Rise of the new queen
While Rose was holding on everyone else fought of the Hyena trolls and Rose sees Cyclone
Cyclone: ah where have I seen this face before? 😈
Rose: 😨
Cyclone: oh I remember this was just the way your mother looked before she died
Then he digged his claws into Rose's hands just like he did with Queen Bloom
Cyclone: and here's my little secret *whispers* I killed Queen Bloom
Then Rose experiences flashbacks to the day her mother died and she got pulled herself up and tackled her uncle furious to know that he was her mother's killer the whole time with everyone watching
Everyone then walks up to see what is going on
Rose: tell them the truth Cyclone 😡
Cyclone: Rose the truth is in the eye of the beholder *gets choked by Rose* I killed Queen Bloom
Lion trolls: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
And all the lion trolls in the hyena trolls start, fighting one another other, and even Rosiepuff joined in on the fight and Guy Diamond and Sync were able to save Sandbar and Rose chased Cyclone until he was cornered
Rose: murderer 😡
Cyclone: Rose please please have mercy I beg you
Rose: you don't deserve to live 😡
Cyclone: but Rose I'm your family and it was the hyena trolls who are the real enemies
But without knowing it Barb, Riff and Carol heard Cyclone throwing them under the bus
Rose: why should I believe you everything you ever told me was a lie 😡
Cyclone: and what are you going to do you wouldn't kill your own uncle 😨
Rose: no Cyclone I'm not like you 😡
Cyclone: oh thank you Rose and what can I do for you
Rose: run away Cyclone and never return 😡
Then Cyclone tried to attack Rose again but she fought back and managed to push him off the Troll Tree where he sees the hyena trolls
Cyclone: oh my friends
Barb: friends I thought you said we were the enemy 😈
Riff: yeah that's what I heard
Both: Carol
Carol: *laughs like a maniac*
Then all of the trolls receded to kill Cyclone and Rose, takes her rightful place, as queen, of the Troll Tree where then she was hit with a flash of light and she wakes up back home
Poppy and Branch: Rose 😄😄
Rose: hey guys what happened I think I had a crazy dream where I was sucked into a book and I was turned into a lion troll and I met Branch's grandma by the way how's my mom
Poppy: I think she's fine
Branch: wait you saw my grandma I don't know why but sometimes I still miss her
Rose: hey if I learned anything from this it's that your grandma lives inside you Branch
Cloud Guy what a touching reunion guys
Poppy: wait you did what
Cloud Guy: calm down princess everyone else still needs to complete their stories speaking of which I gotta go see the red head
Then Cloud Guy enters the book
Poppy: where do you think Ablaze ended up in
Branch: I don't know but I hope he's safe
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