Eddie Munson- Comfort (c)
Your heart panged in your chest as you clutched onto the newspaper as though your life depended on it. Since the fire at Starcourt, it felt as though time had sat still and swallowed you inside itself. You didn't know how anyone could let such a tragic incident occur; it baffled you as to how they could sleep at night knowing they led to such tragedy. Hawkins had one after another. So many innocent lives were taken especially in that one tragedy. Even without directly being involved in any of the losses, you couldn't help but have some twisted survivor's guilt.
Every day there was the same information plastered over the front page of the papers to remind people about the terrible incident. You weren't sure whether seeing it daily or the day when it was no longer headline making news would be the worst. Your hands shook as you held onto the pages, your sobs no longer controlled by any means. Eddie rubbed gentle circles on the small of your back, letting you feel the intense emotions for a short while before he'd try to comfort you.
After a couple of minutes your sobs started to falter so Eddie moved the newspaper from your hands so that he could hold them instead.
"It's going to be okay," he said softly, gently squeezing your hands.
Even though he tried to keep up a tough exterior, you loved how sweet and kind he was especially when it came to taking care of you.
"I just can't understand what is going on in this town," you whispered. "Why is there so much suffering here?"
Eddie gave you a sympathetic smile. "I don't know, sweetheart, but they will live on in our memories."
"How can people just go on with their lives after so many people perished?"
He moved his hands to cup your cheeks, leaning in to press a soft kiss to each tear as they tumbled from your eyes. A tender gesture to seize their movement down your face until you were left with splattered tears dampening your skin.
"It's a sign of your good heart. It hurts so much because of how much love you have to give," he explained. "It'll never be pain free, but it'll be easier. I promise."
You nodded your head. You didn't believe his words yet, but you trusted that he wouldn't do anything to purposefully hurt you.
"I hope you're right."
Written by Charlotte.
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