Jim Hopper- Coffee (a)
"Oh, so I see that you have finally decided to awake on this beautiful Sunday afternoon?" You struggled to hold back your smug smile as Jim almost crawled through the hallway and into the kitchen. "I told you, you might have been able to handle your drink like that when you were a bit younger but you're an old man now Jim."
"I'm fine." He slowly sat himself down at the table and put all his focus and might into stopping the room from swirling around him. "I just need a cup of coffee or something." His head fell forward into his hands and an exaggerated groan seeped from his dry, chapped lips.
"Do you even remember anything from last night?" With a pained eyes he stared off into the distance. "Because you were pretty drunk if I remember correctly."
"Then obviously you don't remember it very well. I wasn't drunk, I'm fine. Unlike somebody in this household I can actually handle my alcohol." Jim pushed himself from the table and dredged himself over to the pot of freshly brewed coffee, he placed his cup under and poured the heavenly liquid into the cup, struggling to keep the stream steady.
"You were drunk before midnight, and we didn't get to bed until three in the morning. You're lucky I was able to wangle you some time off work so that you could recover today." Holding onto the edge of the table as he walked Jim made his way back to his humble wooden throne.
"I do not need time to recover." He brought the rim of the mug to his lips and took a hearty chug. "Like I've already told you, I am fine."
"Alright, whatever you say Jim." You slowly opened the cutlery drawer, stared Jim in the eyes and rustled ravenously through the knifes, forks and spoon, metal clashed against metal in an orchestra of clanging metal. He immediately brought his hands up to cover his ears as his head rolled across the back of the chair. "What's wrong?" You shouted over the still rustling cutlery. "Do you have a headache or something? Maybe from the hangover..."
"I don't have a hangover." He protested as your hands searched faster and faster amongst the drawer, making more and more noise. "Alright!" Jim shouted. "Fine, I have a little bit of a hangover, don't have to be an asshole about it."
"All I needed to hear was that I was right." You said with a smile on your face as you tossed Jim a pack of aspirin from the kitchen cabinet.
Written by Aaron.
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