Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street
(We see Y/N walking down one of the halls of Hawkins High School.)
(Y/N): [yawns] Ugh.
(Y/N's thoughts): I barely got any sleep last night. But hopefully I got the smell of wet dog off me. I hope that girl from last night is okay. I saw her leave with those boys. They're more qualified to deal with her than I am. They all looked the same age.
(Y/N): Maybe I should go for a hunt after school--
(Suddenly, he's put in a headlock by Tommy.)
(Y/N): Morning, Tommy. Let me go.
Tommy: Ah, come on, man. I'm not even holding you that tight.
(He proceeds to give Y/N a noogie.)
(Y/N): [growls]
Tommy: Ha! What are you? A dog?
Steven: That's enough, Tommy. Let him go.
Tommy: I was about to let him go anyway.
(He releases Y/N from the headlock.)
(Y/N): *fixes his hair* Isn't too early for a noogie of all things?
Carol: Lighten up, (Y/N).
Steve: I know what'll lighten you up.
(Y/N): What?
(Cut to Barbara & Nancy walking together down a hallway, reviewing flashcards.)
Barbara: "When alpha particles go through gold foil, they become..."
Nancy: Unoccupied space.
Barbara: "A molecule that can--"
(Steve snatches away the flashcards & is followed by Y/N, Tommy, & Carol.)
Barbara: Hey!
Steve: I don't know, I think you've studied enough, Nance.
Nancy: Steve--
Steve: I'm telling you, you know, you got this. Don't worry. Now, onto more important matters. My dad has left town on a conference and my mom's gone with him 'cause, you know, she doesn't trust him.
Tommy: Good call.
Steve: So are you in?
Nancy: In for what?
Carol: No parents? Big house?
Nancy: A party?
Carol: Ding, ding, ding!
Nancy: It's Tuesday.
(Y/N): That's what I said.
Tommy: "It's Tuesday." Both of you. Oh, my God.
Steve: Come on. It'll be low key. It'll just be us. What do you say? Are you in or out?
Nancy: Um...
Carol: Oh, God. Look.
(They all look at Jonathon putting up a missing person poster of his brother, Will.)
Steve: Oh, God, that's depressing.
Nancy: Should we say something?
Carol: I don't think he speaks.
Tommy: How much do you want to bet he killed him?
Steve: Shut up.
(Y/N): That's not funny.
(Nancy walks over to him.)
Nancy: Hey.
Jonathan: Oh, hey.
Nancy: I just...I wanted to say, you know, um...I'm sorry about everything.
(Jonathan looks at Steve & the group.)
Nancy: Everyone's thinking about you. It sucks.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nancy: I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid.
Nancy: I have to go. Chemistry test.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Nancy: Good luck.
Jonathon: Thanks.
Hours Later
(We see Barbara pull over in a car with Nancy.)
Barbara: What are we doing here? His house is three blocks away.
Nancy: We can't park in the driveway.
Barbara: Are you serious?
Nancy: Yeah, the neighbors might see.
Barbara: This is so stupid. I'm just gonna drop you off.
Nancy: Calm down, Barb. Come on. You promised that you'd go. You're coming. We're gonna have a great time.
Barbara: He just wants to get in your pants.
Nancy: No, he doesn't.
Barbara: Nance...seriously. He invited you to his house. His parents aren't home. Come on, you are not this stupid.
Nancy: Tommy H. and Carol are gonna be there. So is (Y/N).
Barbara: Okay, I'll give you (Y/N) but Tommy and Carol have been having sex since, like, seventh grade. It'll probably just be, like, a big orgy.
Nancy: Gross.
Barbara: I'm serious!
Nancy: *while changing* All right, can be, like, my guardian. All right? Make sure I don't get drunk and do anything stupid.
Barbara: Ugh. Is that a new bra?
Nancy: No.
(They walk up to the front & Nancy rings the doorbell.)
Nancy: Barb, chill.
Barbara: I'm chill.
Steve: Hello, ladies.
A Couple Minutes Later
(They're all by the pool. Unbeknownst to them, Jonathan is watching them.)
Carol: You're such an asshole, Tommy.
(Steve shotguns a beer.)
Nancy: Is that supposed to impress me?
Steve: You're not? How about you, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I'm very impressed.
Nancy: You are a cliché, you do realize that?
Steve: You are a cliché. What with your...your grades and your band practice.
Nancy: I'm so not in band.
Steve: Okay, party girl. Why don't you just, uh, show us how it's done, then?
Nancy: Okay.
(He hands her a beer.)
Steve: You gotta make a little hole right in--
Nancy: I got it.
Tommy: Yeah, she's smart, you douche!
(Y/N): Unlike you, Tommy.
(She shotguns the beer as everyone except Barbara chants "chug.")
Nancy: Barb, you wanna try?
Barbara: What? No. No, I don't want to. Thanks.
Nancy: Come on.
Steve: Yeah...Come on. Yeah.
Barbara: Nance, I don't want to.
Nancy: It's fun! Just give it a--
Barbara: Nance...
Nancy: Just...Just give it a shot.
(Barbara takes the beer.)
(Y/N): Peer pressure at its finest.
Steve: Hey.
Barbara: Okay.
(She ends up cutting her hand with the knife.)
Tommy: Gnarly.
Nancy: Are you okay?
Barb: Yeah.
Nancy: Barb, you're bleeding.
Barbara: I'm fine. Where's your bathroom?
Steve: Oh, it's...It's, uh, down past the kitchen, to the left.
Barbara: Okay. Thanks.
Steve: (Y/N), show her.
(Y/N): Yeah.
Barbara: No, you don't have--
(Y/N): Please, I insist.
(He leads Barbara to the bathroom as Carol, Tommy, Nancy, & Steve jump into the pool, Jonathan also takes pictures of them with his camera.)
(Y/N): Your hand should be fine. The cut doesn't look that deep.
Barbara: Still hurts though.
(Y/N): Oh, there's no disputing that.
Barbara: Embarrassing, huh?
(Y/N): You cutting your hand?
Barbara: Yeah.
(Y/N): Nah. I'll tell you a secret, I cut my hand too when I first tried that.
Barbara: That actually makes me feel better.
(Y/N): I knew it would. So, there's the bathroom. On the left.
Barbara: Thanks.
(Y/N): Anytime.
(He walks back to the pool. On his way there he walks by Tommy & Carol who are drying themselves off with towels. He walks into Steve.)
(Y/N): I don't think you guys were in proper swimming attire.
Steve: Ever observant, (Y/N).
(Y/N): You don't mind if I crash on the couch, do you?
Steve: Not at all, man. Not at all.
(Y/N): Thanks. One more thing.
Steve: Yeah?
(Y/N): You have protection right?
Steve: For what?
(Y/N): You're going to pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about?
Steve: Seriously. [chuckles] For what?
(Y/N): All right, all right. I'll take that as a yes. I'll see you in the morning.
Steve: You will.
(He walks away from Steve. As he gets closer to the pool he & Nancy wave at each other.)
(He falls back onto the couch.)
(Y/N): [relaxed sigh]
(As he lays on the couch, Nancy tells Barbara to go home while she'll get a ride. Steve and Nancy start getting undressed. Barbara sits at the end of a diving board with her feet in the water & Jonathan takes a picture of her. His camera runs out of film so he puts more in.)
(Y/N): Waiting for Nancy, huh?
Barbara: I guess.
(Y/N): Hm. Want some company?
Barbara: Sure.
(Y/N): Great. Couldn't find any bandaids?
Barbara: Nope.
(Y/N): I think I know where they are. Be right back.
(He goes to the bathroom to find the bandaids. Back with Barbara, as she's waiting for Y/N to come back, some blood from her cut drips into the pool.)
(A sound is made by the creature causing Jonathan to look up and see that Barbara is gone. He eventually leaves himself. Y/N returns from the bathroom, holding a small box of bandaids.)
(Y/N): I found them. They were in the cabinet. In the...
(He looks at the diving board to see Barbara isn't there.)
(Y/N): ...back? Barbara?
(He looks around the pool & sees no trace of her.)
(Y/N): [sniffs] [growls]
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