Welcome to Trollstoplis
The next day Pearl gets ready for her wedding with the help of Melodia excited that she is going to be married to the love of her life
Pearl: I can't I'm getting married if only my parents and Hype can see this
Then she come across a old lady
Totally not Queen Nightshade: my what a lovely bride
Pearl: well that's really nice of you but I need to go
Totally not Queen Nightshade: but I have a lovely wedding present for you
Pearl: thank you but I really need to get going because you see I'm getting married to the love of my life
Totally not Queen Nightshade: but it's a wishing well dear *grabs Pearl's hand*
Pearl: but my wish is already going to come true
Sync: *thinking* this poor girl
Totally not Queen Nightshade: just close your eyes and make a wish and make your leaning very close to the well
Then Pearl makes her wish to solidify her happily ever after and maybe even see him when she gets home and Hype won't be so overprotective with her when Queen Nightshade pushes her down the well
Pearl: 😫 *falls down
Melodia: *from the distance* 😱 Pearly, Wade we need help *goes to tell Prince Wade what happened*
Queen Nightshade turns back into herself and smiles as she sees Pearl fall
Sync: my queen where did you send her 😨
Queen Nightshade: to a place where there are no happily ever afters 😈
And Pearl ends up a another world that looks like the troll world but it had skyscrapers, and vehicles and the trolls there are dressed differently and she felt really lost in this completely different world
Meanwhile there was a divorce attorney around Kismet's age named Ash who was just getting off a meeting and dealing with a very messy divorce and he sees his older sister Frost
Frost: seriously Ash even after having to deal with all of that you still want to get engaged
Ash: oh come on Frost those people got married on a crazy romantic wim what me and Emerald have is different
Frost: oh really
Ash: yeah sis we're rational and we know each other's strengths and weaknesses
Frost: well and what does Ember think about this
Ash: I'm actually going to tell her about it
Ash: hey Ember
Ember: yes
Ash: I'm going to ask Emerald to marry me
Ember: what 😨
Ash: Ember don't worry Emerald is nice and she's going to drop you off at school tomorrow so you can have some grown up girl bonding time
Ember: dad I'm six
While Pearl was lost she saw a billboard and thought it was a actual place and went to try to figure out where she is
Ember: dad look there's a princess on the billboard
Ash: your probably seeing a mannequin Ember
Then Ember leaving the car and Ash goes after her and Pearl falls off
Ember: daddy catch her 😨
Then Ash catches Pearl but it hurts both of them
Pearl: ow 😣
Ash: what were you doing up there
Pearl: I got lost and I was trying to find help
Then against his better judgement and at Ember's insistence they take Pearl with him to their home
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