The campsite
Meanwhile Ablaze's friends were looking for him
Group: Ablaze Ablaze where are you
Branch: I hope we can find him before Vidar does
Hype: maybe he's lost
Branch: or he found something interesting
Trickee: come on are you guys nuts what can be more interesting than us
Branch, Hype and Trickee: 😨😨😨
Boom: hey what's everybody looking at 😨
Then everyone saw the campsite and the sight horrified Boom
Boom: THE HORROR 😫 its gruesome hide me *tries to bury himself*
Trickee: pull yourself together Boom these things aren't alive
Branch and Hype: 😆😆
Boom: umm I knew that 😳
All: Ablaze Ablaze Ablaze
Trickee: what kind of primitive beasts are responsible for this mess
Then Trickee sees a typewriter and is fascinated when he presses a key
Trickee: wow 🤩 hey guys come over here and look at this
Branch: what is that thing
Then Trickee continues to type and he and Branch are fascinated by the typewriter especially when it moves down the page until they heard Hype drop a plate
Hype: 😮
Trickee: hey Hype do it again do it again
Hype: *drops another plate* like this
Then Branch rips a page out of a book and the the four gorilla trolls started to make music by trashing the camp
And then Daisy and Ablaze make it to the camp
Daisy: no way gorilla trolls 🤩
And then Trickee spots Ablaze and the two hugged and stared to play around with each other
Daisy: he's one of them
And then the four friends were shocked to see Daisy and Ablaze tried to get Trickee to bond with Daisy but they were interrupted by the presence of Vidar
Daisy: oh my 😨
Vidar: *roars*
Daisy: 😫
But then Vidar ordered everyone to leave and while Ablaze wanted to stay he was nudged to leave by Ebba while Daisy's father and Creek found her
Mr. Porter: what happened Daisy we were looking for you
Daisy: oh my goodness daddy I was out walking then I saw a little baby monkey troll and I drew a picture then it started crying
Mr. Porter: poor baby
Daisy: but then I turned around, and there was a whole fleet of them a army of monkey trolls and suddenly I was swinging in the vines up in the air and daddy they took my boot *shows her foot that doesn't have a boot*
Mr. Porter: those were the ones I bought you
Daisy: I was saved by a flying wild jungle troll 😄
Creek: what is she talking about 🤨
Mr. Porter: I don't have a idea takes after her mother you know she'd come up with stories though not about jungle trolls
Daisy: oh and there were gorilla trolls
Both: gorilla trolls
Daisy: yes
Creek: you saw the gorilla trolls where
Daisy: he left with them 😕
Mr. Porter: who dear who
Daisy: Ablaze
Creek: Ablaze 🤨
Daisy: the ape troll *blushes while thinking about Ablaze*
Then Mr. Porter and Creek looked at each other with pure confusion
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