Chapter 1: The Djinn of Destruction
Long ago, a Djinn dwelled above Mt. Ebott. He was a resident of this world as well as another only mentioned in books; one filled with mysteries and marvels such as the one thousand and one Arabian Nights and Excalibur. But there is one mystery that can decide the fate of both worlds: the Soul Crystal.
And the Djinn held that mystery, but not its answer. And within him was a war akin to that between Humans and Monsters. A war against himself.
Foreseeing the danger of possessing such vast power, the Djinn shattered it into seven fragments, his daughter to hold the strongest one, the others to the set in stone.
Generations of Djinn held on to the seventh fragment for 1000 years.
Until the fragment was shattered.
Frisk's POV
I walked through the small house that once housed four, but now only one of that family remained: Asgore, King of the Monsters. And that comedian would also be a pain in my neck. I shuffled into a room and saw two boxes. Inside one was a golden heart-shaped locket with the words 'Best Friends'. In the other was a knife.
I rubbed the locket with my thumb, and it glowed. I squeezed my eyes shut as the blinding light filled the room, opening them to only breathe in white smoke. Coughing, I saw a spirit with dark skin, black hair in a long ponytail, and a breastplate with a white sphere where his ribcage was. He had a sword hilt over his shoulder and strange spikes above golden rings jutted out of his shoulders. I stared at him.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked.
"I am a Djinn," he replied in a thick accent.
"The heck is a Djinn?"
"Ah, you are probably more familiar with the term 'Genie', yes? But that's beside the point, my mistress." He bowed, and I cocked my head.
"Mistress?" I echoed. "You have it wrong. I'm no one's mistress." The Djinn shook his head.
"You rubbed the locket. You have become my mistress by summoning me. My name is Armon."
"So what? You're gonna grant me three wishes and all that trash?" I growled, slightly confused and annoyed at the same time.
"Yes, Mistress. But some rules first. One: you can't wish to change fate. That means no wishes for life or death. Two: no wishes for limitless power. Three--"
"Let me stop you right there," I said. "No wishes for limitless power or life or death? Isn't that a little redundant?" He paused.
"I do not know. Anyway, the third rule is that you cannot wish for more wishes."
"Got it. But there's something I don't understand. Why did you emerge from this locket? Aren't Genies--"
"Whatever. Aren't you supposed to be in a lamp?"
"Mistress, there are many possible Vessels for each different Djinn spirit," Armon explained. "Our Souls are contained in such vessels to keep our powers in check. Mana is a powerful force, you should know." I gave him a confused look.
"A force similar to DETERMINATION in Humans and some Monsters. This combination not only gives us the will to keep living, but also gives us our ability to grant wishes."
"What if I rub this?" I twirled the knife in my hand.
"Don't!" he yelled. "That is the vessel of Purge, a Djinn of Destruction." I put my hands up in defense.
"Okay, geez. I won't rub it."
"Good. Now put on the locket," he replied. I put it on, and I felt power pulse through my Soul.
"Whoa! What was that?!"
"The contract has been sealed. My power is yours to command, Mistress." Armon turned into white smoke again and returned into the locket. Now that that was done, it was time to finally take out that comedian. But before the battle even started, I felt my sins crawling on my back.
I walked down that same corridor where Sans judged me in a previous timeline. The stained glass windows that cast shadows shaped like the Delta Rune that stood ready to watch the final fight like so many spectators in an arena. Then, I saw him.
He wore a blue hoodie, shorts, and pink bed slippers.
I was face to face with Sans the Skeleton.
Actual monologue used here
"Heya," he said calmly. "You've been busy, huh?"
"Shut the hell up, comedian," I snarled, taking out my new knife. He sighed and closed his eyes.
"So, I've got a question for you. Do you think that even the worst person can change? That everybody can be a good person, if they just try?" He looked at me with kind, white pupils. I tightened my grip as tears threatened to fall. I was feeling guilt, sadness, and anger all at the same time among my sins crawling on my back. Sans closed his eyes and chuckled softly. "Alright. Well, here's a better question." His eyes opened to reveal no pupils. "Do you wanna have a bad time? 'Cause if you take another step forward, you are REALLY not going to like what happens next." A part of me laughed as I did also.
"Really? A weakling like you doesn't scare me!" I taunted, pointing my deadly blade at him. I saw his pitiful grin.
"Welp. Sorry, old lady. This is why I never make promises," he said to an invisible someone. But I knew he was talking to Toriel.
At the end of the Ruins...
I immediately brought down the toy knife, and the Boss Monster's eyes widened. Tears fell as she closed her eyes, her hand over a bleeding wound.
"You really hate me that much?" she looked at me with that shine of resignation in her eyes. My knife hand shook. "Now I see who I was protecting by keeping you here. Not you," She gave a heart-wrenching smile. "b u t t h e m ." She laughed softly, then turned to dust, leaving her Soul for me to take.
The atmosphere changed, and my Soul was revealed.
I gripped the knife.
"It's a beautiful day outside..."
I sensed something coming.
"Birds are singing, flowers are blooming..."
I heard birds chirping outside the hall.
"On days like these, kids like you..."
The atmosphere became colder as Sans' pupils vanished again.
"...should be burning in hell."
My Soul turned blue as I was slammed into the ground. I jumped as bones emerged and barely weaved through more. Next were eight skull-shaped cannons that came in sets of two. After the last and biggest blast, he grinned.
"What's so funny, comedian?" I growled.
"Nothing. I just always wondered why people never use their strongest attacks first," he replied. I felt something stop sapping my strength. "Let's begin."
After a few attempts... okay, SEVERAL attempts, Sans didn't attack me. Sweat was dripping down his skull as his Magic Eye stopped glowing.
"Kid... You must really like swinging that thing around, huh? I'm not gonna lie. All this fighting has got me..."
"BONE-tired?" I finished.
"KNIFE one, kid," he chuckled. "Anyway, I know you're not really a bad person. Inside of you, there's a glimmer of someone who wanted to do the right thing. I know you're in there, Frisk. Remember me? I know you're not really a killer." My glare softened as well as my grip on the knife. "I remember multiple timelines. Some with pacifists. Some with cold-blooded murderers. But you... Frisk, you're not a killer. I even remember us once being... friends." Tears started to fall as the memories flooded my mind. "So stop this. Please, Frisk. I believe in you." I felt my arm raising to attack, but I stopped myself. I refused.
A few days ago...
I drove my fist into Papyrus, not feeling the pain. His skull was knocked off of his body.
"Well, that was not what I expected," he said to himself. He yelped as he fell and his body disintegrated. "But it was a good start, human! You can still be a good person! I, the Great Papyrus, believe in you!"
"Shut up." I raised my fist, and it started to charge with red power.
"Please make an effort to change yourself and be better."
"Shut up!"
"I will support you through this. You won't do it alone!"
"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT THE HELL UP!" I screamed as I drove my fist into his skull and reduced it to dust.
I barely gave Papyrus a chance. Maybe I was a dirty brother killer.
But now, it's the end.
I couldn't RESET, and I can't bring Papyrus back if I wanted to, so I wanted to try to make it up to him.
If I could.
It was just too much.
I dropped the knife and let the tears fall.
"I-I'm sorry," I managed between sobs. I was on my knees, tears streaming down my face.
"Come here, kid." The Skeleton opened his arms. "It's okay." I walked towards him, then let myself fall into his arms, hugging him. I left a wet stain on his hoodie, but I didn't care. Joy mixed with guilt as I cried my eyes out. And as I recalled a different timeline, I whispered some familiar words.
"I don't want to let go."
But it was too soon.
"Get ... ...," Sans muttered.
"What?" I saw a blue aura, and as I pushed away from him, a bone rose as we both fell back, my hand being cut on the knife. As I grabbed it, a black smoke, more suffocating than the white, started to fill the hall. And it came from the knife.
"Finally," a voice echoed. It had the same accent as Armon, but it was more demonic in tone. "I was starving for the taste of blood." He revealed himself to be a Djinn with pale skin, red eyes, and a pure black sphere. His hair was also a ponytail, but his armor had nothing jutting out. I looked at him.
"You must be Purge, the Djinn of Destruction Armon warned my about."
"Ah, my brother?"
I rubbed the locket, and Armon appeared. He reached to his shoulder and grabbed a hilt, pulling out a curved blade I recognized as a scimitar.
"Mistress, what have you done?"
"I didn't do anything!" I yelled. "I just cut myself on that knife, and he came out!" I winced as I lost control. Something was coming out.
Sans' POV
I saw the kid and noticed a change. Her shirt was now green with a cream stripe, and her hair was brown. She opened her eyes to smile, and I saw red eyes instead.
"Hello, comedian. Recognize me?" She picked up the knife, and my eyes widened.
"Chara Dreemurr."
"Yes. I was that amount of DETERMINATION inside her that grew with every Monster she killed. Grew with hate. But now that it's just us, I have no trouble killing you, Sans." Her Soul glowed a faint red through a crack. "Oh? It seems Frisk is trying to take back control. Well..." Her eyes widened. "I CaNNoT aLLoW HeR To Do THaT." Chara's body glitched before she ran at me. But I dodged and threw five bones at her. She looked at Purge who destroyed the bones with one swing of his jagged sword.
"And I cannot allow you to do that," he growled. Chara grinned.
"Three wishes, right?"
"My first wish is to have my Soul back. Bring it to me from the Ruins so I can be whole again!"
"Your wish is my command," Purge replied before sending a sphere of darkness back for what looked like miles.
So we waited...
And waited...
And waited...
Until, after fifteen minutes...
"Oh my God! How long does it take to fulfill one wi--" Chara yelled. I looked up from my phone game, and Armon from cleaning his scimitar. She then glowed, and a black sphere left Frisk's Soul as a separate entity altogether emerged. Chara was free. Frisk cried out in pain and fell.
"Kid!" I caught her, but I was still disgusted by her actions inside. Even so, she was once my friend, and that's worth something, right?
"NoW SHe CaN WaTCH aS I KiLL You!" Chara raised her knife to my ribcage, its deadly steel turning red. I raised a glowing bone in response. She fired a blood-red blast, and I threw the bone at her.
"You must really have a BONE to pick with me," I joked. She frowned.
"Purge, we're wasting our time here." Chara cut herself with the knife, sealing the blood contract. "Let's go." They teleported away. And I looked at Armon.
"We need to get out of here," I said. Frisk woke up, groaning slightly, and pushed me away from her.
"What the hell are you doing?!" she yelled. I gave her a nearby knife which she took.
"Saving you, that's what."
"I don't want your help, Sans," she growled. "So once we leave, just stay out of my way." I felt a weaker pulse in my Soul.
"I know where we should go," Armon told me. He created a portal using one of the rings, and it grew as I jumped through with Frisk in tow.
As it closed behind us, something told me nothing would be normal anymore.
Asgore and Flowey saw a rift open and were pulled in.
But no one knew that the four individuals would have their fates intertwined, and have to put aside their differences to save two worlds as they come closer and closer to collision.
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