Chapter 25: The Hellfire Club
(Pan down to Steve driving Robin to school with Y/N in the backseat. The camera happens to go over his right upper arm that now has a tattoo of a shamrock.)
(Y/N): [yawns]
Steve: Then there's Heidi tomorrow night, but the problem with Heidi is that she's going out of state for college.
(Y/N): That sucks, man.
(Robin does her eyelashes as they're talking.)
Steve: Do I wanna start another relationship that has no point other than sex? I mean, I didn't know. Does that make any sense to you?
(Y/N): It does. I think you're looking--been looking for a real relationship ever since you and Nancy broke up. But what's important is that you don't force it. If it's right, it'll come naturally, like Robin and I.
Steve: That's great advice, (Y/N), but I was primarily talking to Robin.
(Y/N): Oh.
Steve: Robin, are you listening?
Robin: Uh, yes.
Steve: What did I say?
Robin: Something about sex with Linda.
(Y/N): So close.
Steve: No, I'm talking about Heidi. (Y/N)'s listening but I really need the female perspective on this.
Robin: Cut me some slack, please. (Y/N), make him cut me some slack.
(Y/N): Right now? While he's driving?
Steve: Well--
Robin: Your love life is one of labyrinthine complexity. It is 7:00 in the morning, we have the stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a corpse.
(Y/N): A hot corpse. That sounded better in my head.
Robin: Not that I don't appreciate the compliments, but it is way too early to be giving them.
Steve: You're worried about a basketball pep rally? Expect us to believe that?
Robin: Yeah? So?
Steve: So all three of us know what this is about. Okay? I'm not buying that bullshit and your boyfriend's smelling it.
(Y/N): I am.
Steve: This is about Vicky.
Robin: Absolutely not.
Steve: It is. You know what else?
Robin: I really don't care--
Steve: You gotta stop pretending to be someone else when you're around her. You just gotta be yourself.
Robin: You're literally quoting me to me. You do realize that?
Steve: Maybe you need to listen to yourself. You ever think about that, smarty pants? I listened to you. Look at me. Boom. Back in business.
Robin: It's not the same thing, okay?
Steve: Well...
(Y/N): How is it different?
Robin: I'll gladly explain. You two ask a guy to be your friend and tell them that you're gay, you can play it off as a joke. Big deal. Nothing happens. Maybe your ego's a little bruised. But I tell the wrong girl, and bam, I'm a town pariah.
Steve: We'd buy that, except Vickie is definitely not the wrong girl.
Robin: We just don't know that, do we?
Steve: She returned Fast Times paused at 53 minutes, 5 seconds. Do you know who pauses Fast Times at 53 minutes, 5 seconds? People who like boobies, Robin.
Robin: Ew! Gross. Don't say boobies.
Steve: Boobies. It's not a big deal, okay? I like boobies. You like boobies. (Y/N) likes boobies. I'm sure he likes your boobies.
(Y/N): I actually haven't seen them yet. But, when I do, I have no doubt that I'll like them.
Robin: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah?
Robin: Stop talking.
(Y/N): Stopping.
Steve: Vickie likes boobies. Definitely. It's boobies.
(Cut to Steve stopping in the Hawkins High parking lot where Y/N gets out of the car & opens the passenger seat car for Robin.)
Robin: Thanks.
(Y/N): Hey, Robin?
Robin: What's up?
(Y/N): I don't have to be worried about Vickie, do I?
Robin: Why do you ask?
(Y/N): Well, with you being bi and Vickie might be a lesbian...I just have to watch out for both genders stealing you away from me.
(She cups his face.)
Robin: You have nothing to worry about. Wanna know why?
(Y/N): Please.
Robin: Because you know that you're my good boy.
(She kisses him, takes her band gear out of Steve's car, & leaves. Cut to Y/N in the passenger seat next to Steve as he's driving.)
Steve: You wanna talk about how you haven't seen Robin's boobies yet?
(Y/N): [chuckles] Not really.
Steve: Why not?
(Y/N): Because there's nothing to talk about. She's not ready to lose her virginity and I'm completely okay with that. I don't want to force her.
Steve: Okay, dude. I respect that--
(Y/N): I'm about to go on, you asked for it.
Steve: I did?
(Y/N): It's not like I haven't tried know. Letting it happen naturally--
Steve: Naturally?
(Y/N): You know what I mean.
Steve: Oh! Continue.
(Y/N): I've even asked her and it's the same, she's not ready. I also asked her if it's because I'm a werewolf and she reassured me that it has nothing to do with that. I'm not complaining. I'm just happy to be with her and she feels the same about me.
Steve: It's not all about sex.
(Y/N): No, it is not.
Steve: You do want to have sex with her though, right?
(Y/N): Of course I do!
Steve: [laughs]
(Y/N): [laughs]
Steve: Just making sure. You love her, don't you?
(Y/N): I really do.
Steve: Love looks good on you my friend.
(Y/N): As it did on you.
Steve: [sighs] Yeah. You have told Robin that you love her, right? Right? (Y/N)?
(He looks over at Y/N who's looking out the window.)
(Y/N): ...
Steve: All right. Has Robin told you that she loves you?
(Y/N): No.
Steve: Okay, that's good. You'd be deep shit if she did and you didn't say it back. You and her have been together for almost a year now?
(Y/N): Wow, I didn't realize it's been that long.
Steve: The reason why she hasn't said it to you is probably because she wants you to say it first.
(Y/N): Really?
Steve: Trust me on this, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Okay, okay. So, I'll tell her after the basketball game...?
Steve: You could.
(Y/N): Or...?
Steve: Or nothing. Whenever you want to tell her is okay, just as long as you tell her.
(Y/N): At Family Video?
Steve: Maybe not there.
(Y/N): Why not there?
Steve: Because what if she doesn't say it back then it would be extremely awkward at work for all three of us.
(Y/N): Hm. Not at Family Video. Okay.
Family Video
(We see Steve on the phone with Dustin.)
Dustin: Just move your date this one time. Come on.
Steve: What, to hang out with you and Eddie "the freak" Munson? Uh, yeah, I'll pass.
Dustin: What about (Y/N)?
Steve: He can't hang out with you either. He's got something important to tell Robin.
Dustin: You're both jealous 'cause I have another older male friend.
Steve: Ew. Ugh. Whatever. Besides, I mean, I really dig this girl. I think that she could...Who knows, she could be the one.
(Some people walk into Family Video.)
Steve: Oh, I got some customers. Call you back. Bye.
(Cut to Y/N with some customers in the Romantic Comedies section.)
Woman: Anything you'd recommend?
(Y/N): You're asking me for a recommendation?
Woman: Oh, I'm sorry. You're a guy. Of course you don't watch romantic comedies.
(Y/N): What does being a guy have to do with anything? I quite enjoy romantic comedies.
Woman: Really?
(Y/N): My girlfriend and I watch them all the time.
Woman: That's nice. So, what do you recommend?
(Y/N): Hmm...
(He walks back & forth down the aisle of movies.)
(Y/N): I'd have to go with my personal favorite, Sixteen Candles. Molly Ringwald is absolutely adorable and Anthony Michael Hall is so relatable. To me at least. [chuckles]
Woman: [giggles] Don't let your girlfriend hear what you said about Molly Ringwald.
(Y/N): Oh, she'd agree with me.
(Cut to Y/N walking behind Steve & his date into the gym for the basketball game.)
Brenda: Does it bother you that, like, we might win a championship right after you graduated?
Steve: Yeah, that's an interesting point. Thank you so much for bringing that up, Brenda.
(Y/N): Still a touchy subject, huh?
(They walk by Robin & Vickie. Y/N makes eye contact with his girlfriend.)
(Y/N): *winks*
(This causes Robin to smile & then get back to playing with the rest of the band.)
(Tammy Thompson, a former student, comes out to sing the national Robin turns her head to Steve & Y/N.)
Steve: [whispers] Told you. Muppet.
Robin: Okay, she does sound like a Muppet.
Vickie: Oh my God, totally. She sounds like Kermit.
Robin: I was thinking it was more like Miss Peggy.
Vickie: [snorts] I saw (Y/N) O'Connell wink at you. Is he your boyfriend?
Robin: Yeah.
Vickie: I had him for a lab partner once. He's nice.
Robin: He is. I used to think she sounded good because while I had a crush on him, I also had this massive crush--
Vickie: Sorry?
Robin: Um, we...we took a...a massively hard class together. We were...We were in Mrs. Click's class together. Yeah. [chuckles dryly] Uh...Sorry, were you asking me a question?
Vickie: No. [chuckles]
Robin: Oh, okay.
(She turns her head to Y/N.)
(Y/N): [whispers in Irish accent] Nice save, pretty bird.
Robin: [whispers] Aw, you used your Irish accent to make me feel better. Thank you.
Brenda: Wow. She sounds amazing, doesn't she?
(In the final moments of the game, Lucas hits the game winning shot making the crowd go crazy.)
(Cut to Y/N dropping Robin off at her house.)
(Y/N): And here we are. So, you talked to Vickie--
Robin: Thanks and I really don't want to talk about it, please.
(Y/N): Okay. You know, you should really learn how to drive.
Robin: That'll mean Steve and primarily you won't be giving me as many rides anymore so that's a no.
(Y/N): [chuckles] I love...
Robin: Hm?
(Y/N): Your band uniform.
Robin: Really?
(Y/N): Yeah! You look cute.
Robin: I find that hard to believe.
(She rolls up his right arm sleeve.)
Robin: I love your tattoo.
(Y/N): I know.
Robin: Still can't believe you got it for me.
(Y/N): I've always wanted a tattoo and whenever I look at it, it not only reminds me of home, but more importantly, it reminds me of you.
(She kisses his tattoo then kisses him.)
Robin: See you tomorrow.
(She exits his car & walks towards his house as Y/N watches.)
(Y/N): [softly in Irish accent] I love you, pretty bird.
Meanwhile At Eddie's...
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