Day Sixteen
A/N: Woah what's this? Triple update? Okay maybe you saw this coming but just pretend to be surprised.
Your comments are really cute, I love when you get really into the book. ^-^ your comments aren't annoying either, I love them all.
Still no Michael.
The temperature of the room seemed to drop with every passing second, growing chillier with the dissipating hope that the technicolor haired boy would push the door open and wheel himself into the room in his chunky little wheelchair.
I Miss You was like a broken record by now, its like the buttons on the CD player broke and now all it can do is repeat one song.
Suddenly the room burst into life, not actual life. Michael's life in the past year.
Semi transparent images of Michael danced around the room, each sporting one of his many hair colours.
Baby blue.
Neon Pink.
Dark Brown.
Each depicted a moment that took place in the confounds of Calum's hospital room.
Michael singing along to All Time Low as he tacked up posters.
Michael throwing his Manchester United jacket down on the chair.
Michael walking into the room on Calum's birthday with the large cart.
Michael falling onto the ground after forgetting his walker.
Michael playing air guitar with his cane.
Michael examining Calum's wristband.
Michael cuddled up to Calum's side.
Michael seated in the chair next to Calum's bed, whispering secrets to the sleeping boy.
None of the little hologram like Michaels were leaving though, none were throwing last words to Calum before shutting the door.
The room dimmed at an uncomfortable level, drawing attention to one Michael. He was extremely pale a shaky. He makes himself comfortable in his chair before his mouth opens and he begins to spew out words at such a mute level that not even a microphone could pick it up.
He unravels a black and grey scarf from around his neck before the scene replays, with each time Michael's voice raises.
It sounds like its being hard from underwater, "If I do miss another day you can assume I'm very well dead."
He's missed two in a row.
Michael's paper white image falls into a pile of dust in the chair only to have a different Michael appear, wheeling himself into the light.
This time he's screaming with tears brimming his eyes, hand scrambling for something.
"Calum, I'm dying!" His words seem to slide out slower than his tears, not quite matching the movements of his lips.
Calum, I'm dying.
alum, I'm dying. .
lum, I'm dying. . .
um, I'm dying. . . .
m, I'm dying. . . . .
, I'm dying. . . . . .
I'm dying. . . . . . .
I'm dying. . . . . . . .
I'm dying.
The image of poor frail Michael shatters into dust.
The room floods with light and the clocks monotone tick is slightly offset from the drone of Calum's heart monitor.
The door opens to reveal the burly nurse from before, he checks Calum's vitals. Writing a few things down.
"This shit is annoying." The nurse grumbles, storming over to the little X-Men CD Player. He grabs the cord.
"We can live like Jack and Sally if we wa-" He rips the plug out of its socket, giving a satisfied nod.
A loud gasp fills the room, diverting the nurse's attention from the child's CD player.
Taking several strangled breaths, Calum's eyes shoot open. Within seconds the muscular nurse is by his side and trying to calm him down.
"You're lucky, the doctors were thinking about taking you off life support. They probably would've taken you off already if someone wasn't paying for it."
"Where is he?" Calum gasps ignoring what the nurse said, voice gruff and scratchy from disuse.
"Who?" The nurse asked, giving away nothing with his expression.
"Where is he?" Calum demands, tightly gripping the nurses forearm to the point where the nurse winced.
"You need to get some rest." The nurse instructed, completely avoiding Calum's intense gaze.
"I will have your ass fired if you don't tell me where he is." Calum spat, knowing full well that the nurse was from a gang that lived around the corner from him.
"Who are you talking about? No one's visited you your entire stay!" The nurse snapped, pulling himself out of Calum's grip.
"Its not the first time someone has imagined someone while they were in a coma, it happens." The nurse said, fixing his posture to look more professional he left before Calum could say anything else.
The idea seemed pretty logical actually, imagining people in a coma-like state. Creating a world of people that made the coma six times better than real life.
That's what Michael was, a pigment of Cal's imagination that was just too good to be true. Something that made life better in his head.
He closed his eyes, decidedly taking the douchebag nurse's advice on getting some rest.
He flipped onto his side to make himself more comfortable.
A memory from the past flashed across his eyelids,
Searching for cat toys,
Making eye contact with someone. Someone with a mixture of grey and green in their eyes.
He'd began to freak out when the Stranger began to walk around the shelf, he'd all but ran away because at the time he'd had a hard time battling shyness.
Calum's eyes shot open once again.
He's real.
His dark brown pupils landed on a card.
The card Michael gave him on his birthday.
Michael hadn't read it to him but from what Calum could see the plain white interior was filled with black ink.
Dear Clum,
Dammit I forgot the A in your name.
I don't really know what to put here so I filled the other part with good songs.
How about I just put a joke here instead of a long meaningful paragraph?
If you wanted a meaningful paragraph you need to grow some balls, I'm not that kind of guy.
How di the chef die?
He pasta way.
Expecting some kind of romantic joke? Well you were wrong.
God, I don't even know if you'll remember me when you finally wake up.
See you later, Cal.
From Michael (just because I'm gay doesn't mean I have to put love)
P.S. Take care of my snow globe.
A/N: And this isn't even the last chapter, are you crying yet? I'm sure Clum is.
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