Chapter 38
Dean stared at Deanna, shaking his head.
"You can stop doing that now, it's been two days."
"You painted the Impala purple. How could you?"
She sighed wearily. "It's a perfectly acceptable color for a muscle car. I don't know what your problem is. And I'll remind you, Mom painted it purple, not me. It was her car before it was mine."
He dropped his forehead against the table. "It's just so wrong."
"Maybe for you, but for me it's perfectly normal. We may both be Winchesters, but our lives are very different. You have all these angels, we don't have any helping us. You also have Dale, we only have Amanda."
Aramintha glanced up and shook her head. "Stop pouting, Dean."
"Get us home and I will," he muttered. "I need to see my baby in the correct color."
Deanna nudged him. "Why don't we find a case, it'll be fun."
He dragged his body upright. "Yeah, might be. Whatcha got?"
Deanna twisted around, shouting as she did. "Yo, Sammy, you got any jobs on the horizon?"
Sam and Samantha both appeared, side by side, in the doorway. "Uh, sis, which Sammy are you talking to?"
"You're kidding?" Deanna looked between them.
Sam grinned. "Nope, though I've told him numerous times not to call me Sammy."
"Me too! She doesn't listen!" Samantha told him. "Sammy is an overweight twelve year old."
"Oh God, there's two of them," Dean groaned.
Deanna chuckled. "I was talking to you, but hey, if your male me has an answer, I'll take it."
"We've got a couple of possibilities," Samantha answered
"Awesome, let's hear it."
"Go hear it in the other room, we're trying to work here," Mintha told her.
Laurel sighed. "Can I go with?"
"No, keep working!"
Laurel groaned and slumped back in her chair. "I don't want to!"
"You got us here, therefore, you need to help get us back." Mintha looked up at her. "Maybe this will teach you to listen when I tell you not to touch things."
"Hasn't before, probably won't now." When Mintha glared at her, she held her hands up. "Fine, I'm working."
The four Winchesters disappeared from the room. Dale and Wyatt were off somewhere inspecting the intellectual offerings of this bunker. Mintha shook her head and went back to work.
Deanna leaned back against the kitchen counter. "All right, what have you got?"
Sam nodded. "A couple of possibilities."
Samantha jumped in. "There's a house in St. Louis that might have a poltergeist."
Dean held up a hand. "Address?"
"2111 De Fay Street," Samantha told him.
"Nope, not going there. Skip it, next."
"Dean ..."
"No, Sammy, we are not doing that again."
Deanna looked between them. "Do what?"
"Whatever you do, stay the hell away from that house. If you can, get someone to burn it the fuck down. Just don't go near it."
Deanna opened her mouth, but Dean sent her a glare, before looking at Sam. "Next?"
Sam cleared his throat. "Vampire nest in Oregon."
"Possibility. What else?"
"Mysterious death in Reno."
"Hmmm, casinos, show girls ... I like it," Dean said, rubbing his hands together.
Deanna smirked. "Maybe we can hit Thunder From Down Under while we're there."
"Speak for yourself, girlie," Dean said.
Sam chuckled. "Right, let's pack up and get moving."
Dean stood. "I'll let Aramintha know what's happening." He went back into the other room. "Hey, we have a case. Mysterious death in Reno."
"Have fun storming the castle," Mintha muttered.
"What castle are you storming?" Dale asked as she and Wyatt came into the room.
"We're going to check out a mysterious death in Reno."
Dale swallowed hard. "Reno? Nevada?"
He nodded. "Don't know of any other Reno."
"I'm coming with."
Wyatt looked around the room. "Uh, do I have to go? I mean ... this is like that thing, ya know in your dreams."
Dean arched a brow at him. "What?"
"They say if you die in your dreams you die in real life. If I die here then I die everywhere and we all know how I object to danger and death."
Dale rolled her eyes. "You're going, Wyatt."
"But ..."
She sent him a glare.
His shoulders slumped. "Fine."
Dale patted him on the back. "There's a good boy."
The others came into the room. Deanna smiled. "Right, the Impala is all packed, let's go!"
"We're going to need another car," Dale said.
"Nope, we're good. Laurel and Mintha will be staying here. It's just us Winchesters and Wyatt, of course."
"All right, so let's pack the Impala!" Dale marched off in the direction of the garage.
"You heard the lady, let's go!" Dean stalked after her.
Dale stared at the house in disbelief. "It can't be."
"Can't be what?" Dean asked.
"That's my house," she replied.
He stared at the little house. "So, does that mean you exist in this world too?"
She shrugged. "If I do, we both know I'm not here, not if the mysterious death was my mother."
He nodded, staring at the house.
"We should get inside, get this sorted out." Deanna headed for the front door. "No one has lived here since the body was found."
With a deep sigh, Dale followed her to the front door. When she pulled out a set of lock picks, Dale nudged the flower pot on the porch with the toe of her shoe. "No need for that."
"How did you know that was there?"
She shrugged. "A hunch. My mother used to hide a key in the same spot." She bent and picked up the key, handing it to Deanna.
"Thanks." She unlocked the door and they moved into the house.
Dale sighed. The house was the same and yet it was completely different. Her steps took her to the mantle in the living room and she stared at the pictures lined up across it.
Dean stepped up beside her. "Well, it would appear Sammy and I aren't the only ones who get a gender swap."
She nodded, staring at the pictures of her parents with a young man who must be her in this world. "I wonder where he is?"
"I'm sure he's safe. If there's a Castiel in this world he's watching over him as he did you and eventually he'll be guided to his sisters." He gave her arm a pat.
Deanna leaned out of the kitchen. "I think the body was in here, at least the giant spot of blood soaked into the tile says that."
Dale winched.
"Why don't you stay here," Dean told Dale.
She nodded and kept her eyes fixed on the pictures as Dean left for the kitchen. Wyatt stepped up beside her.
"So, you're a dude here."
She giggled and shook her head. "I wonder if that means you're a girl."
"Good Lord, that's a frightening thought." He looked scandalized at the thought. " I do hope if I am a girl I'm still smart."
She laughed. "I'm sure you are." She glanced toward the kitchen. "Should we go in there?"
He shook his head. "I don't think they need us. And you'd rather not see where she died."
She nodded slowly, eyes still on the images spread across the mantel.
Dean returned. "Looks like vamps."
"How can you tell?"
"It's just a guess at the moment. Sammy and I are going to go speak with the local cops and see what they have to say about it."
"Is it all right if we stay here?" Dale asked.
"Sure, knock yourself out. We'll be back in a bit."
Wyatt frowned at him. "Which Sammy are you taking?"
"Har har, funny." He turned and headed for the door.
Deanna chuckled. "While they're off chatting up the local P.D., we'll take a look through the rest of the house."
Once the others left, Dale turned and headed for the kitchen. Wyatt remained where he was, he figured she wanted to do this alone. If she needed him, she'd let him know. He turned away, staring at the pictures.
With a frown, he reached out and picked up one of the pictures. "That's odd."
He set the picture back on the mantel and went into the kitchen. "Dale, what's wrong?"
She pointed to the spot on the floor where the blood stained it. "So, vampires did this?"
He shrugged. "How should I know, that's a Sam and Dean question."
"Yeah, I guess it is."
"If Mary was the hunter in this world then does that mean she died because of the yellowed eyed demon and my dad, or rather my dad in this world, is the one who died here?"
"Seems like it," he answered.
She sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, eyes fixed on the blood stain. "Some stuff is different here and some the same. I lost both of my parents in both worlds. It's not fair."
Wyatt placed a hand on her shoulder. "No, it isn't fair, but we can't change it." The sound of a chair scraping across the floor filled the room as he dragged a chair over so he could sit beside her. "You're not alone, you have your brothers ... and you have me." His fingers slipped into her hand, twinning with her fingers.
A small smile tipped up the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Wyatt."
Deanna and Samantha came back into the kitchen. "Nothing of interest in any of the other rooms. Everything seems as if it's all in its place, it doesn't appear as if anything has been taken. It doesn't even look as if the house was searched." More scraping of chairs as they took seats.
"So, now what?" Dale asked.
Deanna shrugged. "We need to wait for your brothers to get back, see if they've found out anything."
"Lucky you, we're back," Dean announced as he entered the room, Sam trailing behind him.
"And what did you find out?" Samantha asked him.
"No one saw a damn thing. The body was found by a neighbor, the cops have no suspects but the son has disappeared. He's the prime suspect."
"Just like I was." Dale's quiet words filled the kitchen.
Dean exhaled hard. "Yeah, well, we know you didn't do it and it's likely he didn't either."
Wyatt thrust a hand into the air.
Dean slapped a hand over his face. "Wyatt, no hand."
"Oh, sorry. Um, hold on ..." He jumped up, dashed from the room, returning carrying a framed picture. "I noticed this." He held the picture out to Dean.
Dean glanced down at it. "What am I looking at?"
Wyatt's finger tapped the glass. "Here, in the background."
Dean looked closely at the picture. "I'll be damned." He handed the picture to Sam. "Look familiar?"
Sam looked at the picture. "Vampire. Hmm, what was his name again?"
Dean shrugged. "No idea, don't care, but it appears there's a nest hanging about town somewhere."
Sam placed the picture on the table. "He's staring very intently at the family."
Deanna sat back in her chair. "Only reason a vamp would give a crap about a mortal family is a meal or they know they're hunters."
"Which means, maybe Dad—"
"Mom," Dale corrected.
"Right, Mom, may have killed a member of their nest. They don't forgive or forget."
Dean nodded. Before he could add anything more to the conversation, his phone rang. "Hello? Yes, what is it?" He nodded, listening. "Fine, we'll get back as soon as we can." He hung up. "Mintha thinks she and Laurel found a way to get us home."
Dale dragged her eyes from the blood stained floor. "Good, let's get the hell out of here." She stood and crossed the room in a rush, heading for the door.
Deanna sighed. "All right, we'll take you to the bunker and we'll have to come back and finish this on our own."
Dean rubbed his hands together. "I can't wait until we're home."
"Right so you can get back to your precious baby," Deanna muttered.
"Damn right."
She rolled her eyes and followed him out.
Dale stood out beside the car waiting for them. "Let's go," she muttered.
Wyatt held the door open for her and she slipped inside. He climbed in beside her. His fingers twined with hers.
Dean glowered at them as he climbed into the front of the car, sitting between Deanna and Samantha. Sam squashed in beside Dale and Wyatt.
The ride back to the bunker was quiet.
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