Chapter 14
Max's Point of View
As I opened the door and started to enter the room, I was soon pulled back and the door shut. I looked behind me to see who pulled me back, and to my surprise it was Sofia. I looked at her with slight frustration, as I wanted nothing more to see the wonderful person who was victimized by a jerk.
"There's something you have to know before you just waltz right in there." She firmly told me with a look that calmed me down from getting caught in the moment.
"What's that?" I simply asked her with a polite tone of voice.
"I'm going to say this person to person. Not nurse to man, but person to person. You like this girl right?" She asked rather bluntly. I was speechless, yet I knew she was going to get to an important point. I blushed ever so slightly, barely noticeable, and nodded.
"Yeah why?" I asked her with the same blunt attitude.
"Look. You are going to be her caretaker for as long as needed. Even if that means she never remembers her past and forms a new life. You have to always be there for her. Often amnesia cases can lead to a depression, so you have to get her to trust you, and you have to make sure she is happy. I will give you more details when we're checking her out, which is today. Until then you will act as a kind gentleman like friend. Got it?" She reasoned. It hit me all at once that I would have to take care of her for who knows how long. It was absolutely heart breaking. Sure I get to spend every second with her, but at this cost? Her not knowing who I am?
"Alright. I promise to be there no matter what. I promise to be the best I can be to help her do everything, from daily life to remembering." I spoke, grief dancing in the sentences. Relief slightly played now through her eyes once I said that.
"Good." She said, relief now filling her words. "Just remember that she was just stabbed and knocked out. She doesn't look in the best of conditions and the chances of her remembering you when she has this bad amnesia is very, very slim. Got it?"
"Yes ma'am." As soon as I said that she pulled a rather large piece of paper from her scrubs. She extended her arm with the paper out to me, signaling I needed to take the paper, so I did. It had contact information on it, of what looked to be her contact information, as well as countless others I would presume I would need if I needed help. Sofia briefly explained everything to me, then mentioned that I would again hear all of this later in depth once we were signing Y/N out.
"And just remember..." Sofia said now in a more soothing tone of voice, causing me to look up to her from the papers that I had put into my pocket. "Right now she is confused, but she is still the same person. Treat her gently, but not like a baby. I can tell you're a good guy. Now's your time to prove to her she is okay and safe with you, okay?" She now told me, a warm smile on her face. Even though I was in grief, I can't show that to Y/N. I smiled back, my mind still in grief. But still, I believe that I will, and more importantly she will, be okay.
"Alright." I said a little more enthusiastically. With that, Sofia gestured towards the door, allowing me to finally see Y/N. Part of me didn't want to see her like this, but part of me wanted to see her. All of me however, wanted to protect her no matter what. I took the needed steps to get back to the door. My hand was on the handle, about to turn it and enter, but I stopped. I took a needed deep breath in, then out. I then cautiously opened the door, at first blinded by the change of light. Then, I saw her.
Y/N's Point of View
I wonder what he's going to be like. Do I know him? Do I even remember any guys? I try to think of any male face, if any boy comes to mind. It just strengthens the headache of my head, so I try to think of individual features. What kind of hair does anyone have?
Questions like this played in my head for a long while, and no features came to mind. Not the color of anyone's eyes, the shape of anyone's nose, the color or style of anyone's hair, anything. Maybe it'll come to mind when I see them? I just hope they'll help me. I really want to remember, although something inside of me is telling me I shouldn't. Then I got off onto what I looked like. What do I look like? What kind of anything do I have? Although I can't see any facial features, I know I am (weight), have s/c skin, h/l hair, h/c colored hair, and as for my hands and feet, they were (big/average/small.) I just hope that I look somewhat decent, although it really doesn't matter. Although it wouldn't hurt to hope that I look almost as pretty as Sofia now would it? She's stunning. I probably look like absolute garbage. I hope my caretaker can look past my appearances.
Just when I started to veer off into a completely negative path, I heard the door handle turning, and I braced myself for whomever was coming through the door. I hoped Sofia would come in first, but I saw a male's leg quickly pop in and out of the room as the door was closed. My mind was drawn from the treacherous path I was on, and entered a new one full of curiosity. Well his jeans were a darker color, but that doesn't tell me anything about him. His feet and height of leg though did give off the impression he was tall. How tall am I? Do I want to be tall or short? Am I strong at all?
All those thoughts raced through my head, and though I wanted to be positive, something in my head was telling me that I was everything but good, and that I deserved all things bad. My heart was like a refuge in captivity of the evil. Intending good, but just getting punished by the higher authority, which in this case was my brain. I hated the thoughts, but was believing every one of them even though I haven't the slightest clue as to what I look like. I don't have a clue as to what beauty standards are either, and what I should be like.
I then stopped in the middle of all these thoughts and assessed my situation. I probably shouldn't share these. Afterall, I have a memory to gain. I don't need to share even more problems with everyone. It's decided then. No sharing thoughts like these.
After a while of confirming these thoughts, the door slowly started to creak open again. All at once those thoughts vanished back into my brain as new ones rushed in. Is it Sofia? A huge smile came to my face at the thought of it, and it stayed. Once the door was open, a tall figure entered the room that was not Sofia's. The contrast of the darkness of the hallway and the brightness of the room made him a silhouette, and I knew who he was. He was my caretaker. I grew slightly afraid and shy, so my smile turned into a shy one. This is the person that might make me remember! Once the contrasting lights blended together after a war, he was revealed, and I saw him.
Max's Point of View
She was in the hospital bed as expected, and she looked terrible. She had several needles in her arms to help her through her injuries, and she had cuts all over her arms, face, and pretty much everywhere visible. She had a black eye, and cuts all along it. Despite all of this though, as well as the amnesia, she was still smiling shyly in the hospital bed. She also looked a slight bit in awe, but the only thing that mattered was she was happy.
Y/N's Point of View
He entered into the room, just out of the way of the door. He looked stunned at me, and I didn't know how to take that. He looked at me at first very shocked, but then turned his emotions into sorrowful yet happy ones. The first thing that I noticed was that he was tall. The other thing was his bright orange hair that was swept up slightly. The hair continued onto his face, which lead to me noticing his round yet handsome looking face. His hands looked tough but gentle, and he was overall very attractive. Yet, something about him was different. I just can't put my finger on it quite yet.
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