Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers
November 6th, 1983
(Late at night, the camera pans down & into a house where we see Y/N hitting a punching bag.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I hope we don't have a test in Mrs. Jenkins' class tomorrow. That would blow.
(Y/N): Also, I suck at math.
(Y/N): *through punches* I mean, I've studied. So I should be fine, right?
(The speed at which he throws his punches starts picking up speed.)
(Y/N): Ha! *smiles*
(He turns away from the punching bag, his fingernails change into claws, & he...)
(Slashes the wall, leaving four slash marks across it.)
(Y/N): [howls] Okay, I may have overdone it. I need to calm down.
(His claws revert back to fingernails. As this is happening, Y/N's phone rings.)
(Y/N): Hm?
(He walks over to his phone & answers it.)
(Y/N): Hello?
Steve: (Y/N) O'Connell.
(Y/N): Steve Harrington. Why did you call me? Shouldn't you be on the phone with...?
Steve: [chuckles] Nancy.
(Y/N): Yeah, Nancy!
Steve: What? Can't I have a late night chat with one of my best friends?
(Y/N): You can.
Steve: Since you're so worried about it, I just finished talking to Nancy before I called you.
(Y/N): Good...she ended the call, didn't she?
Steve: She did.
(Y/N): [chuckles]
Steve: Laugh it up. It's real funny.
(Y/N): Okay, so what did you want to talk about?
Steve: Is there somebody you like or what?
(Y/N): Why do you ask?
Steve: Because for as long as I've known you, you haven't dated anyone or even told me that you have feelings for a girl.
(Y/N): There is a reason for that.
Steve: Which is?
(Y/N): A girl hasn't caught my eye yet.
Steve: Bullshit.
(Y/N): It's not.
Steve: What about Barbara?
(Y/N): Nancy's friend? I know where this is going. I'll see you tomorrow.
Steve: (Y/N), wait-
(Y/N): See ya in class, man.
(He hangs up on Steve. He then walks into his room & opens a window.)
(Y/N): Ah, Steve. His heart is in the right place. [sniffs]
(He picks something up in the air.)
(Y/N): [sniffs] That' Do I have time to walk around my territory? It's the entire town so...probably not. Whatever I'm smelling...[sniffs] I'm sure it's nothing.
The Next Day
(We see Y/N driving his car, on his way to Hawkins High School.)
(Y/N): [yawns]
(As he's driving, he looks at his teeth in the rearview mirror to see a wolf canine still there. After noticing it, he watches it revert back to a normal canine. He puts in an eight-track & starts singing along with some music.)
(Y/N): 🎶 One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you 🎶
(Cut to the inside of a Hawkins High School restroom where Steve & Nancy are making out.)
Nancy: Steve...
Steve: Mmm-hmm?
Nancy: I have to go.
Steve: In a minute.
Nancy: Steve. I really, like...Seriously, I have to go.
(He scoops up her bag.)
Steve: Wait, wait, wait. Let's...Come on, let's do something tonight, yeah?
Nancy: Uh...No, I can't. I have to study for Kaminsky's test.
Steve: Oh, come on. What's your GPA again? 3.999...
Nancy: Kaminsky's tests are impossible.
Steve: Well, then, just let me help.
Nancy: You failed chem.
Steve: C minus.
Nancy: Well, in that case...
Steve: So I'll be over around, say, like, 8:00?
(She gets her bag back.)
Nancy: Are you crazy? My mom would not--
Steve: I'll climb through your window. She won't even know I'm there. I'm stealthy, like a ninja. Just ask (Y/N).
Nancy: You are crazy.
Steve: Wait, wait, wait. Just...Okay, forget about that. We can just...We can just, like, chill in my car. We can find a nice quiet place to park, and...
Nancy: Steve...I have to study. I'm not kidding.
Steve: Well, why do you think I want it to be nice and quiet?
Nancy: You're an idiot, Steve Harrington.
(She's about to leave but turns back before she does.)
Nancy: Meet me at Dearborn and Maple at 8:00. To study.
(She exits the restroom.)
(Y/N): This isn't good, Nancy.
(She turns to face him.)
Nancy: What?
(Y/N): You're gonna be late. Steve's already a bad influence on you.
Nancy: You're going to be late too.
(Y/N): It's too late for me. Steve has already warped me into a delinquent.
Nancy: [chuckles] Right. I'll see you in class, O'Connell.
(She leaves him just as Steve walks out of the restroom.)
Steve: Ah, (Y/N). You waited for me? How sweet.
(Y/N): I just figured you'd rather be late with someone than being late alone.
Steve: You're a good guy, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I try to be.
Steve: How did you even know I was in there? I could have been anywhere in the school, in any other restroom.
(Y/N): I'm part of your royal guard, am I not? My job is to protect you, my king. And I know all your makeout spots.
Steve: I take it back. You're not a good guy.
(He starts walking faster & away from Y/N.)
(Y/N): Steve! [chuckles] Wait up. I'm sorry.
Hours Later
(We see Y/N back in his house, laying on the couch.)
(Y/N): Maybe I should have volunteered to help find that Byers kid? I mean, it's not like I had anything better to do.
(He stands up.)
(Y/N): Good job, (Y/N). You've made yourself feel guilty. [sighs] Ugh...
(He starts walking towards his front door.)
(Y/N): I'll just walk along my territory and with any luck, I'll find that Byers kid. He'll probably run away from me once he sees me. I'd do the same. I don't see a middle schooler being able to outrun me. All right, stop wasting time. [groans] Transformation is always...tricky.
(He drops to his hands & knees.)
(Once fully in werewolf form, he runs out his front door. He starts in the forest, nose to the ground, trying to pick up anything that could possibly lead him to the missing kid. Unfortunately for Y/N, it starts to rain.)
(Y/N): [groans]
(Y/N's thoughts): It would rain. I won't be able to smell anything. I'm going to have spent most of the night in the shower trying to get the smell of wet dog off me.
Dustin: I've got your X-Men 134!
(Y/N's thoughts): Huh?
(He turns around to see three kids with flashlights.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Great, more kids. They're probably looking for that Byers kid as well. Maybe he's their friend? I'll keep my distance. I don't need them shining their flashlights on me and getting scared.
Dustin: Guys, I really think we should turn back.
Lucas: Seriously, Dustin?
(Y/N's thoughts): I'll follow them just in case something happens or until they decide to turn back. Don't need anymore kids going missing.
Dustin: I'm just being realistic, Lucas!
Lucas: No, you're just being a big sissy!
Dustin: Do you really think Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?
(Y/N's thoughts): He brings up a good point.
Mike: Shut up, Dustin!
Dustin: I'm just saying, does that seem smart to you?
Mike: Shut up. Shut up. Did you guys hear that?
(Y/N's thoughts): No way he heard me.
(They turn their flashlights to one side to see nothing, then they turn them to the other side. Their flashlights shine bright enough for them & Y/N to see...)
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