Eddie Munson- Prom: Part 4 (c)
Eddie drove you both straight to your local drive through and ordered your normal food orders. He paid and handed you the bag of food before driving out to the secluded spot that the two of you often went to, overlooking the late to avoid the rest of Hawkins. You both hopped out of the van and walked around to the open back doors of the van to perch on the edge, giving you the nice view of the lake and also have access to the music playing from the cars radio.
"Your burger, Lady Y/N," Eddie smiled handing you your dinner.
You thank him, unwrapped the paper that surrounded the burger and taking a bite from it.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked, looking out to the lake.
"Shoot," you said through the mouthful of food.
He turned back to you. "Why'd you want to go to prom if you just wanted to leave? Like I don't mind, but you must have spent a small fortune on that dress for a dance you didn't even really want to be at."
You let out a sigh, lowering the burger. Normally you didn't hesitate to tell him the truth, but it felt stupid and far too close to the truth of how you felt about him.
"I don't know," you shrugged. "I guess I just dreamed of some perfect night dancing with a guy I liked and treated me like a princess. I just forgot that being in a room full of people I don't like didn't exactly make that an easy thing to enjoy. I wanted to feel beautiful and special for once."
He furrowed his brows. "You are beautiful and special."
Once again, your face started to become warm. "I don't mean in the way you have to think it. You're my best friend, you have to say nice things to me. I just wanted to be someone's princess."
To hide your frustration, you took a sizeable bite of your burger, feeling the sauce and fillings slip from between the buns, smearing onto your lips and chin.
A small smile curled onto Eddie's lips. "You've always been my princess, even if you're a messy one."
He reached out his hand, gently cupping your cheek so that he could run his thumb over your lower lip and chin to remove the sauce but to send a warm fuzzy feeling into your chest.
"Even with ketchup on your face, you're the most beautiful woman to me."
It felt as though your heart was about to pound out of your chest.
"This isn't a joke, right?" You whispered.
Eddie grinned at you. "Do you think I'd put on this stupid suit if I didn't like you?"
It was a good point.
"I've been in love with you since day one," he admitted. "And I may not have wanted to go to prom, but I greatly preferred going with you rather than seeing you going with anyone else. I couldn't handle the thought of someone else touching you or kissing you."
You warmly smiled at the guy you had been madly in love with for so many years, feeling like this moment was a dream, after how many times it had been. You put your burger back into the paper, leaving it on the floor of the van as you stood up outside of the vehicle, holding out a hand to him.
"Will you dance with me, Eddie?" You smiled.
"It would be my honour."
Written by Charlotte.
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