The seven trolls
Ivy went to the castle where she saw her sister Luna who was playing the lute and she also sees some of her friends
Ivy: hey guys
Group: Ivy 😄😄😄😄😄😄
Luna: and I baked cookies for the special occasion I can't believe it my little sister the king's apprentice 😄
Cosmo: 😴 *smells cookies* wait Cookies 😄
Boom, Prism, and Rose: enjoys cookies 😋😋😋
Branch: nice
Luna: no wait Summer they have lemon in them
Summer: *sneezes on the cookie* 🤧
Branch: life is so unfair 😒
Rose: here Branch you can take mine *gives him her cookie*
Branch: wait Rose where did you come from 🤨
Ivy: you can have mine too Branch I don't think I should eat
Branch: oh right your interview with the king hey Ives look at me don't worry will be here when you fail
Prism: Branch
Boom: oh nice a cookie 😄 *eats the one Summer sneezed on* 😋
Branch: anyway not that I blame you for trying to cheat the cheat the system
Ivy: what *thinking* how can I cheat a system that I don't really know about
Branch: oh come on Ivy everyone knows that the King's apprentices have their wishes granted along with their families too if I didn't have so much bad luck I do this for my brothers
Luna: that's not always the case wait is it 🤔
Branch: wait a minute isn't your grandpa turning 100 today and still waiting
Luna: Ives just ignore him
Branch: not to mention that you're also going to be 18 soon
Boom: happy birthday 😄
Branch: in a few months not today 😒
Boom: oh ok 😄
Branch: and when you give your wish to the King you don't wanna to end up like Cosmo here do you
Cosmo: huh what's wrong with Cosmo here
Branch: I don't know you're kinda boring now no offense
Cosmo: have I become boring do you all think that
Everyone: *trying to avoid the question*
Ivy: don't worry Cosmo I bet you will still get your wish granted very soon
Branch: yeah but not everyone is lucky enough to have their wish granted in a month like Luna like your poor grandpa Gradient who's still waiting
Ivy: *blows some flour on Branch's face*
Branch: 😣
Then King Nightmare's wife Queen Amalthea arrived
Queen Amalthea: Ivy, the King is ready to interview you
Ivy: wait now am I late
Queen Amalthea: no you're fine the last interview
Queen Amalthea: ended early shall we
Luna: don't worry Ives you're going to be fine just don't touch anything and don't forget to curtsy
Branch: bye don't get your hopes up *Leaves falls on him*
Leaves: 😄
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