Ratted out
Later Ivy, Pepper and Leaves went home where Leaves described the mission to April
Ivy: grandpa, Skylar, Coral I managed to get your wishes I know that you said nobody should know their wishes but now you can make it happen
Skylar was in tears of joy to see that her wish was to have a family of her own and Coral was amazed to see that her wish was to help people in solving mysteries
Gradient: *sees his wish* it's so simple so pure 🥹
Isla: Ivy I know you think you're doing a good thing but
Gradient: I should have never given Nightmare my wish this belongs to me *puts the wish back inside himself*
Skylar, Isla and Coral: 😮😮😮
April: Gradient
Gradient: oh Ivy I may never actually inspire anybody but now at least I have a chance to try🥹
Ivy: mom Isla I'm going back for your wishes next
Pepper: and then we are going to everyone their wishes back
Then Nightmare enters the house and Leaves and Pepper hid and Ivy realizes that means one of her friends has ratted her out but knows it's not Luna since they are really close
King Nightmare: that's right Ivy you've been turned in
Ivy: *thinking* it must have been Branch I'm going to kill him 😡
King Nightmare: where is the star
(Hey that star has a name 😡)
Gradient: there's nothing here for you 😡
King Nightmare: what sorcery did you use Ives
Ivy: I used no sorcery
King Nightmare: you ripped a star from the sky and used it to steal from me
Ivy: the wishes don't belong to you 😡 you were never going to get my grandpa's wish and he deserves to have it back 😡 they all deserve to
King Nightmare: I told you I decide what they deserve
April: please your majesty she won't do it again
King Nightmare: I know she won't does this feel familiar April
Then he pulled out April's wish which was to see her daughters live their lives to its fullest
April: 😧 my wish
King Nightmare: yes your wish that you gave to me for safekeeping because we all know what happens to wishes out in this this real world 😈 they get crushed *crushes April's wish*
(🤬 you)
April: *feels a pain in her heart* 😣
Skylar, Isla, Coral and Ivy: mom 😨😨😨😨
And Nightmare discovered that by crushing April's wish it made his power stronger but then Pepper and Leaves fought back and they escape and find a boat and Pepper used his magic to make the oars work by themselves
Ivy: mom are you ok 😨
April: my heart knows this feeling this is grief
Ivy: mom I'm sorry I didn't mean for this to happen I never should've wished
Pepper: Ivy please 🥺
Ivy: it's true my wish has ruined everything for this family I just hope Luna is ok since her wish was already granted but everyone is at risk because of me 😔
Pepper: Ivy that's not true
April: Ivy everyone is at risk because of Nightmare
Gradient: Ivy your father's heart would break to know about this
Then Ivy realizes that she needs to make sure that her story needs to complete on a happy ending so she along with Pepper and Leaves head back so they can save everyone
Meanwhile Nightmare plans on making a staff to harness Pepper's power
King Nightmare: now for the most important ingredient the power of innocent three
Then he grabs the wishes of Trickee, Pearl and lady
King Nightmare: you three dare to question me and everything I do for you you don't deserve to be granted *crushes the three wishes*
Outside the castle
Trickee: 😣
Chase: big brother 😨
Lyra: 😨
Trickee: I feel such sadness
Pearl: 😣
Hype, Chord and Harp: Pearly 😨😨😨
Lady: 😣
Lady's husband: 😨
King Nigtmare: yes 😈
Queen Amalthea: 😨
King Nightmare: Amalthea, Darling come come you're just in time to meet my new toy now I'm much more powerful am I glowing
Queen Amalthea: how could you you know the ways of forbidden magic are
(Girl you deserve better)
King Nightmare: unappreciated much like I am by my own people by that girl she did this she pulled a star from the sky to destroy everything that I built
Queen Amalthea: Ivy no she only wanted her family's wishes back
King Nightmare: *points his staff at his wife* do you side with the traitor Amalthea 😡
(Girl go get the divorce papers)
Queen Amalthea: no no 😨 you know that I would never side with a traitor of Rosas I have believed in you from the moment we met we built this kingdom together there is nothing more important than that
(Leave him and side with Ivy)
King Nightmare: wonderful
And they leave to go grant the wish of the person who ratted out Ivy
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