Chapter 18: The Mall Rats
(Y/N's in the ticket booth with a customer.)
(Y/N): Hello, welcome to the Starcourt movie theater. How many tickets today, sir?
Man: One.
(Y/N): One ticket for...?
Man: I don't know.
(Y/N): You...don't know?
Man: I'm stuck between two movies and I'm not sure which one to see first.
(Y/N): All right. The two movies are?
Man: Lifeforce and Day of the Dead?
(Y/N): Hm, of course they are. That's a good problem to have.
Man: I take it you've already seen them?
(Y/N): I have.
Man: Great! So, which one should I watch first?
(Y/N): That depends on you really. Which are you in the mood for, aliens or zombies?
Man: Either one I'd be watching a horror movie...
(Y/N): Yup.
Man: I still don't know.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Okay. Why don't you just do a double feature?
Man: Double feature?
(Y/N): Yeah, a double feature. It's when you watch two movies on the same day.
Man: Oh, that sounds nice.
(Y/N): Do you have anything planned for today?
Man: No. I'm free.
(Y/N): Well, there ya go! One ticket for Lifeforce and one ticket for Day of the Dead.
(He prints out the tickets & hands them to the man.)
Man: Thank you.
(Y/N): No problem. Have fun.
(The man walks in the movie theater, leaving Y/N.)
(Y/N): *pops fingers*
Dustin: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Is that Dustin Henderson?
(He hops out of the ticket booth, lifts Dustin up, & spins him around.)
Dustin: [laughs]
(He puts him down.)
(Y/N): How's my favorite pup doing?
Dustin: I'm good--I'm your favorite?
(Y/N): That is what I said.
Dustin: *smiles* I thought Max was your favorite?
(Y/N): Why? Because she's a redhead and I'm Irish?
Dustin: Yeah.
(Y/N): She's my second favorite.
Dustin: I'm going to tell her that.
(Y/N): I don't think she'll care but go ahead. How was camp?
Dustin: I'll tell you and Steve all about it. Let's go.
(He gestures to one of his coworkers to take his place in the ticket booth & then follows Dustin to Scoops Ahoy.)
Robin: Have a nice day.
(She hands two ice cream cones to some people.)
Woman: Thank you.
(Dustin & Y/N walk up to the counter.)
Dustin: Hi.
Robin: Hi.
Dustin: I'm Dustin.
Robin: I'm Robin. I see you've brought (Y/N) with you.
(Y/N): Hello.
Dustin: You two already know each other, fantastic. Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is--is he here?
Robin: Is who here?
(Y/N): You know.
(Imagine Y/N watching this with Robin.)
Robin: How many children are you two friends with?
Steve: [sighs]
Robin: Do you have a handshake with him, too?
(Y/N): Oh, no. Not yet.
Dustin: We're working on it.
Robin: Huh.
(Cut to the trio in a booth together while Dustin is eating ice cream.)
Steve: No, no. No way. Hotter than Phoebe Cates? No.
Dustin: Mm-hmm.
(Y/N): That's a pretty high bar.
Dustin: Brillant, too. And she doesn't even care that my real pearls are still coming in. She says kissing is better without teeth.
Steve: Wow. Yeah, that's great. We're proud of you, man.
(Y/N): We sure are. Up top.
(Dustin gives him a high five.)
Dustin: Ha.
Steve: That's ro--That's kinda romantic. That's like...Wow.
Dustin: Hm. So do you really just get to eat as much of this as you want?
Steve: Yeah. I mean, sure. It's not really a good idea for me, though. I gotta keep in shape for the ladies.
Robin: Yeah, and how's that working out for you?
Steve: Ignore her.
Dustin: She seems cool.
(Y/N): Definitely.
Steve: She's definitely not. So, where are the other knuckleheads?
Dustin: They ditched me yesterday.
(Y/N): Ouch.
Steve: No.
Dustin: My first day back. Can you believe that shit?
Steve: Whoa. Seriously?
Dustin: I swear to God. Mm. They're gonna regret it, though, big time, when they don't get to share in my glory.
Steve: Glory? What glory?
(Y/N): You have glory?
Dustin: So, last night, we're trying to get in contact with Suzie...
Steve: Oh. Mm.
(Y/N): Go on.
Dustin: And, uh...
(He looks around Scoops Ahoy.)
Dustin: [whispers] I intercepted a secret Russian communication.
Steve: What?
(Y/N): Did you say something?
Dustin: [clicks tongue] Uh...[inhales deeply] [softly] I intercepted a secret Russian communication.
Steve: Just speak louder.
(Y/N): Or just normal volume--
Dustin: [loudly] I intercepted a secret Russian communication!
(Everyone in Scoops Ahoy looks at them.)
Steve: Jeez, shh. Yeah, okay, that's what I thought you said.
(Y/N): Same.
Steve: What--What does that mean?
Dustin: It means, Steve, (Y/N), we could be heroes. True American heroes. I mean, not you, (Y/N). Because you're Irish but still a hero.
Steve: Huh.
(Y/N): Works for me.
Dustin: Mm-hmm.
Steve: American heroes.
Dustin: Just think, you and (Y/N) could have all the ladies you want and more.
Steve & (Y/N): More?
Dustin: More.
Steve: We like more.
(Y/N): Who doesn't?
Dustin: Mm-hmm.
Steve: What's the catch?
Dustin: No catch, I just need your help. Both of you.
Steve: With what?
(Y/N): Hm?
(Dustin takes out a Russian to English, English to Russian dictionary.)
Dustin: Translation.
(Cut to Robin giving Erica ice cream samples.)
Erica: Can I try the peppermint stick?
Robin: Haven't you already tried the peppermint stick?
Erica: Yes, and I'd like to try it again.
Robin: Steve!
(Cut to Dustin, Steve, & Y/N trying to translate the Russian voice on the recording with a song playing.)
Dustin: So what do you think?
Steve: It sounded familiar.
Dustin: What?
Steve: The music. The music right at the end.
Dustin: Why are you listening to the music, Steve? Listen to the Russian! We're translating Russian! And you, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah, all I'm getting is the music.
Dustin: Come on! I thought you said you spoke Russian.
(Y/N). No, I can speak four languages. Them being English, Werewolf, Polish, and Gaelic.
Steve: Gaelic?
(Y/N): That's what my language is called but nationally, it's called Irish.
Dustin: There aren't werewolves in Russia?
(Y/N): There are, but that doesn't mean I speak their language.
Dustin: You two are no help at all!
Steve: We're trying to listen to the Russian, but there's music--
(Robin barges in.)
Robin: All right, babysitting time is over. You need to get in there.
(She looks at Y/N.)
Robin: And you need to get back to your own job.
(She looks at her board to see her tallies gone & replaced with the Russian & English alphabets.)
Robin: Hey, my board. That was important data, shitbirds.
(Y/N): "Important."
Dustin: I guarantee you, what we're doing is way more important than your data.
Robin: Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?
Dustin: How does she know about the Russians?
Steve: I don't know.
Dustin: You told her about--
Steve: It wasn't me. (Y/N)?
(Y/N): I don't work here.
Robin: Hello, I can hear you. Actually, I can hear everything.
(Y/N): Thin walls.
Robin: No, it's because you three are extremely loud. You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate, but haven't figured out a single word because you didn't realize Russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. Sound about right?
(She goes for the recorder but Steve snatches it away.)
Steve: Whoa! What do you think you're doing?
Robin: I wanna hear it.
Steve, (Y/N), & Dustin: Why?
Robin: 'Cause maybe I can help. I'm fluent in four languages, you know.
Dustin: Russian?
Robin: Ou-yay are-yay umb-day.
Steve: [laughs] Oh-ho-ho!
Dustin: Holy shit!
(Y/N): That was pig latin.
Robin: It was. I see you, (Y/N). But you two, you're dinguses.
Steve: Idiot.
Robin: But I can speak Spanish and French and Italian, and I've been in band for 12 years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me.
Steve: Uh...
Robin: Come on, it's your turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate. I don't even want credit. I'm just bored. (Y/N) can even stay.
(Y/N): Thanks...?
(Steve hands her the recorder & takes the ice cream scooper. She's now helping Dustin & Y/N translate.)
Robin: Wait, hit that last part, just one more time.
Dustin: Okay.
(He rewinds the recording & she listens to the voice.)
Robin: Okay, that word. Um...It's pronounced..."dly-nna-ya."
Dustin & (Y/N): "Dly-nna-ya..."
Robin: Which is spelled...D...D, D, D...[sighs]
(Dustin runs up to the board.)
Dustin: The--The chair. The chair-looking thingy.
Robin: Yeah, okay.
(As she's writing, Y/N stares at her. She walks over to the window to tell Steve as Y/N continues to stare at her.)
Robin: We've got our first sentence.
Steve: Oh, seriously?
Robin: Yeah. [in Russian accent] "The week is long."
Steve: Well, that's thrilling.
Robin: I know. But, progress.
(She closes the window.)
Robin: (Y/N).
(Y/N): What's up?
Robin: You gonna tell me why you've been staring at me this entire time or what?
(Y/N) reason.
Robin: Right. You're welcome by the way.
(Y/N): For what?
Robin: For letting you stay.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Of course.
Hours Later
(The mall is closed as the quartet is still in Scoops Ahoy, reading the translation on the board.)
Robin, (Y/N), Dustin, & Steve: "The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west."
(They're now closing up.)
Steve: I mean, it can't be right.
(Y/N): It could make more sense.
Robin: It's right.
Dustin: Honestly, I think it's great news.
Steve: How is this great news? [chuckles] I mean, so much for being American heroes. Or heroes in general.
(Y/N): I've lived here long enough so let's just consider myself a would-be American hero as well.
Steve: It's total nonsense.
Dustin: It's not nonsense. It's too specific. It's obviously code.
Steve: What do you mean, a code?
Dustin: Like a super secret spy code.
(Y/N): Like in the movies.
Steve: That's a total stretch.
Robin: I don't know, is it?
Steve: You're buying into this?
Robin: Listen, just for kicks, let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were gonna say, "Fire the warhead at noon"?
(Y/N): That would be too easy.
Dustin: Exactly.
Robin: And my translation is correct. I know that for sure, so..."The silver cat feeds." Why would anyone talk like that unless they're trying to mask the true meaning of their message?
Dustin: Exactly.
Robin: Why would anyone mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?
Dustin: Exactly.
Robin: So I guess that confirms your suspicion.
Dustin: Evil Russians.
Robin: I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians.
Dustin: So how do we crack it?
Robin: Well, I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges.
Dustin: A pattern. Right, like maybe "silver cat" is a meeting place?
Robin: Or a person.
Dustin: Or a weapon.
Robin: It's probably gonna take a super genius to crack it, but...
(She looks back.)
Robin: Where's Steve and (Y/N)?
(They turn back to see them standing in front of a mechanical horse.)
Robin: Hey, guys. What are you doing?
Steve: Uh, it's a quarter. I need--Do you have a quarter?
(Y/N): I only carry cash.
Robin: [chuckles]
(They run over to them.)
Robin: Sure you're tall enough for that ride?
Dustin: I don't think you can eat that horse, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Shut up.
Steve: Quarter!
(She tosses him a quarter & he puts it in the machine to make the mechanical horse go & it plays a song.)
Robin: You need help getting up, little Stevie?
Steve: Shh!
Dustin: [chuckles]
Steve: Would you two just shut up and listen?
(They listen to the song playing.)
Dustin: Holy shit. The music. The music!
(He takes out the recorder & plays the same exact song.)
Robin: I don't understand.
Dustin: It's the exact same song on the recording.
Robin: Maybe they have horses like this in Russia.
Steve: "Indiana Flyer"? I don't...I don't think so. This code, it...didn't come from Russia.
(Y/N): [sighs] And that means...
Steve: It came from here.
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