Chapter 23: The Bite
(We see Dustin driving a vehicle with Erica in the passenger seat while Y/N's in the back with Robin & Steve.)
Steve: [slurring] Jesus, slow down!
Robin: [slurring] Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?
(Y/N): Try to ignore them.
Steve: It's the Indy 300.
Robin: No, dingus, it's 500!
Steve: It's 300!
Robin: Let's say a million.
Steve & Robin: [laughing loudly]
Erica: What is wrong with them?
Dustin: I don't know.
(Y/N): I'm pretty sure they're--
Erica: Dustin, watch out!
Dustin: Shit!
(He suddenly brakes causing Steve & Robin to fall back while Y/N falls into Robin.)
Steve: Oh!
Robin: [groans]
(She looks in front of her to see Y/N on her.)
Robin: Hey, hero.
(Y/N): [groans] What?
(He makes eye contact with her.)
(Y/N): *backs away* Sorry, sorry.
(Erica & Dustin look behind them.)
Dustin: You guys all right back there?
Robin & Steve: [groaning]
(Y/N): Yeah!
Dustin: They're fine.
(They open the back of the vehicle & Y/N walks out of it but Robin & Steve are still laying down.)
Dustin: Come on. We gotta go, now.
(Y/N): Should...I carry them?
Dustin: No!
Erica: Come on! Get out!
Dustin: Let's go!
(They finally make their way out of the vehicle. Cut to them in the elevator.)
Erica: They seem drunk.
Dustin: Why would they be drunk?
(Y/N): They're high.
Dustin: On what?
(Y/N): I don't know.
Steve: I'm a natural! Check it out!
(She pulls the cart out from under him.)
Steve: Whoop!
Robin: Wipeout!
(Y/N): [sighs] This reminds me of high school.
(Dustin checks on Steve by putting a hand on his forehead.)
Dustin: He's burning up.
Steve: You're burning up.
Dustin: One sec, one sec. Steve, Steve.
Steve: God, no.
(Dustin looks at his pupils.)
Dustin: His pupils are super dilated.
Erica: Maybe he's drugged.
(Y/N): Or high.
Erica: Same thing.
Dustin: Steve, are you drugged?
Steve: How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana. (Y/N), let me stay at your place until the high wears off.
(Y/N): Yup, just like high school.
Dustin: This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?
(Steve boops his nose again.)
Steve: Boop.
Robin: We all die, my strange little child friend. It's just a matter of how...and when.
Dustin: They're going to be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car.
Steve: Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?
Robin: I would kill for a hot dog on a stick.
Dustin: All right. Yeah, food. Yes, you can have as much food as you want.
Steve: I'm sure we can snag a patty for you, (Y/N).
(Y/N): We really need you to focus.
Dustin: But only if you tell me where your car is parked.
Steve: Uh-oh.
Dustin: Uh-oh?
Steve: The car's off the board.
Dustin: What?
Steve: They took the keys. The Russians, they took the keys. Like, forever ago.
Robin: [laughs]
Steve: That's a bummer, right?
Dustin: Please tell me you have your keys, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I'm wearing a Russian soldier's uniform so no.
(Cut to them walking out of the elevator.)
Robin & Steve: Oh!
Robin: Oh, my God, that tastes so good. Ah! Steve, can you taste the air?
Steve: I taste it! I taste it!
(Y/N): I think you two mean freedom but whatever.
(They're forced into the mall by two Russian guards. Cut to them running in the back hallway.)
Steve: Whoa!
Erica: Where are we going?
Dustin: Just trust me.
(They walk into the movie theater.)
(Y/N): I'm probably fired, right?
Erica: Probably.
(Y/N): I loved this job.
(They walk into a screening of Back to the Future.)
Dustin: You two, sit.
(Robin & Steve sit down.)
Robin: No, no, no! These seats are too close!
Steve: Dude, these seats blow.
(Y/N): What did you expect? We showed up, like, really late.
Dustin: Then don't watch the movie.
Robin: We wanna watch it.
Dustin: Then watch it!
(Shushes are exchanged between a movie goer & Robin.)
Dustin: Sorry. Whatever you do, don't...go...anywhere.
Steve: Fine, Dad.
Robin: [snickers]
Dustin: (Y/N), could you be, like...
(Y/N): A watchdog for them? Sure.
Dustin: [sigh of relief] Thank you.
(Y/N): Not a problem.
(Dustin & Erica walk down to the opposite end & sit down leaving Y/N to watch Robin & Steve.)
Robin: (Y/N), you're not watching the movie.
(Y/N): What I'm watching right now is way more important.
Robin: *frowns*
(Y/N): Don't frown at me.
(Cut to Dustin & Erica.)
Dustin: Okay, it's official. I'm never having kids.
Erica: What are we doing here?
Dustin: We're laying low. Cooling off. Like Oswald.
Erica: Oswald was found in a theater and shot to death.
Dustin: A week later.
Erica: The point is, his plan didn't work.
Dustin: Only because it was a setup.
Erica: What?
Dustin: He was just a patsy.
Erica: Tell me you're joking.
(More shushes are exchanged between a movie goer, Erica, & Dustin.)
Erica: We need to get out of here.
Dustin: All right, you help the big bad wolf watch Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Make sure they don't go anywhere.
Erica: Where are you going?
Dustin: To find us a ride.
(He takes his walkie & leaves the theater. Cut back to Robin, Steve, & Y/N.)
Robin: What's happening?
Steve: I have no idea.
(Y/N): Just time travel. Simple really.
Steve: You're really missing out, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Oh, am I, Steve? [sighs] This is such bullshit.
Robin: Aw, what's the matter?
(Y/N): Nothing. I'm fine.
Robin: Spill your guts.
(Y/N): You should really use a different analogy...fine. This whole thing reminds me so much of high school. Not the Russians but Steve being high--
Movie Goer: Shh!
(Y/N walks up between Robin & Steve, & gets in the movie goer's face.)
(Y/N): I get that my friends and I are being extremely rude right now. I do. But if you shush me one more time, instead of Back to the Future everyone is watching, they'll be watching a gory horror flick when I'm done with you.
(He backs up to the railing & turns to face the screen.)
(Y/N): Where was I? Right, Steve being high. Him and I have been best friends since sophomore year. I love him like a brother. He's been a better brother to me than my own...we've had each other's back for as long as I can remember. He got himself into more trouble than I ever did in high school. Whether that be me frantically helping him study to...him staying at my place because he's high. I was always happy to help. Hell, I still am. Because I know he'd do the same for me. I'd always overhear people say that I was jealous of him for some odd reason. I have nothing to be jealous about...but if there was something I was jealous of Steve, it would be him with the ladies. Just how easy it was for him. He'd barely do anything and they would just be infatuated with him. Credit to him, he finally got a girl that I actually approved of. That being Nancy Wheeler. Sadly, that didn't last. Since then, I've been trying to find my own Nancy Wheeler. [chuckles] Sounds kind of silly now that I say out loud. I thought I had found her in you, Robin, but you like Steve and he likes you. Just my luck. [sighs] I'll be supportive like alwa--
(He turns around to see that Steve & Robin are gone.)
(Y/N): Shit.
(He looks down at Erica & Dustin who've also realized that they're gone.)
Dustin: Where are they?
(They're drinking from a water fountain.)
(They then run into a restroom to throw up after staring at some lights for too long.)
Steve: [groans]
Robin: The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you?
Steve: Holy shit. No. You think we puked it all up?
Robin: Maybe. Ask me something. [in Russian accent] Interrogate me.
Steve: Okay. Interrogate you. Sure. Um...When was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?
Robin: Today.
Steve: What?
Robin: When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw.
Steve: [laughs] Oh, my God.
Robin: It was just a little bit, though.
Steve: Yeah, it's definitely still in her system.
Robin: [laughs]
Steve: [groans]
Robin: Oh...All right, my turn.
Steve: Okay. Hit me.
Robin: I've got two.
Steve: Ask away.
Robin: How are you and (Y/N) still friends? You two seemed so different in high school.
Steve: [laughs] I ask myself that question sometimes. I've told him this before, should probably tell him more, but he's the best guy I know. I wouldn't be the man I am today without him. Plus, he's fiercely loyal.
Robin: I don't know what that means. [chuckles]
Steve: Ha, not surprising. Your second question?
Robin: Have you...ever been in love?
Steve: Yep. Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year. [imitates gunshot, chuckles]
Robin: Oh, my God. She's such a priss.
Steve: Hm. Turns out, not really.
Robin: [scoffs] Are you still in love with her?
Steve: No.
Robin: Why not?
Steve: I think it's because I found someone who's a little better for me. [chuckles] It's crazy. Ever since Dustin got home, he's been "You know, you gotta find Suzie. You gotta find your Suzie."
Robin: Wait, who's Suzie?
Steve: It's some girl from camp, I guess his girlfriend. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure she's even real. (Y/N) thinks she's real, bless his heart. But that's not--that's not really the point. That doesn't matter. The point is, this girl, you know, the one I like, it's somebody that I...didn't even talk to in school. And I don't even know why. Maybe 'cause Tommy H. would've made fun of me or...I wouldn't be...prom king. It's stupid. I mean, Dustin's right, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyways. Because, when I think about it, I should've been hanging out with this girl the whole time. First of all, she's hilarious. She's so funny. I feel like, this summer, I have laughed harder than I have a really long time. And she's smart. Way smarter than me. You know, she can crack, like, top secret Russian codes and...You know? She's honestly unlike anyone I've ever even met before. Robin? [tapping on stall] Robin, did you just OD in there?
Robin: No. [sighs] still alive. [deep sigh]
(Steve slides under his stall into her's.)
Robin: The floor's disgusting.
Steve: Yeah, well, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so...What do you think?
Robin: About?
Steve: This girl.
Robin: She sounds awesome.
Steve: She is awesome. And what about the guy?
Robin: I think he's on drugs, and he's not thinking straight.
Steve: Really? 'Cause I think he's thinking a lot more clearly than usual.
Robin: He's not. Look...he doesn't even know this girl. And if he did know her, like--like really know her, I don't think he'd even want to be her friend.
Steve: No, that's not true. No way is that true.
Robin: Listen to me, Steve. It's shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I'm not like your other friends. And I'm not like Nancy Wheeler.
Steve: Robin, that's exactly why I like you.
Robin: [scoffs] Do you remember what I said about Click's class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?
Steve: Yeah.
Robin: It isn't because I had a crush on you. It's because...she wouldn't stop staring at you.
Steve: Mrs. Click?
Robin: [chuckles] Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But...she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair. And I didn't understand, because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag. And--And you didn't even like her and...I would go home...and just scream into my pillow.
Steve: But Tammy Thompson's a girl.
Robin: [softly] Steve.
Steve: Yeah?
Steve: Oh.
Robin: Oh.
Steve: Holy shit.
Robin: Yeah. Holy shit. And then there's (Y/N) O'Connell. Alfred to your Batman. He'd clean up your bagel crumbs and give you as many answers as he could. A complete sweetheart...One day as I was staring at Tammy who was staring at you, my pencil rolled off my desk and who picked it up you ask? (Y/N) O'Connell. I thanked him for picking up my pencil and do you know what he said in response to that? Nothing, he just smiled. [groans] That damn smile. Since that day I've not only liked girls, but also...(Y/N). My feelings for him have just gotten stronger with him practically showing up everyday at Scoops. Steve...did you OD over there?
Steve: No, I just, uh...just thinking.
Robin: Okay.
Steve: So, you like girls...and (Y/N)?
Robin: Yeah, pretty much. Never thought I'd ever like a guy in that way though.
Steve: Never thought I'd lose a girl to (Y/N). Well, he's great.
Robin: Ah, hyping up the best friend.
Steve: Is it really "hyping up" if what I'm saying is true? There is something about him though...
Robin: What is it?
Steve: He should tell you...or show you.
Robin: Does he have a tattoo?
Steve: [chuckles] No. Why do you think he has a tattoo?
Robin: I don't know. I just picture him with a tattoo of a shamrock.
Steve: Seriously?
Robin: [chuckles] Yes.
Steve: [chuckles] Is it because he's Irish?
Robin: [laughs] Yes!
Steve: [laughs]
(The two continue to laugh as Y/N, Dustin, & Erica storm into the restroom they're in.)
(Y/N): You two are so lucky I'm not actually a Russian.
Dustin: Okay. What the hell?
Steve & Robin: [laughs]
(Cut to them blending into the crowd after a movie.)
Erica: Well, shit, that worked.
Dustin: Course it worked. We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes, and home sweet home, here we come.
Steve: Uh, Dustin?
Dustin: What?
Steve: Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house.
Dustin: Why?
Steve: Well, I might've told them your full name.
Dustin: What is wrong with you?
Steve: Dude, I was drugged.
Dustin: So?
Steve: So?
Dustin: So, you resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man.
Steve: Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say.
Robin: Guys.
(They're met with more Russians. Y/N's about to fight them but Robin pulls his arm causing him to follow them down into the food court. The Russians close in on them but before they can get any closer, Eleven flips a car into them. They look up to see their friends. Cut to them being reunited.)
Dustin: [laughing] You flung that thing like a Hot Wheel!
Erica: Lucas?
Lucas: What are you doing here?
Erica: Ask them. It's their fault.
Steve: True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault.
(Y/N): 100%.
Robin: I don't understand what happened to that car.
Dustin: El has superpowers.
Robin: I'm sorry?
Steve: Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon, catch up.
(Y/N): A lot to take in, I know.
Erica: That's El?
Robin: Who's El?
Nancy: I'm sorry, who are you?
Robin: I'm Robin. I work with Steve.
Dustin: She cracked the top secret code.
Steve: Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place.
Jonathan: Russians? Wait, what Russians?
Steve: The Russians!
(Y/N): Where do you think I got this uniform?
Lucas: I thought you were Irish?
(Y/N): [sighs]
Max: Those were Russians?
Erica: Some of them.
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Dustin: Didn't you hear our code red?
Mike: Yeah. We couldn't understand what you were saying.
Dustin: Goddamn low battery.
Steve: How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?
Dustin: Well, everything worked out, didn't it, Steve?
Erica: Worked out? We almost died.
Dustin: Yeah, but we didn't, did we?
Steve: It was pretty damn close.
(Y/N): I was there, we were fine.
Robin: And how does you being there make it fine?
Lucas: Okay, Russians? As in, they're working for the Russian government?
Eleven: [panting]
Dustin: What are you not comprehending? Am I not speaking English? Am I speaking Irish?
(Y/N): Obviously not.
Dustin: We have a full-blown Red Dawn situation.
Max: So this has nothing to do with the gate?
Dustin: It has everything to do with the gate...
(Eleven collapses & everyone runs to her.)
Erica: What's wrong with her?
Mike: What's wrong?
Eleven: My leg. My leg.
Jonathan: Her leg, her leg. Okay.
(The wound on her leg looks infected that disgusts everyone & it seems something's moving in her leg.)
Eleven: [grunting] [wailing]
Mike: El! El!
Eleven: [wailing]
Mike: El! El, are you okay? El! El! El!
Eleven: [screaming]
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