Warning:kinda gruesome
“Tell me where it all started Mr.Cory lets see how we caa get to the root of this…anxiety as it says here in my notebook”
Well it was about 3 years ago now if I can remember clearly I was at the park with my son and he wanted to play hide and seek. We started playing just like a normal father and son would play, it was my turn to find him but the thing was that I couldn't find him this time wich is weird because e hid in the same spot every time like a 3 yr old would, so you can expect that I was panicking. I started looking all around the park for him, asking all the other parents if they had seen him no one said they saw him except for this one kinda short plump lady seeing that they saw a man lead over my son, thinking that it was me she let it pass, I asked where she saw them go and she said to the other side of the park. I said thank you and bolted to the other side of the park to find my son. He wasn’t there and there were no other cars there but mine. I saw a security guard and asked him if he had seen my son. He just got on his shift so he let me see the security tapes. There wan’t much on it but i did see a two people walking to a honda civic and driving off a little after i starting looking for him. I called the police as soon I as got visual on the licence plate. The guy that owned the honda was a tall lanky man by the name of Devin Roberts. I left the office and contacted my boss at the company I work at, she is a really good hacker even tough shes the manager of a paper company, she managed to get devins Ip address that was on his phone. I got in the car and drove off to the address. The address led me to a hilton hotel. I asked the receptionist if she had seen a man and a little boy walk in here. She started to stumble on her words and stuttering as if she was hiding something, which she probably was. I had demanded on seeing the video footage of what happened that day. She refused and i threatend to call the cops. She refused again standing her ground. The cops were there in a matter of minuets. We looked at the tapes and went into the elevator where my son and Devin were last seen. I went to go press one of the buttons to find wherever they went then I noticed that one of the buttons on the door looked like its been used way more than any of the other buttons, I pressed the button to what it looked like floor b26. The elevator door opened and there was only a long hallway with flickering lights and a single door. I take a step into the hallway an all i hear is loud repeated banging over and over again, but oddly no screaming, now that could be for better of for worse, I started to sprint over to the door and bust open the door to see one of the most horrific scenes in my life. There was blood all over the walls and on the floor small chunks of something that I didn't want to know what it was. Devin is sitting on a box with his legs crossed over one another, he had a black suit on and had the smuggest smirk on his face. I asked him what he did to my son. He told me to turn around and..and..
“It’s okay Cory it’s okay just take a few deep breaths”
Okay…I turned around and saw..my sons head mounted on a stake on the side of a wall next to about 10 other children's heads. I had passed out or something I don’t remember what happened after that but now i can only think of my son and.. C-can I go now.
“Yes you can go but..be carful, get some, rest, and do some sort of meditating.. I am honestly so sorry for you and what happend to your son ill see you next week”
“Goodbye Mr.Orberts”
“Goodbye Cory”
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