Chapter 23
Mintha frowned, twisted around in the chair she now sat in and glanced around what appeared to be the inside of a random Starbucks. Well, this couldn't be good. Who would interrupt her while reading to teleport her to a Starbucks of all places?
"Hello, Aramintha, happy to have you join me."
She turned to stare at the man sitting across the table from her. He looked like he'd wandered in from a homeless shelter. His hair was a mess, his beard looked as if it needed a trim and his clothes were rumpled.
"Why am I here?"
"To have a cup of coffee and a nice chat." He gestured to the steaming cup in front of her. "Caramel latte, your favorite. Oh, and a chocolate croissant."
Her eyes narrowed on the man. "How do you know what my favorite coffee is?"
"I know everything about you. Like the fact you are trying very hard to run from your responsibility to Heaven."
"Look, hippy ki-yay, I don't give a shit about Heaven, I left there for a reason and I'm not about to go back when that same reason is bent on returning."
"Ah, yes, Michael was being a bit annoying," he answered, tapping a finger on his chin.
"A bit? He was a dictator."
"All right then, what about your responsibility to the prophet?" He gestured at her with his own croissant as he spoke.
"You mean the whiny child I was saddled with who is better off with one of those English nannies?"
He grinned. "Wyatt is important. All he needs is for someone to believe in him. He's always been the kid with the IQ who can solve large equations in his head, he needs to know he can do more."
She leaned forward. "Listen, asshole, I don't give a shit about Heaven's plan, all of that went down the toilet when our father decided his writing career was much more important than running Heaven, so screw off."
He sat back, set his half-eaten croissant down and shook his head at her. "You are an archangel, it is your job to carry out Heaven's plan."
"I left Heaven, remember?"
"If you left with no plans to return, answer me this ... why did you go through so much trouble to heavily ward your office before leaving?"
She snorted. "Why? Because it's mine whether I'm there or not and I don't want anyone messing with my things. I don't know who you are, but maybe you should think about going back on your meds, because ..." She gestured between them. "This is not a conversation I want to be having, I am an archangel, remember that, I can vaporize this entire room in an instant."
He pursed his lips. "Why are you being like this? This place," he gestured around the room. "Is a very nice Starbucks, I love it." He snapped his fingers. "I know!" He held out a pair of cheap sunglasses to her. "Put these on."
She shoved his hand away. "No way, I am not wearing your cheap Walmart special shades."
"Put them on, Aramintha."
Something about his tone told her it would be a bad idea to refuse again. She took the sunglasses and slipped them on. "Right, now what, Jaws 3D?"
He chuckled. "No, this ..." He snapped his fingers and she was nearly blinded by the glow.
"Shit," she muttered.
He snapped his fingers again and the light vanished. "I don't like to wander around all lit up, attracts attention. I like to fly under the radar."
"No, what you like to do is ignore everyone who is counting on you. This was great, not nice to see you, goodbye, Dad."
"Sit, Aramintha!"
She felt compelled to listen and sank in her chair. "Why, why am I here in some Starbucks somewhere listening to you spout nonsense!"
"We are in a Starbucks in Colorado," he told her. "It's a very beautiful state, one of my nicer creations."
"Oh, yeah, great to know, can I leave now?"
"No, not until you listen to me. You may not want the responsibilities you've been given, but they are yours and you must bear them. The Winchesters need you, the prophet needs you and so does the nephilim."
"Great, you know about her too?"
"Of course I do," he replied before taking a huge bite of his croissant.
"Aren't you the one who decided nephilim were an abomination and they should be wiped out?"
"Actually, no, that was Michael. Although, he did try and blame that on me."
"Right, so ... now what?" She wasn't certain she bought that, it was more than likely he did give the order and he didn't want to own up to it now for whatever reason.
"Now you step up and accept your responsibilities. Become the archangel I know you are."
"Great fabulous, I accept. Can I go now?" She had no intention of doing whatever it was he wanted.
"Don't falter in your conviction, Aramintha, I will know."
"Yeah you wil—"
"Hey, Mintha, ohhh is that a chocolate croissant from Starbucks?"
She stared around the library inside the bunker and silently cursed her father. "Uh, yeah, I just popped out but now I don't really feel like eating it. You want it?"
Laurel held her hands out. "Oh, yes, gimmee!"
"Here, have the coffee too."
Laurel took both eagerly. "Thanks, Mintha!"
"Sure, no problem." She left the room. Leave it to Dad to pull some stupid stunt like this, dragging her to a Starbucks to scold her. He was the one who left, he should be the one getting a lecture. Instead, here she was, worried about disobeying the one man she swore she'd never listen to again. She could care less about his plan for Heaven, but he could blip her out of existence if he chose. She cursed.
This was not what she wanted to do with her life. She sighed. Okay, so being a real estate agent wasn't really what she wanted to do, but Noah insisted she do something that kept her below the radar. He hadn't exactly been pleased with most of her job choices over the years they'd been on Earth. The periods she'd been a Rum Runner had stressed him out so badly he'd actually taken a vacation for once.
It was because of him she decided to become a real estate agent. She didn't care to see him worry so much. They had been friends for too long for her to ignore him when he had a feeling that things were going to go badly. His gut feelings tended to be correct most of the time.
"It's too damn bad his gut didn't know Michael had returned," she muttered.
Wyatt stuck his head into her room. "Uh, Mintha ..." He paused, eyes wide as he looked around the room. "Whoa, that's a lot of photos." He took a step into the room.
"Nope, out, now. No one is allowed in my room." She gave him a gentle shove and followed him out of the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
"Did you really know all those people?"
"Not answering questions, what do you want?"
"Um, I think some of the artifacts are missing from the storage room."
She cursed, turned and stomped down the hallway to Laurel's room, shoved the door open, and began searching the room. Underneath the bed she found the priest in a jar and several other things.
She held up the priest in a jar and waved it at Wyatt where he stood in the door. "Found them."
"How did she get past your warding?"
"Good question." She rose and handed him the artifacts. "Let's go ask her."
"Uh ... no thanks, I'll just go put these back. You ask her."
She chuckled. "A little scared of her?"
He shuddered. "Yeah, maybe just a little."
"All right, I'll go talk to her, you go ... do whatever it is you do."
With a nod, he left, heading down the hallway toward the artifacts' room. She shook her head and headed back toward library. Laurel was still sitting at the table, all that remained of the croissant was crumbs and she was currently draining the last of the coffee from the cup.
"We need to have a little discussion."
She set the cup down with a grin. "Too late, you can't have the coffee and the croissant back, I finished them already."
"I don't care about the Starbucks. We need to talk about your ... foraging skills."
"You mean my ability to acquire things that are not strictly mine?"
"Exactly. Want to explain to me how you got past my warding and into the artifact room?" Mintha tapped a foot.
"Aww, you want me to give away all my secrets, that's not nice. You don't ask a magician to tell you how they do their tricks, do you?"
She slammed her palms down on the table, shaking the room. "Do not mess with me, you are nothing but a child playing at things you cannot or better, yet, refuse to understand! It's a goddamn wonder you haven't attracted the attention of Heaven up until now! You pull these stunts, do your little tricks and it sends off a signal, one that goes directly to Heaven, you idiot!"
Laurel sank slightly in her chair. "Fine, I didn't get past your warding, you guys kinda left me alone in the room for a minute on your way out, I just pocketed a few things before I left" She shrugged."Then you locked it, I haven't been back since."
"Stay away from the artifacts or I will vaporize you."
"OMG, Mintha!" Phinnie squealed and ran over to hug her.
"Ow, okay, get off me!" She shrugged out of Phinnie's grasp.
"They told me you were here, but I totes didn't believe it, I mean you've been gone foooorever!"
"Yeah, good to see you too, Phinnie. How's things?"
"Totes great, I mean we're with the Winchesters, how could it not be! Have you met my Sammy yet?"
"Your Sammy?" Mintha arched a brow.
"Yeah, he's totes the whole package. Tall, dark, handsome, and just OMG, so perfect!"
"Uh huh, right. Just like Crowley was perfect or Balthazar or ... who else was there, I forget."
Phinnie gave her a practiced pout. "That's so mean, Mintha." She stomped a flip flop clad foot.
She shrugged. "Just stating facts."
"Whoa, wait a minute, she dated my dad? Ewwww!" Laurel shuddered.
Phinnie cocked her head to one side. "Like, who's your dad?"
"Balthazar," Mintha answered.
Phinnie's eyes went wide. "Balthy is a daddy? Aww, so cute!" She grinned at Laurel. "We should totally go get a mani pedi together, I mean ya know, bond and all! Oh, and your hair we totes need to do something about your hair!"
Laurel patted at her hair. "What's wrong with my hair?"
Phinnie wrinkled her nose. "Where do I start, sweetie? I mean, for one it's orange, who has that color hair? Oh, and the frizz, when was the last time you combed it or washed it?"
"I took a shower this morning and I combed it too. There's nothing wrong with the color. I definitely do not want to look like you Malibu Barbie."
"Oooooh, how did you know my vessel is from Malibu?" Phinnie frowned. "I mean, she isn't strictly from Malibu since we've been together for a long time and like Malibu wasn't actually incorporated until March of 1991, but she lived in the area that is now Malibu." She stopped and grinned. "So, like it totes counts!"
Laurel rolled her eyes. "Lucky guess. Leave me and my hair alone." She looked at Mintha. "And if anyone, I mean anyone, tells me any stories about her and my dad, I will find a way to kill you."
"I would like to see you try," Mintha replied.
Laurel shrugged, stood and left the room after sending Phinnie a glare.
Phinnie pouted. "You shouldn't have told her about my fling with Balthy. I mean it was New years and I needed a date. We weren't exactly a couple, it was one night. You didn't need to tell her."
Mintha shrugged. "Too bad, you'll live." She stood, stretched and decided to go see what Noah and Stephanie were up to.
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