Chapter 13
Y/N's Point of View
I feel sensation in my body. I feel myself lying on a soft surface, a bed, and I hear a pulse beeping. I hear many machines running, and I feel like I'm hooked up to them. I feel sore throughout my entire body, yet I feel lightheaded. I smell the distinct smell of cleanliness, and I have yet to open my eyes. My curiosity captures the best of me, and I open my eyes to see what lies in the room I am in. Once I open them, I see a bright flash of light. Worry fills my body, as I have a feeling this has happened once before. I can't recall when it could have ever happened, yet I feel like it has. After the brief moment is gone, I look around to find myself in a pasty white bed. The sheets feel almost like paper, and the bed is soft, yet a tad bit hard. I look around the room, and I see many machines behind me, and in front a female in pastel blue clothes. She has her hair tied back, but by her eyebrows I can tell she is a dark haired brunett, almost a raven haired girl. She was sort of tannish, and biggish lips. She overall was a very beautiful women. She looked young, and she noticed my awaking right away. She looked at me with great caution, and then proceeded to talk to me.
"Hello miss. Might I ask what your name is?" She hummed softly with a wonderful voice. I thought for a second to wonder what my name was. What came to my mind was a random name that sounded familiar.
"Y/N" I spoke with a hoarse voice. It was if I had not drank anything for a good while, and I had been yelling. I spotted water beside my table, and took that to get a drink whilst I waited for her response. The nurse looked at me with concern, and as I set the water back down with my weak arms, I pondered. The name sounds familiar, but I am slightly unsure that it belongs to me.
"Well, actually I'm not quite sure that's my name, but I think it is." I said, now doubting that it's mine.
"Is there a last name that goes with it?" She asked, writing down things on a clipboard. I thought about it, but nothing came to mind.
"I'm sorry I can't recall one." I spoke rather slowly. My voice at least sounded better. Well, come to think of it... "Where am I miss..."
"Sofia. You can call me nurse Sofia or just Sofia if you'd like. You in a hospital Miss Y/N." Sofia said, regaining confidence in her voice. At this news I grew shocked, and looked down at myself. Many needles were in my arms, and I looked a mess. I looked pale, which I assumed was paler than normal but I don't know, and I overall just looked bad. I can't recall what my face looks like, but it can't compare to Sofia. Plus I don't even know what's going on.
"What happened. It must have been something really bad." I said as the volume of my voice slowly went down.
"Well I wish I could tell you but I don't know. Do you want me to go find out for you?" She said, her voice getting a little higher and friendlier. I smiled shyly and laughed a little.
"Yes please. Does that mean I get to see someone I know?" I asked hoping for an answer.
"Well I'm not sure. How much do you recall?" Sofia kindly asked. I layed there puzzled and confused. I tried thinking about something, anything I could remember, but I just couldn't I can't remember the last anything I did. All I could remember my name sort of, and how to drink breathe and talk. I told Sofia all I thought I could do with a confused look on my face. Sofia was writing all of this down, being very patient with me. Once she was done writing down all I spoke and most likely a few additional notes, she reflected on all of them then looked up to me. I didn't know what to do, so I just smiled, hoping it would solve her semi-pained expression. She looked confused for a moment, then returned the smile. "Alright Miss Y/N I'm going to go for a second but are you hungry or thirsty? Could I get you anything?"
"Oh no thank you! I appreciate the offer though." I said with a shy smile sticking to my face. Her smile shone brighter for some reason, then left the room to do what she needed. I looked down at my hands to start playing with them, when I noticed that they were cut slightly. I looked to my wrists, and they were cut, a lot. The weird thing was though, was they looked like they were aged. Not like the ones on my hands. I continued to look up the rest of my arms and realized they were scared with cuts as well. I simply hid them, and decided that was a question for a later date. It might have just been from all of the needles that were poking out of my arms. I just focused my mind on trying to remember the last thing that happened to me. A dream, a word, a last name, just something.
After a little while of thinking, Sofia came in. My smile instantly brightened at the sight of her. Her sad expression turned light as I did so. She walked in and closed the door. She came over beside me, and put down something on the table next to me. I didn't see it so I didn't know what it was, so I asked her about it. "Nurse Sofia what's that?" Her head turned to me, and she just laughed a little.
"Oh it's nothing to worry about. It's just a few snacks for when you get hungry or someone that's coming in here does." My eyes lit up at those words.
"Who's coming in here?" I said, my voice getting a little higher pitched.
"He's someone that is going to be taking care of you until you better." She said, with a smile plastered on her face, but her eyes reading sadness.
"Does that mean I'm leaving here?" I asked her, with a little sadness starting to stain my voice.
"Yes. You are going to be leaving here with him." She spoke while the sadness reached her voice.
"Does that mean I won't be able to talk with you?" I asked, sadness growing in my voice even more now.
"No. You can contact me anytime you want. I will give your new caretaker all of the things you will need to contact me." She said, now happiness and sorrow growing in her voice. I decided to try to make it all happy.
"If it's okay can I contact you every day?" I asked, now a little shyly as I realized it was a bold move. She probably has other things to do.
"I would be glad if you did that." Sofia said, her eyes now laced with happiness. There was a peaceful silence before Sofia had to break it. "Well Miss Y/N I'll go get your caretaker and we'll be good to go!" Sofia said, now eager to show me this new character. She walked out of the room with a smile on her face.
I wonder what he's going to be like.
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