Chapter 5
Your POV
Max finally put me down once we got to the elevator. We rode down, got in his car, and headed off to his work. I was getting really anxious again!
We were driving for about five minutes, and five minutes of pondering lead me to an all important question.
"Hey Max?"
"Where exactly do you work?"
Max's POV
"Hey Max?" Y/N asked with her sweet voice.
"Yeah?" I responded still keeping my attention to the road. We were almost there.
"Where exactly do you work?" Oh, I guess that never came up did it? Huh...
"Well I work for a YouTuber named Skydoesminecraft, or Skydoesthings or SkyVsGaming. He has several channels and is opening up even more! I star in some of his videos, but never actually post anything myself. I am an editor for him. He makes the content, I edit it." I inform her.
I glanced over to her wondering what she would think, and I saw her eyes light up.
"Really? I went to school for editing! Well, more like Art and Design and Technology. I really hadn't figured out what I wanted to do, that kind of stuff just appeals to me though."
"Wait but your super young! Your 22 and have already gone to college for this stuff?
"All this stuff I find really easy. It just comes naturally to me."
"Damn Y/N!" I said very impressed. She is so young and has learned so much already!
We just talked about mindless things for the rest of the car ride. She is really easy to talk to! When we finally got to where I worked, I had to warn her about a few people.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Max?" She asked with her voice quavering a little. I could tell she was really nervous for this, so I decided to have a little fun with her to cheer her up. After all, if I want her to get a job here, I want her to make a great first impression. "Why don't we introduce you in a non threatening way for you but not them."
Your POV
"Why don't we introduce you in a non threatening way for you but not them?"
"Uhh Max not to be rude but I think that's impossible."
"No it's not!" Max said like a little kid. That caught a little giggle out of me.
"Alright how do you say we do this then?"I asked, my voice a little more cheerful.
"Easy! We prank them!" He smiled back, but this time a little more devilishly.
"Okay! Oh I mean, okay." I recovered. I tried to sound scary but it didn't really work. He laughed at me, and then told me his plan. I only smiled at how much fun this is going to be.
Time Skip to the Offices. Max's POV
Y/N and I snuck into the offices so no one could hear us, and I hid her in the room of endless boxes.
"Alright so are you ready?" I asked her, hoping for a good response.
"I was born ready for this!" She whispered, and actually sounded really excited.
"Alright then let's do this sh**! Let me go get the cameras set up then we'll have a little fun!"
Adam's POV
I was in my office setting up for a recording when I got a text message from Max
Mex- hey Adam I'm gonna be late for work today I am stopping at the store to get you and the guys a present
Adem- what's the occasion?
Mex- well it's sort of a pick me up for Cory and Tim leaving
Adem- oh that's so cool! Thanks max
Mex- Sure thing
Time Skip to Present
I had just finished playing a game of Five Nights at Freddy's, and was rolling up all my blackout curtains. If would have been a whole lot calmer if I hadn't added those. Just then I heard the door for the offices open up. Must be Max. I got pup to go see who it was, and sure enough I was right.
"MAAAAXXXXX!" I screamed, running over to where he was.
"Hey Adam!" He said, covering what was in his bag.
"What's in the bag?" I asked, due to its peeking my curiosity.
"It's the pick-me-up for the offices. I'm gonna go set it up, and I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"Okay." I simply said leaving him to it. After about five minutes he told me to come without anyone. He told me he wanted it to be special for each person. I agreed, not thinking anything of it.
Your POV
Max told me that I would sit here and come out when I thought it was the right moment. I heard talking down the halls. I knew one voice was Max's, but I don't know who the other voice was. Than must have been Adam. Max said he would target him first. They came into the room and Adam immediately fell for the decoy table set up with a bunch of food for the offices. Max wasn't lying. We did get stuff for the offices, but the real surprise was me. I was dressed in a slender suit and hid behind a couple boxes. I was going to stand up at the right time. So Adam didn't not see me I was set up right in front of the table.
After talking about thank you-s it finally got to my part. Adam leaned over the table to see everything when I stood up.
Max's POV
When Y/N stood up Adam was scared at first. All he saw was a Slender Man stand up.
"Who is that Max?" He asked me. Let's have a little fun with this!
"It's a doll that I got for you. It can only stand up though."
"Are you serious?" Adam yelled.
"Of course! Go pick it up and show it to the guys! Let's scare them with it!" I can't believe he fell for it! Well she is short enough to pull off being a doll.
Your POV
Adam came over to my direction to pick me up. I took this as my opportunity. Adam picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I figured that I can bend if I can sit down, so I did to make my life a little easier. Alright, here goes nothing.
"Wow this doll is really l-AAAAHHHHHH!!!"
Max's POV
Adam event over to pick up the 'Slender Man doll' and threw her over his shoulder. When he picked her up he started to say something, but got cut off by Y/N grabbing his torso from behind and screaming. The look on his face was priceless! I couldn't help but laugh hysterically! My face was probably redder than a fire truck but I don't care! That was the best prank ever pulled on camera!
Your POV
Once I landed and Adam was done screaming, I took off my mask to reveal my face.
"Yo Max who is that? Or rather, who are you?"
"Oh sorry! My name is Y/N and I just 'moved' here! I am going to share an apartment with Max and Ross until I can get my own place or something of that nature." I explained to him. I held my hand out for him to shake it but I revived a hug instead.
"Cool! My names Adam! Do you know if your going to work anywhere? Have you finished college?"
"Oh, well I don't exactly know where to get a job on computer science and art. And yes I have! I actually have gone to college for computer science and art like I said!"
"Do you know how to edit videos and stuff like that then?"
"Oh yeah! I love doing that kind of stuff. I also love animating as well. But those are just hobbies, they aren't really job options."
"Yes they are!"
"Really?" I asked, very shocked by all of this.
"Oh yeah totally. We actually do that here, and we have a job opening for that particular slot if you want it."
"Really?! Are you for real!?!?"
"Yeah! Do you want the job? You seem like a really nice person and it doesn't seem like you have a criminal background. Otherwise you really wouldn't be friends with Ross or Max."
"No sir, no criminal background! And may I have the job?"
"Welcome to Sky Media!"
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have just been really busy! I hope you guys liked the chapter, and please let me know what you think of it. Advice like what I need to change, add, or keep the same really helps! Thank you so much for reading, and stay nerdy! :3
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