The truth about Ablaze
Ablaze: Trickee just get Vidar out of the way
Trickee: what
Boom: I'd be happy to get
Trickee: come on guys let's get out of here can't you believe that guy first he dropped us like flies
Branch: I'm sure he didn't mean to and I'm sure he will get better at balancing his time with Daisy and with us
Trickee: and now he just waltzes in here and expects us to just
Then Ablaze gets in front of all four of his friends
Ablaze: Trickee i'm asking you as a friend
Trickee: ok fine I'll help but don't make me do anything embarrassing
Later Trickee and Boom come out of the bushes wearing Daisy and Mr. Porter's spare clothes as a disguise to get Vidar away
Trickee: *wearing one of Daisy's dresses and has makeup* IM GONNA KILL HIM 😡
Boom: *dressed like Mr. Porter* actually I thought that dress was rather slimming on you
Trickee: oh really
And then Branch and Hype led Vidar to them
Hype: and they are right over there, Vidar
Branch: *trying not to laugh about the situation*
Vidar: *roars at them*
Trickee and Boom: 😨😨 *runs away from Vidar*
Trickee: how does she move in this dress?
Meanwhile, Ablaze takes Daisy, Mr. Porter and Creek to where all the gorilla trolls live then Ebba approach them
Daisy: look daddy
Mr. Porter: Daisy 🥹
Creek: now be careful, Mr. Porter
Daisy: she's beautiful 🤩
Ablaze: she's my mother
Daisy: this is your mother
And then Ablaze Daisy and Mr. Porter your star trying to encourage Ebba to come to them and they find the entire tree that is full of gorilla trolls and while Ablaze was playing with some of the baby gorilla trollings Daisy couldn't help but smile at him
Daisy: do you think you can teach me
Ablaze: to speak gorilla troll
Daisy: yes
Then then Daisy says something in gorilla language and for some reason it got them all hyper
Daisy: what did I say
Ablaze: that Daisy stays with Ablaze
But while Daisy was struggling to come up with her answer through Trickee and Boom, make it into the forest accidentally bringing Vidar along and Ablaze fought off Vidar while Daisy, Mr. Porter and Creek ran away
Ablaze: Vidar I didn't mean to I'm sorry 😨
Vidar: I asked you to protect our family and you betrayed us all
Trickee, Hype, Branch and Boom: 😨😨😨😨
Ebba: 😔
Ablaze in the state of confusion runs away with Ebba finding him
Ablaze: I'm so confused
Ebba: come with me there's something I should've shown you a long time ago 😔
Then Ablaze follows Ebba into an old abandoned treehouse any sees his old baby blanket, which felt familiar to him and then he finds an old photo and when he wipes off the dust, he sees himself as a baby with a troll with his purple skin and another that had red hair and purple eyes
Ablaze: *looks at the baby in the picture* is this me
Ebba: *nods*
Ablaze: *looks at the male purple troll* and this is my father *then looks at the female troll who had his red hair and purple eyes* and my *he couldn't bring himself to say that she was his mother in front of the gorilla troll who had raised him*
Ebba: and now you know Ablaze, I just want you to be happy whatever you decide
Later Ablaze decides to go to London, and he puts on his father's old suit and he sees Ebba
Ebba: 😔
Ablaze: no matter where I go, you will always be my mother *gives her one last hug*
Ebba: and you will always be in my heart goodbye Ablaze
The next morning Ablaze got on the boat with Mr. Porter Daisy and Creek well as friends came devastated that he left without telling them goodbye
Boom: Ablaze
Trickee: we're too late. I can't believe it.
Branch: I can't believe we didn't even get to say goodbye 😨
Trickee: *trying to mask his true feelings* well good riddance, all right who needs you huh? Go on and rot and see if I care. *trying not too cry* what are you guys looking at
Boom: we are going to miss him to
Hype: and we're gonna go through this together
Then all four friends hugged while Ablaze got on the boat
Daisy: Ablaze you can't imagine what's in store for you everyone's been wanna meet you 😄
Ablaze: and I will be with Daisy
Daisy: *blushes* yes with Daisy 😊
And the two get on the boat, not knowing about the betrayal that was going to happen
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