💗Karaoke Night~(Robin x Nancy)
Type- Suggestive Fluff
Side ship- Eddie x Steve
⚠️Cussing, flustured people⚠️
Song- "Sexie Drug" by Falling In Reverse
2022 Au
Also Thank You to everyone that voted in the poll for this!💗💗💗
Now that all of this Upside Down & Vecna shit was over -at least for the time being- Robin, Nancy, Steve, and Eddie all decided to have a karaoke night at Steve's large house to try and relax.
Because Eddie had decided to bring some weed to help them all calm down even more, they all took a few hits from the joint before singing their song.
Steve was up first because it was his idea for them to have a karaoke night in the first place.
He sang "Can't Help Falling In Love" by Elvis Presley, winking at Eddie when he was done singing causing Eddie to blush.
Everyone clapped before Robin asked "Who's going to to next?" not wanting it to be her.
"I can go." Eddie answered before standing up and getting his song pulled up on his phone.
"I can go after him if you don't want to go next." Nancy said to Robin in an attempt to reasure her.
"That would be great, thanks!" Robin replied with a grin making Nancy smile back at her with a small blush.
"Here we go!" Eddie cheered as he found the song he wanted to sing.
Originally he was going to be singing "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osborne but decided to change it up to get even with Steve.
So instead he sang "Crazy" by Patsy Cline and The Jordanaries.
He made sure to always bring his eyes back to Steve's every time he looked away for whatever reason so he knew that the song was definitely ment for him.
Once he was done with the song the others clapped making him blush, suddenly bashful.
"Wow you guys are gay, can you two please just get together already?" Nancy asked making both boys faces ignite into dark blushes.
"Like your one to talk." Steve snapped back as he pointed over at Robin, confusing the poor girl.
"Oh but I'm going to actually make my move." Nancy sassed back with a smirk before getting up and fixing her music.
"Wait what?!" Robin asked, already beginning her gay panic as Steve laughed.
"Sexy girl, I just fell in love
You should try it, it's a hell of a drug
Like OMG, you make me com-com-complete" Nancy sang making Robin's face instantly flame up into a blush.
"I'm looking for reasons, I'm begging and pleading
I'm dreaming of calling you mine
You keep me stu-stu-stuttering
Stumbling, fumbling over my lines
Without you, girl, I'm not alright
I'm not okay, yeah" To say Steve and Robin were shocked was an understatement. Robin was also flustured as Hell where as Steve was so proud of Nancy for finally making a move on his best friend.
"No, don't give up on me
Wait, it's not what it seems
Now we can't stop this tragedy
And it's back to the start, yeah, yeah
And we're falling apart, yeah, yeah" Nancy threw a wink at Robin before singing her favorite part of the song.
"Sexy girl, come and lay with me
I'm frustrated, and it's sexually
Like OMG, you make me com-com-complete
I'm just being honest, I'm creeping and crawling
I'm kissing the top of your head
We're rocking and rolling, we're touching and moaning
And making a mess of your bed" Robin's face was rivaling the red on her pride flag on the wall. She covered her face with her hands as Eddie was silently dieing of laughter at how BOLD Nancy was being right now.
"Can someone help? She shot me dead
I can't be saved, yeah
No, don't give up on me
Wait, it's not what it seems
Now we can't stop this tragedy
So God, if you are real, I need your help
Because this girl has stolen my heart with her broken halo
And I can't deny she's so damn fine
Give me some advice" Nancy's voice was very sensual the entire song and she made sure to keep either direct eye contact with Robin or at least look at her the whole time.
"Sexy girl, I just fell in love
You should try it, it's a hell of a drug
Like OMG, you make me com-com-complete
No, don't give up on me
Wait, it's not what it seems
Now we can't stop this tragedy
No, don't give up on me
Wait, it's not what it seems
Now we can't stop this tragedy
And it's back to the start, yeah, yeah
And we're falling apart, yeah, yeah
And it's back to the start, yeah, yeah
And we're falling apart, yeah, yeah
Shot straight through the heart." She finnished the song, her face flushed.
"DAMN WHEELER!" Eddie cackled before falling out of his seat from laughing so hard.
"That was amazing!" He laughed as he stayed on the floor, not bothered to get up.
Nancy laughed lightly at his responce before looking at Robin and Steve.
"Holy fucking shit I'm gay." Robin mumbled before taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down.
Her face was still as red as her pride flag and she was trying to change that but FUCK Nancy made that really hard for her.
"Good, does that mean that I have a chance at being your girlfriend?" Nancy asked as she walked over to the flustured girl.
"Absolutely yes." Robin answered quickly without hesitation.
"So can we be girlfriends then?" Nancy asked as she squatted down so Robin was more eye-level with her (Robin was still sitting in a chair).
"Are you sure you want to date me? I mean I would love to date you but are you sure about dating me?" Robin replied as she looked at Nancy, her blush calming down a tiny bit but not much.
"Robin, I wouldn't ask if we could be girlfriends if I didn't want to date you Love. Don't doubt yourself or me for that matter okay?" Nancy said as she reached her hand up to brush a strand of Robin's hair out of her face.
"Okay." Robin smiled, her blush right back to how it was before.
"POP OFF BOLD BITCH!" Eddie yelled as he clapped his hands, Steve laughing and clapping with him.
"Yep, see where being a bold bitch gets you? It gets you what you want, in my case, an amazing girlfriend. In your case it could be an amazing boyfriend but nooo, neither of you have enough balls to be bold bitches." Nancy sassed as she stood up, only to sit down next to Robin, lacing their hands together before leaning on Robin's side.
"Damn, she told you." Steve chuckled before getting hit in the back of the head by Nancy.
"I said 'neither of you' not just him you bimbo. The verbal attack is to both of you. I have bigger balls then both of you combined." She snapped making Robin laugh as both boys blushed in embarrassment.
"Your not wrong but damn Nanc." Steve chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head where she had hit him.
"You are wrong and I'm going to prove it." Eddie said before grabbing Steve's jaw and turning his head so he was facing him.
"You know~ I really like you Harrington~" He started, their faces extremely close to one another; Steve's face now beginning to rival Robin's.
"I'm pretty sure you like me back so would you be my boyfriend?" Eddie asked, his eyes constantly flickering between Steve's eyes and lips.
Steve nodded back quickly in responce, his eyes only looking at Eddie's lips.
"May I then boyfriend~?" Eddie asked as he leaned in a little closer then before making their noses touch.
Once again Steve nodded before they closed the gap, finally kissing each other.
"FUCKING FINALLY!" Nancy yelled as Robin took a photo of the two kissing before sending it to them so they could have a photo of their first kiss.
When the two heard Nancy yell they pulled apart with a jump having forgot that they were here.
They all fell into a fit of laughter.
"Who knew being a bold bitch would get you so far in life." Eddie laughed as he cuddled into Steve's side.
"I told you!" Nancy laughed as Robin wrapped her arms around her shoulders.
They all eventually calmed down from their laughter and let Robin sing her song which was "Rises The Moon" by Liana Flores.
Before they all decided to call it a night and head to bed, Eddie and Steve staying in Steve's room while Nancy and Robin stayed in one of the guest bedrooms.
They all fell into peaceful slumber, cuddling their new significant others.
1,482 Words!
The fabulous song Nancy was singing^
(Its just lyrics so just pop in some headphones & it will be safe to listen to w/ family around)
This AMZING re-cap song/rap by the whole Stranger Things cast thats FABULOUS👏👏👏
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