Meanwhile across the ocean Prism wakes up in a forest and sees that she a simple teal dress
Prism: where am I
Cloud Guy: hey Prim
Prism: my name is Prism and where am I
Cloud Guy: well I sucked you and your friends into different stories and you are a daughter of the chief of the Indian trolls
Prism: and how do I get back
Cloud Guy: all you have to do is complete your story and you will be straight home and to make sure you don't cheat the system I did a couple things to your memory
Prism: what are you talking about *sees that Cloud Guy is gone* rude much
Poppy: hey Prism
Prism: oh hey Poppy
Poppy: want to go diving 😄
Prism: sure
Poppy: let's go 😄
Then the two girls ran to see the as the rest of the Indian trolls were coming as well as they saw Chief Jet and many warriors come home
Peppy: welcome home Chief Jet
Chief Jet: it's good to be back Peppy every the trolls of the east are defeated with the help of our brothers our villages are safe again
Indian Trolls: YAY 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
Peppy: your return has brought much joy to the village look at all those smiling faces
Indian Trolls: *having loving family reunions*
Chief Jet: but there's still one smiling face I haven't seen yet where is my daughter?
Peppy: you know Prismhontas she has her mother's spirit she goes wherever the wind takes her
Meanwhile at the cliff
Prism: *feeling the wind*
Then Prism sees her cousin Tracy
Tracy: Prismhontas your father is back come down here
Poppy: *heads towards Prism's boat*
Then Prism sees her pet hedgehog Ritmo
Ritmo: nice 👍
Prism: come on Ritmo
Then she and Ritmo see Prism's grinchila Pastel enjoying some berries
Pastel: 🍎😋
Ritmo: *grabs the fruit and his spikes*
Pastel: hey
Prism: come on Pastel
Then Prism runs and dives off the cliff
Tracy: no not that way 😨
Poppy: go Prism 😄
Prism: *dives in the water*
Tracy: show off 😒
Ritmo: well at least she made it
Pastel: now to do the same *jumps off*
Ritmo: Pastel 😨 *accidentally falls off*
Then they both land in the water
Tracy: Prism you better be ready because I'm not coming in after you
Then Prism tips the boat over causing Tracy and Poppy to fall in the water
Tracy: don't you think we're getting a little old for these games?
Poppy: we're never too old and besides we should enjoy our youth while we still can
Then the girls started to play fight with each other and Ritmo accidentally gets himself stuck on the boat
Tracy: what were you two doing?
Prism: thinking
Pastel: *shakes off the water*
Tracy: about that dream again have you figured it out yet?
Prism: I know I mean something I just don't know what
Poppy: hey you're not the only one I have been having dreams of seeing a troll who is blue with blue hair and blue eyes but that doesn't fit the description of any of the trolls here
Tracy: Prism you should ask your father about it
Prism: maybe I should 🤔 come on Ritmo *pulls Ritmo out of the water* quit playing around
Ritmo: what
And so Tracy, Prism and Poppy headed back home, where chief jet was was honoring all the warriors that fought
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