The realm of monsters
Then the two arrived on the island
Summer: you're sure this guy has your hook
John Dory: Tamatoa oh he'll have it he's a scavenger collect stuff thinks it makes him look cool *tries to feed Hei Hei*
Summer: and he lives up there *looks at the mountain*
John Dory: oh no, no no no that's just the entrance to Lalotai
Summer: wait the realm monsters were going to the realm of monsters
John Dory: we no me you are going to stay here with the other chicken 😆 give me some Mini JD
Mini JD: 😐
John Dory: come on that was a good one. How do you not get it? I called her chicken and there's a chicken on the boat I know she's a troll, but that's not the you know what Mini JD forget it forget it I'm not explaining it to you because then it's not funny
Then John Dory climbed up the mountain, and then he realized that Summer followed him anyways
John Dory: so daughter of the chief I thought you stayed in the village you know, kissing babies and stuff
Summer: 😑
John Dory: hey I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send how do I phrase this you
Summer: my people didn't send me the ocean did
John Dory: the ocean makes sense you're what eight can't sail obvious choice
Summer: *thinking* nice to know that sarcasm definitely runs in Branch's family *out loud* it chose me for a reason
John Dory: if the ocean so smart why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself? Or bring me my hook. The oceans straight up kooky dooks but I'm sure it's not wrong about you you're the chosen one
Summer: 🙄 *thinking* I better not get sarcastic comments from Branch when I get out of this story but I wish I knew why I was chosen by the ocean
Then Summer makes it up on top of the mountain where she sees the entrance to the realm of monsters and she has left her ponder. Why did the ocean chose her or why was she chosen in this story specifically
Summer: *thinking* the ocean chose me for a reason but why was I chosen
John Dory: if you start singing, I'm gonna throw up 😒
Summer: oh come on you know it's in a trolls dna to sing and besides I don't see a entrance
John Dory: yes, because it only appears after a troll sacrifice
Summer: *thinking* what is Cloud Guy trying to get me murdered 😨
John Dory: kidding 😆 so serious
Then John Dory started performing a chant in a language Summer never heard of and then he made, and after a pound he opens the entrance
John Dory: don't worry it's a lot further down and it looks
Summer: so helpful 😒
John Dory then jumped into the entrance
Summer: how do you fall for
Summer: ok you can do this
Then Summer jumped in, and they both enter the real monsters with John Dory, making a superhero like landing
John Dory: and he sticks the landing😄 huh
Mini JD: gives Summer another point on his scoreboard
John Dory: what dum dum she's not even here no mortal's gonna jump into the real of
Mini JD: ☝️
John Dory: huh
When Summer lands on John Dory, but then she ends up falling deeper into the realm
Mini JD: 😨
John Dory: well she's dead OK let's go get my hook
Then after Summer encountered multiple mass so she makes it to a cave
Summer: I hope everyone else is not almost dying in their stories *sees the fish hook* John Dory's fish hook
John Dory: yeah
Summer: *punches John Dory in the face* 🫢 sorry I thought you were a monster but I found your hook and you're right this Tamatoa guy really likes his treasure
John Dory: *places Summer outside*
Summer: what no I'm the one who found
John Dory: listen for 1000 years i'm only been thinking about keeping this hair silky getting my hook and being awesome again and it's not getting screwed up by a mortal who has no business inside a monster cave except 💡 except maybe as bait
Summer: *wearing shiny sea shells and is deadpan in her acting* wow, a shiny glittery cave and just like me it is covered in sparkly treasure sparkle sparkle 😒
John Dory: *whispering* you're not selling it
Summer: *whispering* this is stupid. I'm just gonna walk up and get it 😡
John Dory: you go up there he'll kill you just stick to the plan
Summer: *plays her drum* 😡
John Dory: oh when he shows up, keep him distracted make can talk about himself he loves bragging about how great he is
Summer: you two make get along swell 🙄
John Dory: no not since I ripped off his leg
Summer: you ripped off his *notices John Dory is gone* John Dory
Then Tamatoa wakes up and grab Summer
Summer: 😨
Tamatoa: what do we have here? It's a sparkly shiny wait a minute *takes off Summer's disguise* ugh it's a troll and not even a glitter troll at that what are you doing down here in the realm of the monsters? OK just pick an eye I can't concentrate on what I'm saying if you keep you're a funny looking thing, aren't you? *tries to grab Summer's necklace*
Summer: don't it's my grandma's 😡
Tamatoa: *mocking Summer* that's my grandma's I ate my grandma and it took a week because she was absolutely humongous
Summer: *thinking* great I'm going to deal with a cannibal I am going to have a word with Cloud Guy when I get back
Tamatoa: why are you here?
Summer: cause you're amazing and we mortals have heard of the tale of the crab, who became a legend and I just had to know how you became so crabulous 😅
Tamatoa: are you trying to get me to talk about myself because if you are, I will gladly do so in song form 😄
Summer: hey I got something shiny for you *shows something glowing green*
Tamatoa: the heart of Te Fiti you can't run from me
Then Summer runs with the object but then trips and drops it then she got John Dory's fishhook as Tamatoa was distracted by the chances of gain the heart
Summer: we gotta go
John Dory: but what about the heart
Summer: he can have it I've got a better one *shows that she has the actual heart*
And as soon as Tamatoa got the fake heart, he realized that that Summer actually got a barnacle and covered it in glowing green algae as a diversion then, John Dory and Summer make it to a geyser before Tamatoa can grab them in a rub, causing him to flip upside down as our heroes get on out of the realm of monsters
Tamatoa: hey hey did you like the song?
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