Dean glowered at the police officer. "What do you mean you let her go?"
"Well, we didn't have any paperwork on her ... so ... we let her go." The cop shrugged.
Aramintha stepped forward and shoved a stack of papers in the man's face. "You mean these papers here?" She gave them a little wiggle under his nose. "I have copies of everything, you were supposed to hold her for us!"
"I, um, well ... we couldn't ..."
"Um, well, you couldn't? That isn't an excuse, dammit! She was our prisoner! That girl is extremely dangerous! I don't believe this!" She threw her arms in the air and stomped away.
The cop sent Dean a pleading look.
"Sorry, man, there's no off switch for that temper of hers, probably gonna call our superior and report it to him." He shrugged as if it was inevitable.
"Look, I can help! Really, I can!" the cop told them frantically.
Mintha spun around. "Help? Seriously, haven't you helped enough?"
"An officer dropped her off at the Charger Motel, it's just down the street."
"At least we can find her again, if she hasn't skipped town!" Mintha snapped before turning and stomping out of the police station.
The others followed her out, Dean sent the cop a sympathetic look before turning away and leaving.
Dean grinned at Mintha when he made it to the car. "Nice performance."
She shrugged. "Outraged FBI isn't exactly a new thing for me."
He arched a brow at her. "Really?"
"Where did you get paperwork from?" Wyatt asked.
"Nowhere, I grabbed it off a nearby desk."
Wyatt sent her an outraged look. "You lied!"
"Yes, your point?"
"You lied!
She looked at Dean. "Is he broken?"
"I'm beginning to wonder. Let's go find our thief."
Wyatt continued to express his disbelief that Aramintha had lied on the ride to the motel.
A check with the clerk told them the girl hadn't checked out. They took the passkey the man offered and headed for the room.
"Sam, you and Dale head around back, we'll go in the front."
"Wyatt, come with us," Dale told him.
He frowned. "Why?"
Dale rolled her eyes. "You'd rather go rushing into the room with them, guns blazing?"
"Um, nope." He pointed at Dale. "I'm going with them."
Dean rolled his eyes and turned away, they headed around to the back of the building, while Dean and Mintha went to the door of the room.
Dean didn't bother knocking, he kicked the door in and rushed into the room with his gun drawn, just in time to see the girl dive out the bathroom window. He quickly dialed Sam. "She went out the bathroom window!"
Sam looked up to see the girl running down the alley in the opposite direction. "Dammit! Hey you, stop!" he yelled.
Dale took off, chasing the girl, while Wyatt began muttering about how this was really not safer than going with Dean.
Aramintha appeared in the alley directly in front of the girl. "You really shouldn't run from me, I don't like chasing things, it makes me angry."
"And what, I wouldn't like you when you're angry?" Laurel mocked.
Aramintha pinched the bridge of her nose. "Why are human beings so annoying?"
"You are weird, lady," the girl told her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places to be." She spun away, only to be confronted with Dale and Sam as they ran down the alley at her. "Damn."
Wyatt brought up the rear, moving as slowly as possible so he didn't have to deal with any physical confrontation that might take place.
"We have some questions for you," Sam told her.
"To start, I found those keys on the ground outside the diner, I didn't steal your buddy's car, and next ..."
Sam held up a hand. "We aren't here about the car. We want to know—"
"Sam Winchester, give us the prophet."
Aramintha cursed.
Sam turned to stare at the group of men standing in the alley behind them. "No."
"You will give us the prophet, now!" the man repeated. "He must be secluded so he can learn the word of God!"
Aramintha tried to resist the urge to step in, but failed. She stepped forward, moving to stand beside a trembling Wyatt. "The prophet remains with the Winchesters."
The angel who had been doing the talking curled his lip. "Aramintha, the deserter."
"No, Aramintha the free," she told him.
"You are not free, you are a slave to the whims of humanity."
She shrugged. "I am a slave to no one, now leave before this gets ugly, well, uglier than you."
Their redheaded thief snorted out a laugh and the angel focused on her, his lip curled again. "Abomination!"
"Whoa, hey dude, all I did was laugh, I am so not even with these guys." She waved a hand in the general direction of the Winchesters and crew.
His gaze went back to Aramintha. "You have fallen so low, dealing with the Winchesters and keeping company with that." He flicked a finger in the girl's direction.
"I'm feeling very insulted right now. I'm not a thing, I'm a human being. You know, with thoughts and feelings and a name. I'm Laurel, nice to meet you, Mr. Sensitive."
The angel snorted.
"I'll keep company with whomever I wish, I am no longer under Michael's thumb," Aramintha told him.
"Give us the prophet!" he demanded.
"Never, he is mine to protect."
"You have brought this on yourself, Aramintha." He glanced at the four angels that stood just behind him. "Kill her and take the prophet."
"You know better than that, you can't kill me." She glanced at the others. "I suggest you shut your eyes."
"Wait, why?" Laurel asked.
"Do it!" she shouted.
They squeezed their eyes shut and bright light flashed.
"Right, let's get out of here before more of them show up." She grabbed Laurel's arm. "You're coming with us, now that they know you're here you aren't safe."
"Hey, let go, lady! I am not going anywhere with you!" She staggered to a stop when she saw the dust covering the alley. "Wait, did you vaporize them, how'd you do that, is that some secret FBI weapon?"
Sam chuckled. "Oh, yeah super secret."
Wyatt was standing very still, staring at the ground. "What just happened?"
"Angel power," Aramintha told him. "Let's move it, you don't want to go to the desert do you?"
"No!" He hurried after her and a protesting Laurel.
They met Dean at the car and she shoved Laurel into the back before climbing in beside her.
Dale scowled. "Where do I sit now?"
"Sit in the front with your brothers," Mintha told her.
With a grumble, she crawled into the front seat, sitting between Sam and Dean. "Oh, yeah this is so comfy."
"Shut up, you're fine. Dean, get us out of here," Sam said.
"Getting us out of Dodge," he said as he started the car and pulled away from the curb.
Laurel spent the first twenty minutes of the ride complaining about being kidnapped by lunatics.
"Shut up before I vaporize you!" Mintha snapped.
"Are you going to tell me why I had to come with?"
Wyatt leaned forward so he could see Mintha around Laurel. "Is she a prophet too, does that mean I can quit?"
"She is not a prophet, there can only be one prophet at a time. She's a Nephilim."
"A what?" His brow was scrunched.
"The child of an angel and human."
"I am no such thing! I am a person, a very normal person."
"Trust me, she's a Nephilim," Mintha insisted.
Dean glared at her in the mirror. "You knew, didn't you?"
"Yes, the moment I saw her."
"And you didn't think that was an important detail to mention!" he yelled.
"I was hoping it wasn't, obviously that hope has been horribly dashed at the bottom of a cliff on some very sharp and pointy protruding rocks just as the surf crashed upon the shore."
"No kidding," Dean said with a heavy dose of sarcasm.
Dale tried to twist around, failed and gave a growl of frustration. "So, one of her parents was an angel?"
"You, all of you, are insane," Laurel told them. "Angels don't exist."
"We are not insane. You are the child of an angel and a human," Aramintha told her.
"My mom died giving birth to me and my dad ..." she trailed off.
"Your dad what?" Dale asked.
She shrugged. "I guess he didn't want me, I was found on the steps of a church. I suppose being a single dad was too much for him or maybe he never loved my mom, doesn't matter."
"Her father was probably the angel half of the duo," Dean said.
Aramintha nodded. "It would be easier to hide her with humans than to try and care for her himself."
"Bullshit, he didn't want me."
Aramintha sighed. "You can believe that, it might be the truth, but it's also possible he cared a great deal for both you and your mother. Unfortunately, the birth of a Nephilim is often fatal for the mother."
"Are you saying my mother wouldn't have survived no matter what?" Laurel stared at her.
"It is extremely rare for a mother to survive the birth of a Nephilim, I know of only two cases where it happened, but the women were never the same afterward."
"Great, good to know." Laurel slumped in her seat.
"So, you accept it now?"
She shrugged. "I don't know what to believe right now."
The car fell silent.
"So, this means I still have to be prophet?" Wyatt asked, breaking the silence.
"Yes!" Aramintha and Dean answered simultaneously.
"Darn it," he muttered.
Laurel glanced at him. "Prophet?"
He waved a hand in the air. "Of the Lord, apparently."
"What, you can, like, tell the future?"
He shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Mostly I have flashes of weird letters."
"Enochian," Sam told him.
"Say what-ian?"
He chuckled. "It's the language of the angels."
"They have their own language? Great, I've never been very good at languages, I'm much better with math and theories and stuff."
"Trust me, it will come easy for you," Sam told him.
"Doubt it," Wyatt muttered in sulky voice.
"We'll head back and pick our things up from our motel and then head back to the bunker," Dean said.
"Hold up, bunker? Are you guys some weird survivalist cult or something because I am not in for that." Laurel slashed a hand through the air.
"We are not a cult. We're hunters."
She glared at the back of Dean's head. "Oh, that explains everything now doesn't it?"
He sighed. "We hunt the things most people believe are myths. Werewolves, vampires, ghouls and ghosts, witches. There are all sorts of creatures out there and we take care of them."
"Nope, you're not a cult, you're just insane."
Mintha groaned. "This is going to be up to me, isn't it?"
Dale shrugged. "At the moment, you are the only one who can show her the truth."
"Fine, fine, whatever. I'll be right back then."
"Right back, we are in a car going seventy down the road!" Laurel looked past Mintha to Wyatt. "You seem to be the only normal one, despite the claim of being a prophet, what is she talking about?"
"Just watch," Wyatt told her.
"Right, give me a moment." Mintha vanished from between them.
"The hell? Where did she go, how'd she do that?" Laurel continued freaking out until Mintha reappeared between them.
"Croissant anyone? They're fresh, I know this little place near the Eiffel Tower that makes the best ones." She held up a sack that was emitting the scent of freshly baked croissants.
"You went to Paris?" Laurel asked incredulously.
Mintha pulled a croissant from the bag, took a big bite, looked Laurel in the eyes and nodded.
"How, that's impossible!"
"She's an angel," Sam told her.
"Angels don't exist."
"And yet, here I am, eating a croissant in the back seat of a '67 Impala with a prophet of the Lord, a Nephiliam and the Winchesters."
Dean chuckled. "Wait until we get back to the bunker, she can meet Gabriel, Phinnie, Noah, Stephanie, and Cas too if he stops by."
"You have an entire pack of angels at your beck and call, who are you people?"
"The Winchesters," Dean answered as if that explained everything.
"I am so confused."
Wyatt looked at her around Mintha. "Welcome to my world."
Laurel spent the remainder of the ride from the motel back to the bunker alternately whining and asking questions, then complaining they were all bonkers when she didn't like the answers.
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