Chapter 3
After a while of hugging we broke apart. "So," I started to ask Max, "I think we should get what you came here for!", "Yeah!", he partly laughed. "What did you come here for?" I asked out of curiosity. "Well I just came here for some Mac n' Cheese, which is right over this way!" He said walking toward the isle. I followed behind not knowing where anything was. He picked up about ten boxes and we checked out. He led me to his car and we set off for his apartment.
"Oh, so about my roommates,", Max started to explain.
"They will probably be a little rude or inappropriate at first, and a little... different. Just know that it is all out of good fun and games! They are nice people, just stupid at times!"
I giggled a little bit, kind of lazily as I am really tired! "Thanks for the warning!", I yawned and smiled. "Excuse me I'm just really tired. I've had a long day as you know..."
"Yeah! If you want you can just sleep. I know it's been a rough day for you."
"Thanks Max!" I said just loud enough for him to hear as I drifted off to sleep...
~Max's Point of View~
Y/N drifted off to sleep just a few minutes before we came back to my apartment. We arrived and I parked into my parking spot. I can't wake her up! She just fell asleep! I'll just carry her into the apartment. I got out, opened her door, picked her up, and closed it behind me. She's surprisingly really light, I wonder if she's eating. Because she's so light I just carried her up the stairs so I don't wake her up with the sounds of the elevator. I walked up nine flights of stairs to get to my apartment, and carefully and quietly opened the door.
"MAX IS THAT YOU AND NOT A BURGLAR?!?!" I heard Ross scream. I looked down at Y/N to she if she woke up, and luckily she didn't. I quickly carried her to my room and put her under the covers. I kissed her forehead and shut the door.
"Ross be quiet! I have a guest sleeping in my room and she's had a long day."
"WAIT WHAT!!" Ross and Tim whisper-screamed.
"She doesn't have a place to stay and she has nothing! Just chill out okay? She's pretty beaten up right now and doesn't know the area that long. All she has is what's in this bag, which is just her phone, laptop, chargers, headphones, and a pair of shorts. The least we can do is take care of her!"
"Okey I guess.", Ross muttered.
"Yeah..." Tim Tim said.
"Good.", I said.
"Where is she gonna stay though while she's here? We don't have another bedroom you know.", Ross pointed out.
"I don't know, but we'll ask her when she's awake." I said.
"Well she can't sleep on the couch can she? I mean it's not like she's just staying the night Max." Ross commented.
"We'll just figure something out. It's not like we're throwing her on the streets Ross. We can't! It's winter and you know she has nothing! She's wearing my coat for goodness sakes!"
"Calm down Max, your being a sad Max!" Tim budded in.
"Tim this is not the time!"
"I know Max, but is that girl planning to stay here and get her own apartment? How is she going to pay for it?" Tim questioned.
"These are all just things that we're going to ask her when she's awake. But don't rush her she's all shaken up! Just give her time and space. Let's also just make this casual as well."
After I said that there was an awkward silence for a few minutes when Ross broke the silence saying, "So what's for dinner?"
"Well I bought Mac n' Cheese, but I have a feeling we should order out considering we have a guest. I don't want to make the wrong first impression."
"Yeah... but Max, how old is she? What's even her name? Or anything about her really."
"Oh yeah..." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Well, her name is Y/N, she is 22, so two years younger than I am, she has H/L H/C hair, she has beautiful S/C skin, and the most beautiful E/C eyes..." I said, getting lost in her beautiful face.
"Oooohhhhh!!! Someone has a crush on her!" Tim Tim budded in.
"I do not! And you'll wake her up!" I whisper-screamed at them."I'm gonna go pick up some dinner. Don't do anything stupid... okay?"
"Okey..." Ross and Tim-Tim mumbled.
"Good." I said as a walked out the door, Hopefully they won't wake her up or anything. That would just be awful.
~Your POV~
I woke up to the sound of video game playing. I shook myself awake to wonder where I was, but then remembered that Max took me in his apartment. He also said that he had two roommates. Better go make friends! I got up and looked at my clothes. I look like a mess! It doesn't matter anyway. Wait, I'm still wearing Max's jacket! I put it neatly on a nearby chair, and head to where the sound was coming from.
I started to walk out the door when I saw a little cat standing in my path. I walked over to her gently and carefully, and held out my hand for her to sniff. Once she had gotten my scent she started to purr and rub against my legs.
"Aww, aren't you cute." I whispered to her and picked her up. I was petting her and walked into the living room. I saw two guys playing the game "Knack" and decided to play a trick on them. I put what her collar said was Kitty Purry down and suck up behind them. I wait until they both were beaten by the boss and them yelling to scare them. I grab both of their shoulders causing them to scream like something was getting them in real life. They turn around just to see me. They smiled.
"Hi! I'm Ross and this is Tim Tim. I assume your Y/N?"
Wow! That was fast! But at the same time, kinda odd they aren't freaking out that a stranger just waltzes in and scares them.
"Yep! That's me! I'm glad I made a good first impression!"
"Yeah that was pretty amazing! Better than you just kinda standing there to make it awkward and stuff."
"Well what can I say, I'm pretty amazing!" I said jokingly flipping my hair out of my face.
"Oh yeah?" said Tim Tim.
"Yeah! I can take you on any day!"
" Well how about right here right now?" Ross said, joining in on the fun.
"Bring it!" I shouted playfully as I jumped onto Ross's back.
"That's how it is is it?" Ross said as he flung be onto the couch. Tim Tim joined in and he picked my up by my legs and Ross my arms. They swung me around for a while, then threw me onto the couch again, while I was giggling and laughing them entire time. On top of it they started to tickle me on my feet and stomach. My face was redder than a Tomato with all of the laughing! They stopped and said, "You still think you can take us on huh?"
"I was just warming up!" I said as i jumped onto Tim Tim causing us to fall to the floor. I quickly jumped onto Ross, knocking him off balance causing us to fall once again. I got off of him and we all stared laughing even more than we already were when we heard the door open. He looked over to us and saw we were all having fun and his face was relieved.
"Looks like it doesn't take long for you to make friends huh?" he directed at me.
Wait, I actually made friends! Normally I'm really shy around new people, but for some reason I wasn't! And I actually made friends with hopefully my new roommates!
"Yeah, I guess it doesn't!" I said really happy with myself for once.
Hey guys!
I'm sorry this is not part of the story, I won't do this often. I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads already, and if you would, please let me know what you think of the story so far and let me know if there is anything you would like me to change! Thanks for reading and stay nerdy! :3
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