk ahead but stop as Steve talks Dustin & Eddie.)
Steve: Hey, guys, listen. If things here start to go south, I mean, at all, you abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats. Keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We'll take care of Vecna. Don't try to be cute or be a hero or something. (Y/N) does that shit all the time.
(Y/N): Hey!
Steve: Okay? You guys are just--
Dustin: Decoys. Don't worry. You and (Y/N) can be the heroes.
Eddie: Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are not heroes.
(Steve walks away with others but Eddie stops him.)
Eddie: Hey, Steve?
(They look back at him.)
Eddie: Make him pay.
(Steve nods & they walk away.)
(Imagine Y/N between Robin & Nancy.)
(Cut to the four walking through a forest.)
Robin: Uh...I don't mean to freak anyone out, but I swear we've seen this tree before.
Nancy: That's impossible.
Robin: That would suck, right? If Vecna destroyed the world because...'cause we got lost in the woods?
Nancy: We're not lost, Robin.
Robin: [chuckles]
(She starts walking further ahead.)
Steve: Robin, hey.
Nancy: Watch out for the vines! Hive mind. Remember?
Robin: Thank you!
(Y/N): I should follow her...I'm gonna go follow her.
Nancy: That would be smart.
(Y/N chases after his girlfriend leaving Steve & Nancy.)
Steve: Uh, don't worry about her. She's just stressed. You know, scared. (Y/N) is too.
Nancy: Really? I didn't think anything could scare him.
Steve: He hides it well. (Y/N)'ll catch up to her and calm her down.
Nancy: Yeah. Yeah, I...I know. It's just...
Steve: She's a super klutz?
Nancy: [chuckles] She did tell me it took her longer to walk than most babies, so...
Steve: [chuckles] I really shouldn't laugh. When I was a baby, I actually crawled backwards.
Nancy: Crawled backwards?
(Steve goes into further detail as we cut to Y/N catching up to Robin.)
(Y/N): Robin!
Robin: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I get it. You're scared, so am I.
Robin: What? Yeah, I'm scared but that's not what's my mind right now.
(Y/N): Then what is?
Robin: I'm sorry.
(Y/N): For?
Robin: Like, really sorry. Extremely--
(Y/N): Robin. Stop apologizing for a second and tell me what exactly you're apologizing for, huh?
Robin: [sighs] For what I said earlier.
(Y/N): Oh. What did you say?
Robin: How you and I won't have a happy ending.
(Y/N): Robin--
Robin: Why did I even say that? Like, what's wrong with me? I know what's wrong with me and so do you. Yet, you love me anyway. As soon as I said that, you immediately had a response for it. You weren't mad, you instead took what I said and turned it something stupidly, lovingly positive. How in God's green Earth did I get so fucking lucky with you?!
(Y/N): Whoa! I never heard you use that word before.
(She runs up Y/N & wraps her arms around him in a hug.)
(Y/N): Oof!
Robin: I just...if we do end up dying, I don't want what I said being my last words to you.
(Y/N): Robin.
(She buries her face into his chest.)
(Y/N): [in Irish accent] Pretty bird, look at me.
(She looks up at him.)
(Y/N): There's no way what you said were going to be your last words to me. You and I were bound to talk to each other before we fight Vecna.
Robin: That's a good point.
(Y/N): Plus, we're talking right now. So...
Robin: Okay, I seem really silly now.
(Y/N): [chuckles] No, you don't. Do you really want to know what your last words to me are going to be if we end up dying here?
Robin: Hm, my painful screams?
(Y/N): God, I hope not. That's not funny.
Robin: Kinda funny.
(Y/N): It'll be you saying "I love you." Now, isn't that better?
Robin: Yeah. Yeah, it is.
(They kiss. Once their lips separate, Robin takes a look around.)
Robin: Ha!
(Y/N): What?
Robin: We're not lost.
(Y/N): Fantastic, wanna head back to Nancy & Steve?
(She heads back to them.)
(Y/N): I'll take that as a yes.
(He follows her as we cut to the conversation between Nancy & Steve reaching its end.)
Steve: Listen, I guess what I'm trying to say in a really stupid, roundabout way is, um...[clicks tongue] thank you.
Nancy: Thank me?
Steve: Yeah.
Nancy: For...?
Steve: For giving my head the biggest thump of its life two years ago. I needed it. It's changed my life. And now I'm crawling forward. Slowly. I just wonder know, if...some other girl had given me a proper thump before we'd met, would things have been different? Like, if we were meeting together for the first time right now, part of me...I dunno, part of me thinks we would've made it.
Nancy: Steve...
Steve: Remember the dream I told you about? About the Winnebago? Seeing the country with my six lil'nuggets? It's all true. Every last word. But I left one part out. It's the most important part. You're there. You've always been there.
(Before Nancy can respond, Robin & Y/N return.)
Robin: Hey, guys! You guys! Awesome news! [panting]
(Y/N): Catch your breath.
Robin: Looks like we weren't going the wrong way after all. [exhales] Come on. Let's go!
(Robin goes on ahead.)
Steve: Okay.
(Y/N looks at Steve & Nancy.)
(Y/N): Did we ruin the moment?
Steve: There was no moment to ruin to begin with, so, no. Ro...Slow down! Ro...Robin!
(They catch up to Robin & all see Vecna's house with bats swarming over it. They see a light coming from the playground.)
Steve: Erica.
(Cut to them at the playground.)
Erica: Okay, the lovebirds have copied. Max is moving into phase two: distracting Vecna.
Robin: So far, so smooth.
Steve: Yeah, we're not even at the hard part yet.
(Nancy takes a few steps forward towards the house.)
Nancy: Take the bait, you son of a bitch. Take the bait.
(Y/N): He'll take the bait.
Nancy: How do you know?
(Y/N): No predator can resist easy prey.
(Max goes under & they initiate phase three.)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Imagine Y/N with Nancy, Steve, & Robin.)
(Cut to them opening the front door of Vecna's house where they see...)
Steve: Oh shit. That's not good.
(Steve hops onto the spaces on the floor without vines.)
(Y/N): So we're playing the most dangerous game of hopscotch ever.
Robin: I hate how accurate that is.
(Y/N hops after Steve.)
Robin: Shit.
(Nancy holds her hand.)
Nancy: It's okay. You got this.
(Robin hops after them, as does Nancy. Cut to them carefully going up some stairs & reaching the top. Steve gets out his axe, Nancy gets out her shotgun, Robin puts away the flashlight, & Y/N pops his claws out.)
(The ground shakes causing them to hold onto each other so they don't fall. Once the ground stops shaking, a tentacle wraps around Robin's & pulls her to the wall. More tentacles start wrapping around her.)
Robin: (Y/N)!
(He starts slashing & biting the vines around her.)
Robin: Steve! Nancy!
(They join Y/N in trying to free Robin.)
(Tentacles pull Steve & Nancy away.)
(Y/N): No!
(Tentacles wrap around Y/N's ankles & pull him down.)
(Y/N): [grunts]
(The vines start pulling Y/N towards the stairs but...)
(He sinks his claws into the floor.)
(Y/N): [growls]
(A tentacle wraps itself around Y/N's neck.)
(Y/N): [gasps]
(The tentacle begins to tighten its grip.)
(Y/N): [choking]
(As he's choking, he looks at the others to see they're choking as well.)
Meanwhile With The Others...
(Y/N looks at Steve, Nancy, & Robin choking.)
(Y/N): [choking] No more. No...more!
(He turns into a werewolf. As he gets bigger, the tentacles around his ankles & neck lose their grip on him. Giving him the chance to stand up & face the tentacles coming straight for him.)
(He slashes them in half with his claws.)
Werewolf: [growls]
(At the blink of an eye, he runs to Robin & rips the tentacles off her.)
Robin: [gasps]
(At the same speed, he does the same for Steve & Nancy.)
Steve: [gasps]
Nancy: [gasps]
(Y/N groups them together & stands over them as more tentacles slither their way towards them.)
Werewolf: [roars defiantly]
(As the tentacles are about to attempt wrapping themselves around them again, they slither away back from where they came from.)
Werewolf: Hm?
(This is thanks to Murray in Russia who is currently burning a Demogorgan & some Demo-dogs.)
Nancy, Robin, & Steve: [coughing]
(Y/N helps them up.)
Steve: *pads Y/N on the back*
Robin: You know, (Y/N), there's a lot you can do. But I didn't know performing miracles was one of them.
(He licks her cheek.)
Robin: You were bound to do that eventually.
Nancy: Then we better not waste it.
Steve: Phase four.
Robin: Flambé.
(Cut to them in front of Vecna where Steve throws a molotov at him.)
Vecna: [bellows]
(He sees the four of them & walks towards them. Robin throws another molotov at him.)
Vecna: [groans]
(Then Y/N lunges at him & slashes across his chest.)
Vecna: [shouts]
(Nancy then walks forwards & shoots him.)
(She shoots him about five times before he falls out of a window. They run back outside to see if Vecna's dead, but once outside, they see...)
Things Don't Go Too Well For Eddie And Max Unfortunately...
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(They then hear chimes causing them to run back inside the house & look at a grandfather clock.)
Robin: Four chimes.
Nancy: Max.
(The ground shakes again & in Hawkins, they're experiencing an earthquake of their own...)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
(Imagine Y/N, as a werewolf, covering them.)
Two Days Later
(In front of Will's house we see Nancy putting old toys into Steve's car as Dustin, Robin, & Y/N help. He walks up to Robin & pulls back on her suspenders.)
Robin: You sure do love doing that.
(Y/N): Well, it's not everyday that I get to see you wearing suspenders.
Robin: Hm.
Dustin: Oh my God. Can you two stop flirting and help us?
Steve: Yeah, I'm with Henderson on this one.
(He pulls on her suspenders one last time.)
(Y/N): Okay, I'm done.
Robin: [chuckles]
(As they're putting boxes into the car, they're reunited with...)
(Nancy & Jonathan hug which crushes Steve's heart but Robin & Y/N console him the best they can. Cut to Robin, Y/N, Dustin, & Steve carrying boxes & inside Hawkins High where they're surrounded by people recovering from the earthquake.)
(Imagine Y/N behind Robin & Steve.)
(They walk up to the relief leader.)
Robin: Hi.
Relief Leader: Hi.
(They place the boxes on the table in front of them.)
Robin: Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some...some clothes and...and some kids' toys.
Relief Leader: Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?
Robin: No, I don't think we need one. Thank you, though. But is there anything else that we can do to help?
(Steve helps separate clothes while Y/N & Robin make peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.)
(Y/N): Good thing they have a bunch of grape jelly.
Robin: I know, right? Considering how much you hate any other jelly that's not grape. Though, I'm sure the people aren't too picky.
(Y/N): I wouldn't be either in their situation. I was just making conversation.
Robin: I know.
(She kisses his cheek.)
Robin: Good boy.
(Y/N): *smiles*
Vickie: I found another jar of peanut butter, and it's crunchy...
(She walks out of the kitchen to see Robin & Y/N.)
Vickie: Robin.
Robin: Hi.
Vickie: What are you doing here?
Robin: I am...I...(Y/N) and I are making PB&Js.
Vickie: Right, yeah. No. Duh. Of course. Hello, (Y/N).
(Y/N): [chuckles] Hey, Vickie.
Vickie: Uh, I...I am also making PB&Js, as it so happens. [chuckles]
Robin: Cool.
(She backs around & goes back to making peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. Y/N, on the other hand, puts his knife down & takes off his gloves.)
Robin: What are you doing?
(Y/N): I'm gonna take a break.
Robin: You're what?
Vickie: You are?
(Y/N): I am. Or I am going to eat all of the peanut butter here. Ask Robin, I'm completely capable of doing it.
Vickie: [chuckles]
(He walks around the table & is now in front of his girlfriend.)
Robin: [whispers] Don't leave me alone with her. Please.
(Y/N): [whispers] You sound like she's going to eat you if I'm not here.
Robin: [whispers] She might.
(Y/N): [chuckles] I'll see you in a bit.
(He kisses her as he walks to Steve.)
(Y/N): Steve.
Steve: Kinda busy at the moment, (Y/N).
(He taps on his arm.)
Steve: What?
(He nudges his head towards Robin & Vickie. The two watch as Vickie takes Y/N's place.)
Vickie: Hey, uh, I...I'm sorry if that came out weird. "What are you doing here?" I didn't mean it like, "What are you doing here?" I just meant, "What are you doing here?" Like, "Nice surprise. Great to see you." Uh...
Robin: I didn't take it as anything negative.
Vickie: Okay, good. Good. (Y/N) didn't take it negatively, did he?
Robin: Of course not.
Vickie: Great. No, I...I'm sorry. My brain's been a little frazzled lately. 'Cause--
Robin: Of everything?
Vickie: Yeah. [chuckles] Yeah, and Dan. Um, he's my boyfriend. Well, was my boyfriend. (Y/N)'s nothing like him I bet. He was visiting, took one look at this, and it's not what he was envisioning for spring break. He was like, "I'm outta here. Back to Purdue. Good luck, Vick." Which, ultimately, it's bordering on a good thing, 'cause he was really grating on me. He is the type of person who trashes Fast Times 'cause it has no plot. I mean, I should've just ended things right there and then.
(She places her knife on the table.)
Vickie: Sorry. [exhales] I'm so sorry. I am rambling about my dumb boyfriend when there are people out there suffering. Who And I have just made a peanut butter on peanut butter monstrosity.
Robin: [chuckles]
Vickie: Um...
(Robin hands her a jar of jelly.)
Vickie: I don't know what's wrong with me. Um, it's like sometimes my mouth is moving faster than my brain, and it's like this runaway train, and I cannot seem to get it to stop, no matter how hard I try. You know what I mean?
Robin: Uh, yeah, I think I know what you mean.
(Vickie hands her the peanut butter monstrosity.)
Vickie: It's a gift.
Robin: Oh, for me?
Vickie: You're welcome. Mm-hmm.
Robin: You really shouldn't have.
Vickie: Oh, but I did. But I did.
Robin: I just don't deserve it. I mean, thank you.
Vickie: Early birthday.
Robin: Thank you so much. Oh, oh, wow.
(Pan over to Steve & Y/N looking proudly.)
(Y/N): Should I be worried?
Steve: What? No, no.
(Y/N): Okay...I'm kind of worried.
(Cut to Dustin telling Eddie's uncle a version of what happened to him. As the day continues, it looks like it's snowing outside. But it's not snow, it's particles from the Upside Down.)
(Imagine Y/N behind Steve & Vickie.)
RayTheRipper: And that's The Werewolf of Hawkins! Until Season 5 of course lol. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did writing it! See you guys in the next chapter! Which will be in...2 years...
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