Day Eighteen
A/N: What's this? Could it be? A fourth update on the same day. Damn Kayla, you are on a serious roll. Or you just really need to get a life. Its probably a bit of both.
4 for 4.
Despite having insisted since the day he woke up the nurses and doctors wouldn't let Calum get out of bed.
So today, he decided to take matters into his own hands. It was very convenient that a nurse had rolled a wheelchair in to prepare him for physical training even though he didn't start until next week.
So after a half hour of falling off the bed, stumbling over to the other side of the room and eventually making it into the wheelchair. Calum was out roaming the halls in search of the boy with crazy coloured hair.
He'd probably be able to navigate the hospital better if it wasn't so huge and foreign, if he'd been taken to the dingy hospital near his house he'd be able to locate places and he'd know people there.
But before he ventured too far, Calum needed to find the cafeteria. His stomach grumbled at the thought of food.
"Excuse me?" Calum asked to no one in particular, but attracting the attention of a tall blonde. Thankfully the boy didn't look too ticked off when he turned to face Calum.
"Would you mind showing me to the cafeteria? If you don't know where it is that's fine too."
"No, its fine. Um, here." He awkwardly begins to push Calum's wheelchair towards the cafeteria.
"You can just leave me here, I can do everything else." Calum directed politely, gesturing to the only table that wasn't occupied.
The stranger shrugs his broad shoulders, "I've got time to kill." He drags a chair from across the large room all the way back to the table.
"If its not too much trouble, could you um, get me some food?" Calum mumbles, blushing scarlet when the boy laughed.
"Oh trust me, you don't want to eat that food." The boy's nose scrunches up a tiny bit as he laughs. He picks up his backpack and chucks a large container at Calum.
"I've been smuggling pizza in here to give my friend, but it turns out he'll no longer be needing it."
"Woah? Did you put the entire box in?" Calum asked, pleasantly surprised by the amount of slices that the blonde had managed to stuff in the container. Okay, maybe its more of a bin.
"An entire party pizza." The boy says, laughing at Calum's expression. "Hey mate, eat as many as you want."
"I never thought I'd miss pizza so much." Calum moans, taking a large bite out of one of the slices.
"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Luke Hemmings." The boy says, fixing his tall blonde quiff before sticking out his hand.
A tan arm slaps Luke's hand out of the way, "He's lying, I'm the, uh, real Luke Hemmings."
An older boy squishes himself onto the same seat as Luke. He wears roundish glasses and a 5 o'clock shadow.
"This is Ashton." Luke introduces.
Something clicks in Calum's head, friends of Michael.
"My name's Calum." The wheelchair ridden boy waves awkwardly at the two.
Ashton turns to Luke, "You know its Michael's birthday today right?"
"Uh, no. . .? I thought you were in charge of getting him presents anyway."
"What are we going to do?"
"We can just drag Calum along against his will and present him to Michael as a human sacrifice." Luke shrugs casually, taking a slice of pizza out of the container and munching on it.
"Great plan, he can't even put up a fight because he's stuck in a wheel chair too." Ashton compliments.
"Guys, I'm right here." The dark haired boy says, waving a hand at them as if to snap them out of a trance.
"You're now a birthday present, congratulations!" Luke cheers enthusiastically, pulling out present ribbons and sticking a few on Calum's shirt and one a little off set on his head.
A/N: I have samisaninja's eternal love and idk what to do with it but maybe I can put it in a jar and then put the jar on a shelf? Or I could like idk, harness its powers??
Do you have an ideas?
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