We know the way
Summer then heads homes happy to see it restored and sees her parents again
Summer: mom dad 😄
Amy: Summer 😄 *hugs Summer*
Summer: I may have gone a little ways past the reef
Chief Blaze: it suits you
Villagers: Summer's back 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
And then Summer and her parents brought out the old boats ready to get their people back to their old voyaging roots and before they left the ocean showed her a seashell and she placed it on the stones
Then in a flash of light she wakes up back in Troll Forest and she sees Poppy, Branch, Ablaze, Hype and Rose
Rose: Summer your back 😄
Summer: hey Rose 😄 I missed you where's Pearl, Prism and Ivy
Hype: they are still in the book along with Trickee and Boom
Summer: and Branch
Branch: I know how much your friendship with John Dory means to you and I will try to be more understanding with him
Summer: and what about Bruce because I want to be here for when everyone else gets back but then I will be late to my job interview with him
Branch: don't worry about it I will tell Bruce and I think he will let it slide
Summer: really
Cloud Guy: yeah because I placed him and John Dory in a story together last year oh their dynamic was something 😆
Summer: Cloud Guy why would you do this
Ablaze: how can you be so calm about this when you almost died multiple times in there
Then they Floyd who was in a panicked state
Branch: Floyd are you ok what happened 😨
Floyd: where's Boom we were supposed to have a date tonight and when I went to his pod he was not there and then I remembered that he was supposed to see you guys so do you know where is 😰
Poppy: Floyd it's going to be ok
Hype: and about where Floyd is it's a little hard to explain other then my sister and our friends are there too
Cloud Guy: oh I know where your skittle head boyfriend is
Floyd: then where is he 😰
Cloud Guy: oh he still needs to complete his story
Floyd: what he's in that book 😰
Cloud Guy: yeah and I think I'm going to see him now
Then Cloud Guy enters into the book to go find Boom
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